I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2691: Something in the North (5)

At a certain moment, as the twilight became more and more dimmed, the entire Jin Jun mixed team also entered a relatively relaxed time period.

Because at this moment, they have already entered the control area of ​​the death forest. There, the outpost sent out to get in touch with the secret post stationed there.

"Report, report to General Mo! Just now, we have already made contact with the people in the forest! They said that General Jin Bufan is not here!"

"Oh, General Jin is not here! Then, where is he now!"

"If you go back to the general, according to them, General Jin has stayed in Jincheng!"

"Okay! I see! You can clear the way ahead! Tell them the lord is here, and the army will enter the forest now!"

"That, wait a minute! Brother Mo, don't tell them that I am here! After all, that will affect the defense situation here! Let's go, let's go in and rest the night too! We can rush to Pingyang City tomorrow morning!"

"This, this, okay, just listen to the lord! You guys do it!" I wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Jin Shangyu's words like this, Mo Jingtian finally chose to obey.

In the following time, the army also slowly entered the hinterland of the Death Forest. There, Jin Shangyu also felt a huge change. He even felt a familiar breath, that man was no one else but the great inventor Wei Yu.

"Mother, you shit, that's really interesting! It seems that this kid must have come to build the death forest! That's right, what my big brother wants to see most is the prosperity of the death forest!" When Jin Shangyu released his strong perception while walking, he also discovered some new situations.

Of course, here, they are absolutely safe. After all, the current Death Forest is already connected with Binh Duong City.

"That, lord, now we are in the woods! Do we have to move on!"

"No need! I believe that in a while, Jin Buyu, Li Mu and others will come over, as long as the army is handed over! We have completed the task! Of course, the results of this line can be temporarily stored here! When to use it, come and pick it up again!"

"The old man understands! It's just that we stop in the outer forest, will they be unwilling! After all, your identity is quite special!"

"It's okay! What's special or not, are they actually brothers! Look, they seem to be here!" At a certain moment, as Jin Shangyu and Mo Jingtian were talking, two fast horses were also roaring.

Of course, the people who came were the highest commanding generals in the Death Forest. They were Jin Buyu and Li Mu.

"The final general Jin Buyu sees the lord!"

"The last general Li Mu has seen the lord! I don't know if the lord will come, if you missed it, please forgive me!

"Come and come, the two generals please hurry up! Don't meet outside! Are we all good brothers! Actually, I don't want to tell you just because I am afraid it will affect the situation here!"

"How could this happen! The lord comes, but it's a happy event here! If my eldest brother is here, he will definitely welcome him out!"

"General Fuyu, don't you say that! If my elder brother is here, he won't be able to work hard!" At a certain moment, after everyone met, the whole scene seemed very comfortable.

After all, the communication between oneself will reveal a small sense of happiness. Especially the soldiers who have lived in the dead forest for a long time, they are very fond of their lord.


"Master, you just came here! We still have a lot of things to report to you!"

"Oh, what the **** is going on! General Buyu, please tell me!"

"Lord, just this month, bad news came from the north!"

"Oh, it's about the North again! Tell me, how much do you know!" Although Jin Shangyu is very concerned about the North, he still suppressed his emotions and asked slowly.

Perhaps it was because Jin Shangyu and Mo Jingtian were feeling anxious, so Jin Buyu at this moment was also very direct.

"Don't hide it from the lord, just before, reliable news came from the north! That Jie Ren actually wanted to start Tuoba's family!"

"You, you mean that the Jie people are going to attack the Tuoba Xianbei tribe! How is this possible? In terms of strength comparison, the Tuoba Xianbei tribe should be the most powerful! Even if the Jie people use soldiers, the biggest attack target is the Murong clan! "

"This terminal general is not too clear! But this is the general information! Of course, also because of these things, Jin Cheng's Lord Li Zhao and Ge Feng also ordered us to strengthen our defenses and be prepared to deal with unpredictable wars! "

"It turned out to be like this! Okay! I know! So, what are you doing now!" After a little understanding of Northern Intelligence, Jin Shangyu also asked again.

In the following time, Jin Buyu and Li Mu also talked about the military training and economic construction in the Death Forest. Especially when it comes to Wei Yu's assistance in building a death forest, the two of them are obviously a little excited and excited.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that this stinky boy would really start his hands! Well, if that's the case, let him decorate the Death Forest! After all, the people here also need a good living environment!"

"I've waited to thank the lord for the great kindness!"

"No, that, you two guys! You both said don’t be so polite, but you just don’t listen! Okay, you have to say it, and you will know when things happen, can you rest! Tomorrow we will return to Pingyang City! As for the more than 50,000 troops here, you two will control them together!"

"This, this, it's not good! After all, these sergeants are all Jin Cheng fine tax power!"

"Okay, don't worry, I'll let the wind take over with you two for a while! In fact, we are now a family, as long as the soldiers and horses of Huayu are stationed in the same place! After all, we do not lack food. "While speaking, Jin Shangyu laughed loudly at the moment.

About a quarter of an hour later, Chasing Wind also completed the handover of the army, and in the following time, Jin Shangyu also had a short meeting in a newly built house.

The rough meaning is who stays here, who can return to Pingyang City. Another thing is to study and analyze the situation in the North!

"Master, you, you don't have to worry about the old man. In fact, it's okay for me to stay here to recover from my injuries! No need to rush to Pingyang City!"

"Brother Yi, you, after all, you still have injuries on your body. You are recuperating here. I'm afraid this environment will affect your recovery plan!"

"It's okay! It's really okay! The lord also knows that without the erosion of toxins, I believe that in another half a month, the old lady can fully recover!"

"This, this, okay, since Brother Yi insists, then, then you can stay here! But can't you move around? We must treat injuries everywhere!"

"The old man thanked the lord for his concern!" At this moment, because Jin Shangyu wanted to take good care of Yi Jianzi from his heart, the latter was also very moved.

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