I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2682: Reinforcement came (7)

However, just as Jin Shangyu was about to launch a thunderous blow, the opponent's hand also had another small bottle, and in the next second, he flew to someone Jin.

"My son, go back! There is venom in the bottle!"

"It's just a little trick! You dare to use it in front of my son! Liu Haifeng, you just wait to go to hell!"

"Jin Shangyu, I really didn't expect that your physical strength would have reached this point! Well, if that is the case, then Ben General will let you go for a while! If you let Ben General see in the future, you will definitely take your life!" Very hard words, but in the eyes of Jin Shangyu and Yi Jianzi, Liu Haifeng's figure has become smaller and smaller.

"My son, don't worry about me, you will catch him and kill him! With him, our people will be threatened!"

"Good, good! Elder Yi wait a while, and you guys have to protect him!" Knowing that time is not waiting, Jin Shangyu at this moment also quickly launched Shenfa and chased Liu Haifeng in the direction he was fleeing.

However, just as Jin Shangyu flew out less than a hundred feet away, a misty voice came slowly.

"City Lord Jin Shangyu, No. I should call you Lord Jin Dayu! In fact, it is useless if you run over. Even if you kill Ben General, the guy named Yi will accompany Lao Tzu on the road! After all, you should know What will the heartburn taste like!"

"You, you **** fellow!"

"Why, stop chasing! At your speed, as long as you fly a few more times, you can catch the general! Why, dare not! It seems that you are really a good brother! No more, let's not say, I should go back to my old business!"

"You, your actions today will definitely get retribution! Of course, if you have time, this son will go to your brothers to settle the accounts! Even if your second child has handed over all the poison formulas, this son will also I won't accept his love! Because his poison hurt my brother's brother!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu was not staying at the moment, and the whole person turned and retreated.

"Hahaha, what a Jin Shangyu, he is really a man of love and righteousness! No matter, whether you can save the surname Yi depends on the destiny!" At a certain moment, it was in a woodland that was not too dense. In the meantime, a shadow flew away towards the northwest.

Here, Liu Haifeng finally escaped from Jin Shangyu's pursuit by some means, and at this moment, Jin had already arrived in front of Yi Jianzi in a hurry.

"Brother Yi, you, are you okay! Come on, let Shang Yu see if the treatment is late, not only will this arm be abolished, I'm afraid I will really leave my life here!"

"My son, you, why are you back? Don't listen to him, what is the old man's fortune-telling! If you can exchange one life with him, the old man still thinks he has earned it!"

"Brother, you just need to say a few words less! What a life for life! Even if it is the life of a **** in exchange for the life of brother, this son will not agree!"

"My son, you, why are you so troublesome! You know, this kind of venom is not something we can untie! In addition, Liu Haifeng also said that this kind of venom is difficult even for Liu Haiyun himself!"

"Really, let this young man come and have a look!" After checking Yi Jianzi's injuries a little bit, Jin Shangyu quickly read the method of dispensing Liu Haiyun to him.

At a certain moment, just as Yi Jianzi's face became paler, Jin Shangyu also slowly raised his head.


"Brother don't be anxious! There should be no problem! Come, come, take a pill of detoxification pill prepared by this young man himself, I will help you control the injury first, and prevent it from invading your heart!"

"My son, you, you have to be careful! After all, my life is not important. If you are poisoned, it will be a big deal!"

"Stupid! Whose life matters! Come on, you guys wait here for a while!" This time, Jin Shangyu didn't have much emotional change, but after stabilizing Yi Jianzi's injury a bit, Then he flew across the denser woodland.

Of course, at this moment because of Liu Haifeng’s order to retreat, the situation on the entire battlefield has also undergone drastic changes. Not only a large number of Huns cavalry has been divided and eliminated by the Jin army, but even the running Huns cavalry have also experienced a lot of self. Stampede.

For a time, under the light of the torch, screams of various colors were also emitted from the woodland from time to time.

But no matter what happened here, Jin Shangyu did not participate, because the most important thing for him now is to detoxify Yi Jianzi, otherwise the old brother who followed him through the desert flying sand will stay here forever.

"Three poisons eclipse the heart dew, this, isn't this what the kid's three bottles of venom were mixed together! It seems that Liu Haiyun still kept his hand, otherwise, how could Liu Haifeng have such precious venom! Forget it, I don't want this. Now, let’s find the ingredients for it!" After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Jin Shangyu also quickly searched for the ingredients for the Three Toxic Erosion Heart Lotion. After some thought and analysis, he was successful in finding the ingredients. formula.

"Well, just try this method, maybe you can really fight poison with poison!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu thought of understanding the method of poison, he quickly walked in the direction of Yi Jianzi.

At this moment, Yi Jianzi was already in a semi-conscious state, even if it was protected by Beihai Sanxiong and others, but everyone knew that this time, he might not be able to escape.

"Brother Yi, you, you must cheer up! Don't close your eyes! The lord will be back soon!"

"Yes, yes, brother Yi, can you have something to do! The three of us are going to find you to learn a little bit of lightness!"

"Three, three brothers, stop talking! Don't come close to me, this venom is very powerful! I, I now not only lose consciousness in my arm, but also lose consciousness! It seems that this time I underestimated the enemy! "

"Brother, you, you must not think like this! Well, look, the lord is back! He, he will definitely have a way!" While speaking, Beihai Sanxiong also quickly stood up.

Because at this moment, Jin Shangyu also came to everyone.

"Brother Yi, cheer up first! I believe there will be a good solution! Come on, you first take the detoxification pill prepared by my son! Besides, you close your eyes and relax your mind, I want to start treatment Up!"

"My son, don't be busy anymore! It's too dangerous! Anyone who touches this venom will be infected!"

"Don't worry, who is this son! Don't you believe in my abilities! It's just a little bit of poison, just a scary name! Come and see what this son is doing!" Without waiting for Yi Jianzi to say anything, Jin Shangyu at this moment had already spilled a liquid slowly on the injured arm.

"My son, what stuff is this, how is it liquid! Did you just catch up with Liu Haifeng and get the antidote!"

"This, this, be it! Look, now my brother's arm is beginning to feel! It's really a miracle medicine!" While chatting with Beihai Sanxiong, Jin Shangyu stared at Yi Jianzi's wound.

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