I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2687: Something in the North (1)

On the northern edge of Fenshaling, in front of a dark valley, three people stood opposite each other. Standing in the middle was the poison master Liu Haiyun. And because of his unique methods of poisoning, he was taken by the people in the Tianyuan restricted area.

"Well, I said Liu Haiyun, even though you are a guest of the adult, you even became a registered disciple of his old man! But at this Taniguchi, our brothers can only do it according to the adult's arrangement! Even if you passed it. There are many levels behind our brother's level. You won't really enter the Tianyuan restricted area!"

"Yeah! Our brothers can say such things, in fact, they have fancy your identity, as someone else, we have already been killed on the spot at this moment!"

"This, this, Haiyun would like to thank the two adults here! It's just that there is really important information to report to the adults! Are the two adults going to let this information lose its original value!"

"You, you are so unreasonable, our brothers have said so, and you are still talking nonsense here! If so, then don't blame our brothers for being ruthless! If you retreat, don’t retreat, you will be at your own risk!" The **** masked blood guard was already angry, ready to launch a thunderous blow.

Faced with this new situation, Liu Haiyun also complained in his heart. After all, if he really fights with the opponent, it is estimated that a few rounds will be the result of death on the spot.

Of course, if he fights hard, it will be difficult for the two blood guards in front of him to retreat all over his body, after all, his ability to use poison has already reached a very scary point.

"Um, two adults, since you said that, let's not pass it here. However, you should know that Jin Jun this time is not trivial. Some of them may have already broken through the realm!"

"What, what did you say! Say it clearly!"

"No need! Anyway, you have to abide by the rules of the Tianyuan restricted area. If you forcibly enter it, it will be considered against your intentions! Don't live here!"

"Stop, you, you can't go!" At this moment, just as Liu Haiyun's figure was about to unfold and was about to leave, the two figures had already intercepted his retreat route.

And the scene that appeared next made Liu Haiyun amused.

But after seeing the two figures standing firm, he raised his hand to stop Liu Haiyun.

"You can't go! You know this kind of thing is too important, if you let you go, our brother is also negligent! So you should make it clear, otherwise you really won't be able to leave here safely!"

"You, you dare to threaten me! Is this your way of doing things! In fact, you only need to know that this matter is very serious! As for the specific content, even if you want to say it next, you dare to listen!"

"You, what are you doing!"

"Second, don't talk! He's right, we don't need to annoy him! Since you want to go in, then go in! However, the old man also reminds you that now the adults are not in the Tianyuan restricted area at all!"

"What, you, you mean that the adults are not here! This, how is this possible, you know, the adults were still here when they arranged the task before!" For a while, because I didn't believe the other party's words, Liu Haiyun at this moment It also seemed a bit agitated, and the emotional changes were also drastic.

Maybe it was because Liu Haiyun’s reaction was a little too big, maybe the two men in black wanted to say something more, in short, just when Liu Haiyun’s voice fell, one of the two said slowly. : "Liu Haiyun! You already know a lot of things, so you should know the rules here!"

"What's the rules! Why don't you know it!"

"You, are you pretending to be a fool! The rule here is that people who know something important can't leave until the adults let it go!"

"You, you actually want to put me under house arrest! Stop playing, the deity is leaving now!"


"Can't go, because you know too much! Even if your identity is rather special, our brothers dare not risk letting you go!" At one point, when Liu Haiyun started to leave, two swords Qi has already locked him on the move.

"You, you will delay major events if you do this!"

"Liu Haiyun, our brothers know that you are a master of poison, so you should know what to do and what not to do now!"

"You are forcing me!"

"No way! Maybe in a few days, the adults will return from the northwest, but I don't know!" At the end, even Liu Haiyun, who was preparing to fight back, was shocked, and even his prepared venom attack disappeared. Invisible.

In this way, knowing that something big might happen, Liu Haiyun also gave up his full resistance at this moment, and the whole person followed the two blood guards in front of him slowly towards the valley.

Along the way, after some conversation, Liu Haiyun also felt more and more serious.

"Two adults, now that I have agreed to go with you, you should say some things more clearly!"

"You, what do you want to know!"

"I don't want to know too much, but it's better to tell me where Master Yuan is now!"

"This is not something you should know! You know, if you know too much, you might endanger your life! Such a simple truth, I believe Brother Haiyun will understand!"

"Hahaha, right? Actually, don’t you tell me, I also know some, Yuan Master must be in the base camp of the Jie people now!" At the end, even the two leading blood guards were surprised. What to say.

"You, you still know this! How is this possible!"

"Of course I know. In fact, our Master Yuan is still the great military master of Jieren!"

"You, who are you! Why do you know so much!"

"Two adults, of course I am Liu Haiyun, the registered disciple of Master Yuan! But you don't know that these things were told by Master Yuan!" At the end, Liu Haiyun also showed a touch of relative pride at the moment. Smile.

In the next time, it may be that Liu Haiyun's identity was more special, so the two of them also told some relatively sensitive things.

"Don't be concealed, Brother Haiyun, this time it was because something happened in the north! And the reason for the Lord's past was to deal with this!"

"What do you mean! Why do you say that something is happening in the north! What kind of offensive is the Jie people going to launch!"

"It's not too much difference! It's just that this time, I just don't know which force will become their dead soul!"

"Jie people actually want to have a plan in the north, that goal is also easy to guess, either Murong family or Tuoba family! It is even possible to directly deal with Murong family and Duan family!" The cloud is no longer speaking.

The reason for this behavior is that he is already very confident in his judgment. At this moment, the two Huns' blood guards had some emotional changes. After all, they had never thought of the so-called blood guards in front of them. Such an understanding of the big man who made them afraid to speak loudly!

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