I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2668: My name is Hu Mietian!

The magic night had already slowly struck, but the unnamed woodland at this moment seemed unusually quiet. At this moment, it seems that all people are afraid to speak loudly.

Of course, there are not many people left here, only a few ordinary sergeants, and the old man in black and the man in gray.

"Master, you, are you sure there are people lurking around us!"

"Not sure, but he has already come out!"

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect to see such a strong and powerful person here! This son is polite!"

"Oh, what a young man! What a pity! What a pity! It is already a great thing for you to sneak here! But it is still a pity!"

"Is it? Actually, my son also feels a pity! Let's talk about who you are!" At a certain moment, under the light of a torch, Jin Shangyu also walked out of a bush.

Although there is no offensive action, Jin always makes people feel that something is wrong at this moment.

"Oh, you, you are still a confident young man! Well, since your fate is already doomed, the old man might as well say a few more words! Actually, I am really called Hu Mietian! Maybe you, Jin Jun, don’t I've heard of it! But Tianyuan Forbidden Zone doesn't know if you have heard of it!"

"Hu Mietian, what a domineering name! It seems that the old man is also a powerful person! As for the Tianyuan restricted area you always mentioned, I have never heard of it before!"

"Hahaha, you are honest. It seems that you have heard of it in this action! In fact, the old man is the former owner of the Tianyuan restricted area! Or the person who created the Tianyuan restricted area!"

"Mother, you girl, it turns out that this old guy is so powerful! It seems that something big must have happened between him and the surname Yuan! Forget it, I don't bother to care about their affairs, as long as it is If you don't fight against this son, everything is easy to say!" This time, after feeling Hu Mietian's emotional change, Jin also muttered to himself.

By the time the grey-clothed old man standing on one side could not stand it anymore, but seeing him paused for a while, he slowly said, "Young man, you should know that my master rarely interacts with him. People speak so much!"

"Oh! Old man in grey clothes, what do you mean by this! Don't you say that the old man still has a crush on me!"

"Not too much difference! If you can follow my master from now on, you may really be able to survive this disaster and become a human again!"

"Hahaha, what a new one! No matter, since the two of you are so polite, the son will also give you a way to survive. As long as he takes his own person to retreat, he will not pursue other things! After all, the military order is like a mountain. It is reasonable to have casualties on the battlefield!" At this moment, after listening to the comforting words of the gray-clothed old man, Jin also said with a change of expression.

Faced with such Jin Shangyu, the gray-clothed old man didn't say much, but slowly turned his attention to the black-clothed old man who didn't say much.

"Master, it seems that this son doesn't want to be a human again! Why don't I let the old slave send him on the road!"

"This, this, okay, after all, this is the young man's own choice! Remember, let him keep his whole body, after all, he still respects us more!"

"Old slave understands! Young man, you should do it yourself! Otherwise, as soon as my invincible sword intent arrives, your body will be smashed into flesh and blood! Although you can save the body, the pain you can suffer is the greatest! "

"Old man in grey clothes! Thanks! But this young man is still the same as before, it is better for you to think about it, otherwise once the war starts, everything will be calm!"

auzw.com "Oh, what a stubborn young man! Get on the road, don't blame the old man!" At a certain moment, just when Jin Shangyu's voice fell, the old man in gray also moved in shape. , The next moment, already launched a thunderous blow at Jin.

It's too late, then soon. Just under Jin Shangyu's slow gaze, the opponent's attack has already arrived. This time, the opponent directly launched a powerful sword-intent attack, almost in a state of combining humans and swords. .

"Boy, it's already your blessing to die under the old man's invincible sword intent! Don't blame the old man, blame you for not being here!"

"Really! Your Sword Intent is indeed very brilliant, and even this son can't bear to start!"

"Young man, death is approaching, and it's rare to have such a character! It's just that the old man really doesn't want to play anymore! No, you, who are you?"

"What am I? Don't you know what it is! Get out of here!"

"Ah! You, who are you!" At a certain moment, when the grey-clothed old man thought he would win with a single blow, Jin Shangyu also moved to his left side.

What made him even more surprised was that before he could react, the whole person was kicked by the opponent and flew two feet away.

"Ahem, ahem...Who are you on earth! This, this is impossible! Master, he, he is not an ordinary person!"

"Well, the deity has seen it a long time ago, you step back and let the old man see where this young man is weird!"

"Master, you, you must be careful! He, his methods are too weird!"

"Well, I told you to retreat. Why do you talk so much today!" For a while, just as Jin Shangyu easily kicked the gray-clothed old man away, the black-clothed old man who was standing not far away was also slow. The man walked over to Jin Shangyu.

This time, Jin Shangyu was able to feel the importance of the other party. He was not as indifferent as before. Some of them had a strong intention to kill.

"Why, the slave has fallen, is the master coming to seek justice! Actually, this is not necessary, after all, you are the first to do it! My son said before, I don’t want to hurt you, let you take people away earlier, but you don’t listen. !"

"Young man, you are getting more and more interesting now! I don't know if you can take off the mask and let the old man see your true face!"

"Hahaha, the old man is really joking. I don't want you to see it, so how can I take it off! Now you should consider what this son said before!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu is actually walking slowly at this moment. , The goal is to go to the old man in black.

For a while, although there is no tragic picture of the intersection of swords and soldiers, there is also a force of pressure that makes people unable to approach the area centered on the two. Even the gray-clothed old man standing on one side unconsciously retreats. Walking.

"You, you seem to be just an ordinary super strong, why don't you be afraid of the coercive power of the deity! It seems that you are really a different person!"

"Master, my son still said that, think about it! Otherwise you should know the consequences are embarrassing!"

"You, you are so confident! Don't you know that the deity has already stepped into that realm!"

"Really, I'm afraid you don't even believe that you have broken through the big realm! Of course, your level of combat power that is infinitely close to the big realm is indeed worthy of pride and pride, but not in front of my son!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at this moment is also releasing his powerful coercive power again.


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