I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2685: Reinforcement came (ten)

The night is still dreamlike, and the entire woodland is also controlled by tens of thousands of troops. The light of the bonfire like a star is even more exotic and exotic to decorate the night here.

At this time, most of the sergeants have entered their dreamland one after another, but Jin Shangyu has not rested yet, because he still has his own task to complete, and that is accompanied by the northern lady Murong Yuyan.

"Why, I don't think I have been with this girl during this time! I still want to say something!"

"Well, let's not bring such a direct one! Come on, the small tent is already ready, and the beauties can have good night!"

"Prince Jin, you, you are good on this point, and the topic has changed quickly! But let alone, it is a very happy thing to have a small tent here! Okay! Good night! "While speaking, Murong Yuyan at this moment actually slowly entered the small tent that Jin had just set up.

On the other hand, Jin Shangyu at this moment did not move halfway, but sat alone in front of the small tent, playing with the campfire in front of him, while muttering to himself.

"Now this situation is getting more and more interesting. The Huns have actually begun to attack the imperial capital many times. It seems that the dynasty of the Western Jin Dynasty is about to fall completely! However, I can't do nothing at all! The imperial city, you Just wait for Lao Tzu's arrival!" Although I got some new information from the mouth of the chasing wind, on the surface Jin Shangyu did not have any major mood swings, but in the end, there are some things that make Jin Shangyu think a lot.

Just like the current general trend, although on the whole, Jin Shangyu's trip to the desert has achieved a phased victory, and even said that this time the harvest can build Jin Jun’s financial foundation, but if you are happy or not, no one can guess. Not what Jin thinks.

After all, the latter is a man of science and engineering from modern society.

The night is long, but the darkness before dawn has not withstood the sunshine. When the early morning time started, the entire Jin Jun was already swiftly moving. Some people buried their pots for cooking, some went out to be on guard, and some were idle and humming a little song. In short, the early morning here is like a picture scroll, all-inclusive. , No one can think of things.

"Jin Shangyu, you won't be sitting here for most of the night! If that's the case, this girl would be a little bit embarrassed! After all, this small tent belongs to Mr. Jin!"

"Beauty, how is your sleep! Look at your face, you should not have enough sleep!"

"Poor mouth, say you! I really stayed up all night!"

"Forget it! But, look at this young man's spirit, no one here can match it!"

"That's right, who told you Lord Jin to have many secrets!"

"Beauty, let's not bring such a thing, okay, what you say is what you say! Come on, this son is going to put away the small tent, after all, this thing is your Dongdong Miss Murong!" At a certain moment, just When Jin's voice just fell, even he himself felt a little wrong.

"You, are you sure this little tent belongs to this girl!"

"No, no! Actually, my son wants to say that this tent is yours if you are there!"

"You, you finally told the truth! Okay, I won't tell you, they are all here! I guess they want to study how to go next!" This time, although someone Jin wants to know Murong Yu The meaning of Yan's words was that the latter did not give him a chance at all, because at the moment, the old man Duanbu, Mo Jingtian, Zhuifeng and others had already walked slowly over.

"Hahaha, it turns out that eldest brother is still studying major issues! It seems that we are here too late!"

"Boy, are you looking for a fight now!"


"Look for a fight, even if it's a fight, do you dare to fight! Watch out my little report that I beat you, brother!"

"Poor mouth, hurry up and get the business! Duan Lao, Brother Mo, look at what this kid is like now!" While teasing with Zhuifeng, Jin Shangyu greeted several people to sit down.

In this way, because of the arrival of the old man Duanbu, Mo Jingtian and others, everyone once again sat on the grass.

At this time, a sergeant had already unfolded a military sketch.

"Shang Yu, you see, we are now about a hundred miles away from Fenshaling, and at least more than two hundred miles from our border area! Although the actual controller here is still the Huns, our army is here now. , It also changed the situation of the enemy and ourselves here!"

"Big Brother Mo is right! I don't know, Brother Mo has any thoughts!"

"Shang Yu, in fact, we should actually do some things here, such as operating it as a military base!"

"No, I think it's still a bit early! First, we are too far away from here, and the Huns can attack here from time to time! Secondly, the current trend is a chaotic world! And in the chaotic world, it is. Be steady and steady!"

"That, the old man also said a few words, in fact, Shang Yu's idea is very good! I support Shang Yu's idea!"

"This, this, General Mo, Zhefeng also feels that now is not the time! From the standpoint of opportunity, now is indeed the best time. After all, the Huns have just returned from a major defeat, but we still have no foundation! A barren area, use a lot of logistical support power!" For a while, everyone is also expressing their views on how to dispose of the existing control area.

After about a quarter of an hour, everyone also unified their thoughts, that is, to give up here first, and then look for a good time later.

"Everyone, since everyone has agreed, then I will talk about the march plan for the next stage!"

"Brother Mo, you can issue the order! Before, everyone thought in their hearts, and there is no other meaning!"

"Master, I will understand! Now is the time to give orders, so let the old man call you Master!"

"This, this, okay!" Although Jin Shangyu wanted to explain a few words, after hearing Mo Jingtian's words, he didn't say much.

After all, Jin still understands what kind of character his big brother has.

In the next few days, Mo Jingtian also roughly revealed his marching plan for the next few days.

"First, we must enter Huayu as quickly as possible! Only when we return to our own place can we be considered safe! Second, we must treat injured sergeants during the march! This is very important! This morning I was about to walk around and found that many of the wounded were very serious. If they were not treated in time, there would be new non-combat attrition!"

"Brother Mo said well! Let's talk about it!"

"The lord, there is also the most important point, and that is how to deal with the current situation! Although this kind of matter is a major issue for the lord, we should plan early now. After returning to Jincheng, we can discuss with Li Zhao Make the necessary communication in order to come up with a perfect response!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu and others admired Mo Jingtian's marching strategy, the latter also said what was in his heart.

Just as Mo Jingtian said, this kind of thing really seems to be something Jin Shangyu should have planned earlier.

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