I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2659: One defeat and another defeat!

The weird situation continues, and Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan at this moment can already feel the visual impact of the battle between the two sides.

Under the night, under the shining of thousands of torches, no one cared that there was still a setting sun in the mountains that had not yet fallen, and some were repeated rushes and deaths!

"Jin Shangyu, I saw it. The flames are so bright there, are they doing a fire attack!"

"Girl, what you see are the torches raised by the Huns! They are now afraid that their general will be attacked, so they light a lot of torches! Of course, their strategy is correct in a short time. It is impossible to risk a death on the spot to kill a little person!"

"It turned out to be the light of torches! In this way, the pressure we face is also huge!"

"Mother, you girl, it seems that this girl really thinks of herself as Jin Junzhong! Good thing, this is a great good thing! Pooh Pooh, Jin Shangyu, Jin Shangyu, how come you are so worthless Yeah!" At a certain moment, just before moving fast, Jin Shangyu was muttering to himself when he heard Murong Yuyan's words like this.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan were still worried about Jin Jun’s safety, and the battle at this moment had already entered a fever pitch. Even at the end, Mo Jingtian, Wen Luoyu, and Zhang Wanyu were also gathered together.

"Uncle Mo, or else, take your baby to break through, as long as it is a desperate blow, I believe you can still make a hole! In addition, no matter how strong the Huns are, they can't directly eliminate the nine formless beasts!"

"Yes, yes, it's better than Wan Yu said! General Mo, you, you go! Rest assured, although we can't defeat the enemy, we still have the ability to retreat!"

"Hahaha, you two little guys, you really think that the old man is a three-year-old kid! Don't say that you can't stand out by yourself, even if you would bring the nine big beasts and want to leave here alive, you must With great luck! Nothing, this is not something we want to study!"

"Uncle Mo, you, you should know, if we all guard here, what will be the final result!" After feeling Mo Jingtian's decisive color, Zhang Wanyu and Wen Luoyu also persuaded again.

It's just that they also know the fact that no matter what happens, Mo Jingtian will not leave here. After all, there is still no one to appear.

"Okay, don't persuade you anymore! You know, there are some things, as long as we try our best! As for the current situation, we can rest assured to fight! If it really reaches that point, there is nothing we can do!"

"This, this, okay! However, now that there is an assault by the old man and others, our pressure can still be reduced!"

"Yes! I don't know, how is Brother Duan now!"

"Hahaha, General Mo, it seems that you still care about the old man! Don't worry, we are all fine! Only this time, our geographical position is too unfavorable!" While speaking, I didn't know which direction we were coming from. Shangfei shot a person, and that person was not someone else, but an old man from the northern section.

But seeing him at this moment, he was able to reflect the blood stains all over his body by the light of the not-so-bright torch.

"It's Old Duan, are you okay, why so much blood!"

"Don't worry, all this blood is from someone else! As for the old man, everything is fine! It's just that I don't know how your situation is now! Can you stick to it for a while!"

"Hold on! Brother Duan, it's not like you know when the son will return!"

"I don't know, but with the style of Mr. Jin, he should be about to appear now!" For a while, when Mo Jingtian and others mentioned Mr. Jin again, the latter also spoke out his own heart.

Facing the analysis of the old man Duanbu, Mo Jingtian at this moment slowly let out a sigh. After all, just before, he was still under great pressure.


In this way, because the old man Duanbu took the lead to rendezvous with Mo Jingtian and others, it was considered to have added a touch of new life to Jin Jun.

However, the big picture has not changed.

"Okay, since you all said that the lord is fine, then, let's go back again!"

"Retreat, how to retreat! You know, we are trapped by two powerful Huns now! There is no way to retreat!"

"Xiao Wanyu, you should know that it is not a question of which way to go. The most important thing for us now is where to open an exit!"

"This, this, it turns out that Grandpa Mo wants to break through directly!" Although Zhang Wanyu understood what Mo Jingtian said, but in the final analysis, Zhang Wanyu was still reluctant to accept this relatively risky countermeasure. of.

It's just that, here, Mo Jingtian is the general and the commander here.

At a certain moment, following Mo Jingtian's order, the whole Jin Jun also whizzed and rushed towards the northeast.

At this moment, it turned out to be the Nine Great Beasts.

"Look, if they want to escape, what should they do? Do they directly pursue or wait for them to stop!"

"Well, do you have to say it! As long as they are blocked, we have a chance to directly win an overwhelming victory! Jin Jun, right? You guys claim to be shocking! Now that’s just what you think about! Just the true portrayal of you now!"

"Brother, your analysis is very accurate! It is estimated that Jin Jun is trying to work hard! But we still don't have a good solution for the nine big guys! I really don't know where they got the behemoth!"

"This, this should be brought out of the desert! Well, speaking of it, they are also some people of chance! But their good luck has come to an end! Next, let our brothers teach them how to Be a human! Hahaha..." At one point, when Mo Jingtian led the Jin Jun mixed team to quickly break out of the northeast, the two brothers Liu who had been following Jin Jun also showed a very strange smile. meaning.

Here, Liu Haifeng, the commander-in-chief of the main Huns army, gave the order to advance slowly, while the other Huns cavalry at this moment is facing unprecedented pressure.

On the one hand, they have to guard against hidden tricks that may appear at any time, and on the other hand, they also saw Jin Jun trying to break through.

"The generals obey orders, no one can retreat! We will die this time, and we will die on Jin Jun's escape route too! Do you understand! If anyone dares to retreat on their own initiative, the military will do it!"

"The final commander!"

"Okay! He wants to play with Lao Tzu, and wants to take advantage of us. It's too early! Even if you want to grab the advantage, you have to break the enemy! It is naive!" The Huns at this moment also understand the minds of their masters.

"Hey, we are ahead of such a charge, and I don't know if we can get the baby in the end!"

"Okay, don't tell me, didn't you see that our general is also worried about this! It's just that now, our task is more difficult, if Jin Jun is really let away, no one can bear the blame! "

"Yeah! This is the truth, and it is still a life of nine deaths! We can also see that it is difficult to stop the nine big guys!" At a certain moment, another Huns cavalry blocked the Jin army with all its strength. Many sergeants were also muttering quietly when he retreated.


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