I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2701: Back to Jincheng again (2)

After a simple lunch, Jin Shangyu also continued to lead the crowd all the way. Because there was no defensive pressure, the mood of the crowd was very relaxed, and some even hummed a little song while walking.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu did not follow everyone else. After all, he, the lord of the domain, is returning to his central city, and there are still many people waiting for him here. There are his most beloved people and his best. Believe brother!

"Jin Shangyu, why don't you relax with them!"

"Beauty, why, brother can't be with you!"

"Poor mouth! There are people in front! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, these guys' minds are already in Jin Cheng, how can they hear the conversation between us! Let's say, after entering the city, what are you going to do!"

"Master Jin, it seems that this girl is a guest! How can there be such a question? Is it a bit abrupt?"

"Yes, you are good, don't ask! But this time you have to enjoy the beauty of Jin Cheng! You know that not everyone has the opportunity to come here!"

"Jin Shangyu, you are poor! To your kid, you should know that going home is an extremely complicated thing!" While speaking, Murong Yuyan also showed a very strange look at the moment.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu is a little confused about the situation, after all, Murong Yuyan's words still have some meaning.

"Mother, you girl, what does this girl want to say! It's Jin Cheng's business, or Lao Tzu's housework! By the way, it must be housework. After all, there are too many beauties in Jin's house. This son really doesn't know how to deal with it!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu realized the meaning of Murong Yuyan's words, the whole person also became a little bit troubled.

Of course, this was only a momentary event. After a while, Mr. Jin also returned to his previous happy mood again.

"Jin Shangyu, I really didn't expect that your ability to control your emotions is getting stronger and stronger now! Thinking about it, this girl thought you would think about it for a while!"


"No! You should know the things that are not easy to solve!"

"Really, you, don't you mean the affairs of Jin's house?"

"Think what you want, anyway, you said it yourself!" For a while, after Jin Shangyu directly mentioned some very sensitive topics, Murong Yuyan stopped talking.

And in the following time, everyone was walking and chatting, especially Zhuifeng and a group of strong men had long become real good brothers.

"Brother Zhuifeng, I have really convinced you this time by Beihai Sanxiong! Tell me, what kind of water do you want to learn! As long as we can, we will tell you!"

"Hahaha, thank you three brothers for that son! In fact, in the water, I also know some three-legged cat skills! It's just not comparable to the three brothers!"

"Oh, it turns out that you, the commander, still has some basic underwater skills! Well, since this is the case, then it will be easier for you to understand the uniqueness of our practice!"

"Mother, what's the situation! It turns out that underwater kungfu also has techniques! How is this possible!" Although he did not participate in the dialogue between several people, Jin Shangyu at this moment was still thinking quickly in his heart. He said that fighting underwater is just the quality of water, there is no way to get water!

However, the current Beihai Sanxiong can be regarded as a lesson for Jin.


Here, Jin Shangyu and his group are still moving forward quickly, but at this moment, in Jin Chengzhi, the central combat room is already full of human heads, and the atmosphere is abnormal.

"You guys, if you call everyone here today, it's actually nothing big, just want to know what you really think!"

"General Ge, you, please speak directly if you have something! I'll just wait and listen!"

"Okay! Speaking of which, you are all generals in the Jin Jun! It should be said that anyone who takes out any one can lead the army in battle!"

"Well, I said General Ge, or you can just say it!"

"Okay! Since Master Li Zhao nodded, the old man spoke directly!" At a certain moment, when Li Zhao's voice just fell, Ge Feng, who was standing in the middle position, took another step forward.

In front of him, there are dozens of generals standing.

Of course, there is also a person standing slowly beside Ge Feng. That person is not someone else, but Li Zhao, one of Jin Cheng's main leaders.

"General Ge, you are Jin Jun's mainstay, just say anything!"

"Fine! In fact, I call you here to know how you understand things in the north!"

"We guess that's the same thing! In the end, we will think that things in the north will still change! After all, they didn't attack our allies!"

"The final general disagrees to watch the changes! Now the things in the north seem to be that the Jie people are attacking the Tuoba Xianbei tribe, but no one knows what happened there! To be honest! Even the Huns move. After we got the news, we learned later!"

"This, this, what you said is somewhat reasonable! But in the end, are we still beyond our reach! If we send troops, it will inevitably cause drastic changes around Huayu! On the contrary, if we don't send troops, just wait and see the changes, it is really possible for the Jie people The north is getting stronger and stronger!" As he spoke, Ge Feng at the moment actually stated his point of view.

Of course, his view means that there is no real plan or order yet.

In this way, because of Ge Feng's proposal, Jin Jun's generals, including some counsellors, also expressed their thoughts one after another.

It's just that what made Li Zhao and Ge Feng more difficult to do still happened, that is, among all the speakers, two points of view were summed up, namely sending troops and not sending troops.

"Brother Ge, you have heard it, and you have seen it. The current point of view is divided into two! Even me, I don't have any ideas! After all, things in the north are too tricky now! And the most terrible thing is, We don’t understand what is happening in real time!"

"Yeah! What Brother Li said! Just now, they also made it very clear! Now that they have retreated, the two of us are left. We should discuss it again!"

"This, this, or just wait, I believe Shang Yu will be back soon!"

"Hope! If he doesn't return today and tomorrow, our brothers will make up their minds! After all, not deciding is a failure!" In fact, Ge Feng and Li Zhao at this moment have already revealed a touch A sad look.

After all, it is really difficult for them to choose.

In the first place, this northern matter, just like General Jin Jun said, it is true that the Jie people did not attack Murong Xianbei and Duan! Come on second? Even if the two of them can make up their minds to send troops to the north, who can use them to attack, how to dispatch them, if the Huns also use troops at the same time, how to deal with everything, they really didn't think about it!

However, just as these two had their own things in their hearts and were slightly depressed, one person walked outside the combat command center.

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