I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2699: Bury the hatchet!

Looking at Jin Bufan who was gone, Jin Shangyu was also full of thoughts.

After all, for him as a traverser, everything in the past is too incredible. Not to mention the former labor in the palace, nor to mention that some good things have been achieved by the previous mistakes, just say that Jin's conquer the Death Forest this time, the contingency contained in it is very large.

"Well, I don't know what the future world will look like now! Alas, poor Jin Shangyu, poor man in science, a **** big chip experiment!" At a certain moment, shortly after Jin Bufan left, Jin was also in his heart. Think of a lot of things.

It's just that for him, even if there are too many memories and memories before, it is useless, because living in the present is more important than anything else.

There was no word for a night, and when the morning sun slowly fell the next morning, the discussion hall in Pingyang City also became lively again.

"Come and come, the commander of the wind, I really didn't expect that your light method just solved the bottleneck of the old man for many years! It seems that you are the old man's noble person!"

"Brother joked. Actually, it's just a light-weight exercise! To be honest, even if you throw it in front of everyone, there are not many that can really understand it! Since brother can help , Can it be considered destined to it!"

"The commander is joking! In fact, at the beginning, we didn't even think that you would really say how you can be lighter!"

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are surprised here! Don't worry, in Jincheng, it's not right, it should be for my boss, all resources can be shared! Do you understand this!" The chasing wind at this moment also laughed, after all, this feeling still made him very happy.

In other words, because Jin Shangyu competed with Zhuifeng's physical skills, it also exposed their skills to many powerful people.

That is, there, some people said casually, and this sentence really played a role, not only got the way of chasing the wind, but also got timely guidance from Jin.

And such an outcome is simply not understandable by the powerful. Maybe in their world, all the exercises are very self-conscious things, even the master and apprentice may have to go through many tests before they can be taught.

Here, early in the morning, Zhuifeng was chatting with a group of strong men, and at this moment, Mo Jingtian also changed his clothes, and his whole person became much more easygoing.

Speaking of it, he is now the guardian of Pingyang City.

"Brother Mo early!"

"Chasing the wind, you are very diligent! But the old man still said that. Sometimes, I still have to bring the old man!"

"Brother Mo, you are personally directed by our boss, do you still need a little brother!"

"Boy, what are you talking about! The old man is the kind of person who doesn't want to learn! Not to mention you, even if a few of them take out their exercises, the old man will still practice well!"

"No, brother, you, you are trying to get everyone's good things out!"

"Then, that, you guys, don't think too much. It's just a rush, the old man doesn't mean that!" At a certain moment, seeing that the expressions of the strong men had changed a little, Mo Jingtian also realized what had happened, so he did nothing. Possible explanation.

At this moment, the leader of the chasing wind is very happy. While laughing, he also cast his eyes on the entrance of the hall.

There, but seeing a person walking in swift steps, who could not be Jin Bufan!

"Zhifeng has seen Big Brother Jin!"

"I've seen Great General Jin!"

"Well, you guys, don't get out of sight anymore! Hurry up and sit down, let's have a good chat too! Chasing the wind, you, if you are willing to teach, will you continue to teach them! It just so happens that the old man and General Mo have something to say I want to say!"

auzw.com "This, this, good, guys, or let's go out and check it out!" For a while, just as Jin Bufan's voice just fell, Chaifeng also understood the other party Mind, so it quickly brought a group of powerful out of the discussion hall.

At this time, in the huge conference hall, apart from the long and boring tables and chairs, there were only two generals standing there.

"Why, General Jin wants to talk to the old man!"

"Hahaha, of course I have to talk about it, who told us heroes to see the same thing!"

"Hahaha, Brother Jin is right! Based in Pingyang City, it is indeed a good idea!"

"Brother Mo joked! In fact, this is what Li Zhao and General Ge meant!"

"Okay, Brother Jin, no matter how big our grievances were before! I believe it will disappear invisibly under the resolution of Mr. Jin!"

"Well said! Today, I, Jin Bufan, will call you Big Brother Mo from my heart!" While talking, at this moment, Jin Bufan also clasped his fists at Mo Jingtian while smiling.

Facing such a Jin Bufan, Na Mo Jingtian was a little surprised, after all, these two were a pair of real opponents from the beginning! One person alone guards the city of Pingyang, and one person owns the death forest. However, they are now part of Jin Jun.

"Good, good! Since Brother Jin has such a belly, Shaking Tian will definitely treat each other as brothers in the future!"

"Okay! Kim also thinks like this! Then, I don't know what Jingtian brother is going to do next!"

"Brother Jin, you are referring to the North matter! It is actually very simple. As long as the lord makes the decision, we can act!"

"Oh, what action and how?"

"Send troops to attack Yuwen City!" As he spoke, Mo Jingtian at the moment actually showed a very strange look.

"Mother, you damn, let people not sleep! I studied such a scary topic early in the morning! Forget it, the two generals of the other people have alleviated their grievances, and it will be no good if I don't show up again!" At a certain moment, just as Jin Bufan and Mo Jingtian were laughing and feuding, Jin Shangyu also heard it sincerely.

The next moment, he got up quickly.

"Um, two brothers, or else, keep your voice down, after all, someone is still resting!"

"Boy, you are finally up!"

"No, that, you two, when you talk, you almost become the same!"

"Okay, Shang Yu, we need to study some business matters when we get up! I believe you heard it too! I don't know what the proposal of our old brothers is going to be!" At this moment, Jin Bufan and Mo Jingtian also turned their eyes on Jin Shangyu who had just arrived in the middle of the hall.

After hearing the questions of these two people, Jin Shangyu did not rush to answer, but only smiled as a response.

"Shang Yu, in fact, attacking Yuwen Dacheng is also our common idea! As for this opinion, you can bring it to Jin Cheng and let General Ge and Li Zhao help them analyze it!"

"Brother Jin, brother understand!"

"You kid, just understand! In fact, our attack on Yuwen City is not the purpose! The purpose is to disrupt the overall strategy of the Jie people! Whether they are sincerely trying to attack the Tuoba Xianbei tribe, or have other unspeakable plans! When we use Yuwen City with soldiers, then Li Yin will inevitably ask for help from the highest level of the Jie people! At that time, it will not only relieve the pressure on the Tuoba Xianbei tribe, but also make the Jie people unable to respond from the beginning to the end!"

"Two elder brothers, this analysis is good! But, what if the Huns send troops to help the Jie people! You know, the Yuanshan old thief is a great military commander of the two big forces!" Jin Shangyu also expressed his thoughts.


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