I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2661: Goodbye Blood Guard (1)

In the chaos, the difficulties Jin Jun faced became more and more obvious. Even with the passage of time, even the two brothers of the Liu family made new decisions.

"Big brother, it seems that they are really not good now, so to speak, this time we must be able to get a lot of treasures!"

"Second, you, what do you want to say!"

"Big brother, little brother mean, if you don't make a move now, when will you wait!"

"You, you want to shoot!"

"Yes! Not only me, there are other people!" At the end, the second general Liu Haiyun also showed a very strange look.

Faced with his own younger brother, Liu Haifeng is also a little confused at this moment. After all, his brother still knows how many catties he has.

Before, when passing through the northern area of ​​Fenshaling, although Liu Haiyun came forward to solve the big problem of preventing sergeants from passing through the Tianyuan Forbidden Zone, in the final analysis, that was all.

"Second, you, what do you want to say, brother, I still don’t understand! But if you want to mess around, brother firmly disagrees! After all, how capable you are, others don’t know, my brother still clearly!"

"Big brother, you know you think so, say so! Actually, your younger brother is no longer an ordinary person!"

"What do you mean! You, you wouldn't mean that you have joined the blood guard! In other words, you are now the most mysterious blood guard in the clan!"

"That's it!"

"What do you mean? If that's the case, of course, brother, I'm happy for you, but you must not speak big words, be careful to speak out!"

"Big brother, my boss, you can trust the little brother once! Although our brothers have been very close these years! But there are some things you still don't know; of course, even now, the little brother can't tell you Too clear! But one thing, please don’t worry, brother, that is, your brother is no longer the little person who worries you everywhere!" At a certain moment, when Liu Haifeng was very worried, his brother Liu Haiyun also expressed his heart. words.

Faced with this new situation, Liu Haifeng didn't say much for a while. After all, he knew what Blood Guard was.

After a long time, he let out a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "Haiyun, you, even if you are in the blood guard, what do you plan to do! You won't really want to rush to assassinate their leader!"

"Hahaha, my little brother wouldn't do that! We've seen it before. The current Jin Jun is just holding on. To put it a bit ugly, they may collapse at any time!"

"What do you mean by this! Isn't it a good thing that they were defeated earlier? Why do you kid speak in such a tone!"

"Big brother, why don't you understand it! In fact, our current competitors have changed!"

"You, you are not going to attack the old generals! No, I will disagree anyway! Anyway, we are also members of the same race! What is the difference between you and the traitor when you do this!" General Liu Haifeng also showed a very serious expression.

After all, at this moment, he has roughly understood the meaning of his brother's words.


"Big brother, don't you get excited! First, it is not your own temporary intention for the younger brother to do this! You should understand the meaning of this sentence! Secondly, Jin Jun has indeed reached a time when he cannot help! I'm afraid those treasures will fall into the hands of others! As for the third! And the most important thing! That is, do our brothers always want to be pinched like this!"

"You, what do you want to express! Are you not satisfied with your life now! Not to mention that this general is already one of the important generals in the clan, even if your boy is also favored by Yuan Master, he has even become For the people in the Blood Guard, all of this is the most glorious thing, are you still not satisfied!"

"Brother, you, you are really blindfolded by everything in front of you! You know, what have you done these years, isn't it just being sent out as a thug by someone above! And you are the least valuable thug? That one! You will be the general when you come out, and you will be the people! Is this what Liu Haifeng calls a great life!"

"This, this, although this is true, but, can we brothers still survive! Alright, don't talk about this, you should stop! I know you should be able to wake up some blood guards and participate directly in the action Among them!"

"Big brother, it's late, the younger brother has already awakened both of them! After a while, you will see nothing, nothing happened!"

"You, you really want to go all the way to the dark!" Although he disagrees with Liu Haiyun's plan of action, Liu Haifeng really can't stop his own brother right now.

As he spoke, he saw Liu Haiyun and glanced at the cavalry sergeants around him. Then he moved and shot away from the horse.

"General, it seems that the second general has really changed. He is no longer the person in your eyes! Maybe he has really become a member of the blood guard long ago, and it is unknown!"

"Yeah! He has changed, he has become a little bit so that my real brother can't recognize it! But, isn't he seeking his own death by doing this!"

"Um, General, don't blame the villain for talking! In fact, what the second general said is not unreasonable! Especially the first sentence, it shows that there is already a tendency to compete for these babies! So let's not too much. I asked, just as the second general said, nothing happened here!"

"Nevertheless, the only thing at the moment is to do this! I hope Haiyun and the others can cope with the situation in front of them!" Although he knows that Liu Haiyun may really be different from what he used to be, he still showed a very worried look as the big brother. .

Here, Liu Fenghai was full of emotions, and even now he didn't understand when his brother became a member of the Blood Guard.

Although there are many things in his mind, his strategy of commanding the army to attack Jin Jun has not changed.

At this moment, Jin Jun is facing unprecedented pressure.

"Report, report to the general, our two wings have been attacked again, and we can no longer hold on!"

"Tell everyone, to shrink as much as possible! In addition, as long as you can continue to move forward, you must move forward quickly! Don't stop! They are now two cavalry teams with tens of thousands of people chasing us, any Any stoppage will cause irreparable losses!"

"Yes, yes, I finally understand! It's not a problem if it goes on like this! Just now, Young Master Wanyu said that his Wuxiang Beast has been seriously injured more than half!"

"Okay, don't say it anymore, it's the same sentence, the breath will not extinguish, Jin Jun will not die!" While speaking, Mo Jingtian at this moment also exudes a powerful war spirit again.

Seeing that their main general was so decisive and powerful, those young generals also raised their spirits, and then they plunged into a new round of defense wars.

The twilight became more and more dimmed, but under the reflection of thousands of torches, the entire woodland was like daylight, which would not affect the sight of the two warring parties. At this moment, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan are the most anxious people.


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