I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2678: Reinforcement comes (3)

After all, when his master is laughing happily, anyone will be up and down in his heart to bring up such a disappointment.

But this time, Liu Haifeng was still not angry. He just said slowly: "You, what do you think is going to happen! But in this woodland, besides our army, who else is there! Even Jin Jun? Sticking to it for half an hour, I am afraid it will only consume some vital power!"

Although he did not reprimand his subordinates, Liu Haifeng, the commanding general at the moment, still expressed his views.

In the face of such a general, the counselors around him are also hesitant to speak, after all, they also know Liu Haifeng's temperament.

And time slipped by little by little in such weirdness.

At this moment, Mo Jingtian was more worried, after all, they were really impervious to being surrounded by the Huns.

"Brother Mo, are you worried! In fact, it is normal to worry! After all, Liu Haifeng is probably laughing!"

"Shang Yu, you, you are right! It's just that he still doesn't know what will happen!"

"Yes! Sometimes, this is the case. The more you are happy, there may be something that makes you very uncomfortable! Like Liu Haifeng now!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at this moment is also slowing down his perception. The outside release.

Because he had to observe carefully and see who led the Jin Jun reinforcements this time. This observation didn't matter, so Jin was told to laugh.

Because the leader of the reinforcements is not someone else, it is Jin's good brother who is in charge of the wind.

"Mother, you bastard, your kid actually came here! That's right, at such a critical moment, how can you do not show the leader of the chasing wind!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu knew about the support of the army. After the soldier, he also mumbled to himself.

Here, Jin Shangyu already knows who led the reinforcements, but Liu Haifeng at this moment is unusually excited, but seeing him not only commanding the battle loudly, but also quickly rushing towards Jin Jun in the encirclement. .

"General, you can't pass! It's too dangerous. After all, Jin Jun's resistance continues!"

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter, they won't hurt the general! Besides, they don't have any crossbow arrows at all now!"

"Um, General, we actually don't have arrow feathers anymore!"

"Oh, we don't have any! It doesn't matter, even in a face-to-face battle, you will win this victory. After all, they only have three to five thousand people!"

"Yes, yes, I will understand! You guys, don't put up the shield formation yet!" At this moment, when Liu Haifeng made up his mind to see Jin Jun in the encirclement, there was already a shield made up of more than 100 people. Array will protect it.

Of course, Liu Haifeng's actions still did not escape Jin's eyes. After all, the latter has a perception beyond ordinary people.

"Brother Mo, you seem to be busy again!"

"What do you mean! It won't be the start of the counterattack! Where are the reinforcements!"

"Not yet! It's just that Liu Haifeng wants to talk to you!"

"Liu Haifeng! Old boy, he dared to come over, he really didn't know he was alive and dead!"


"Why don't people dare to come over, after all, in his Liu Haifeng's eyes, Jin Jun is already a loser. He still puts on the posture of a winner! Okay, brother, let's go and chat with him! "While speaking, Jin Shangyu at this moment is actually pointing in one direction, signaling Mo Jingtian to pass.

Seeing Jin Shangyu's serious look, Mo Jingtian also smiled slightly, and led the two towards the outer area.

After a few breaths of about Mo, surrounded by several sergeants, Mo Jingtian's war horse also came to the outermost periphery of the entire Jin Jun.

There, I slightly raised my eyes and saw a figure exposed in the front shield formation. Who else could it be Liu Haifeng!

"Who is here! Why do you want to chase and stop me! Is there any enmity between us! Or you are the mountain bandits who specialize in such shameless activities!"

"Hahaha, this will be Liu Haifeng, of course, you also know who we are! So don't say anything else! I won't be affected by your emotions! Just point it, do you surrender yourself or wait To be annihilated by my army!"

"Oh, you are Liu Haifeng! According to legend, your position among the Huns is not very good! After all, you are a guy who will become a general and return like a people!"

"You, you don't have to use words to excite! Let's talk, who are you!"

"Hahaha, this would be Mo Jingtian!" As he spoke, in fact, Mo Jingtian at the moment also announced his name loudly.

After hearing the three words "Mo Jingtian", Liu Haifeng obviously had some emotional fluctuations, but in the end he suppressed his shock.

"I said why this small team is so difficult to chew. It turned out to be the famous Mo Jingtian in charge! Not to mention, since it is a famous general, then Ben will give you a decent chance! Give up all the treasures and put all the new styles If the crossbow machine stays, maybe I would consider letting you go, but I don’t know!"

"Oh, you look very confident! Don't you know that it is better than Hu Mietian to run away on your own! Do you think you are really better than Hu Mietian!"

"You, don't you want to mention that courageous old guy! I respected him before and wanted to join forces with the army. Now he ran away by himself, of course I didn't care about him!"

"Really, then, do you really care about your own brother! You know, he also ran away on his own!" As he spoke, Mo Jingtian at the moment actually showed a very strange look.

This time, when he heard the words "brother", Liu Haifeng finally couldn't control his emotions.

But seeing him stretch out his hand to push away the shield hand beside him, he walked a few steps forward and slowly said, "Mo Jingtian, what do you mean by this! Is my second brother's business related to you!"

"Of course it's related! After all, Liu Haiyun's method of dispensing poison is very clever!"

"What do you mean by this!"

"It's not interesting! It is rumored that Liu Haiyun is a poisonous wizard, so shall we ask him one or two! As for the three bottles of venom that General Liu Er gave us, it is really a good gift!"

"You, you nonsense, it's impossible! How could he give you the prescription for poisoning! Xie wants to use such words to stimulate the general, I would not believe in this evil!" At a certain moment, Mo Jingtian deliberately put Liu Haiyun The matter was a little bit, then Liu Haifeng had no meaning to continue talking.

After all, for him, it is a very disgraceful thing for his brother to leave without saying goodbye. Now that the general Jin Jun tells the mystery, it makes him, the big general brother, even more upset!

In this way, as the two broke apart, the sergeants of both sides also slowly returned to the formation to protect their respective masters. In the following time, the fierce offensive and defensive battle was staged again.

However, because of Jin Jun's desperate resistance, the Huns were unable to break through Jin Jun's barrel-shaped defensive formation in a short time.

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