I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2656: Weird Sand Ridge (53)

Under the giant axe, there is clearly a thousand catties of power, but to Wen Luoyu, this person is just a martial artist.

"Wow, you, how dare you commit such a murderous hand! Boy, let me die!"

"You have a lot of strength, but you can't do it without a brain!"

"Boy, do you dare to insult me! Looking for death, watch me upset!" After a verbal confrontation, Wen Luoyu had already fought the tall man on the opposite side for more than 20 rounds.

Here, Wen Luoyu used one enemy and two, and first eliminated one person, and then steadily attacked there. At this moment, the Xiongnu general Liu Haifeng had already seen the clue.

"Second, no, our people are still caught in the trick of that young man!"

"Yeah! It seems that the little guy named Wen Luoyu is the one who can beat us at all, but why hasn't he been so slow to make a heavy hand!"

"It's very simple, because he was afraid that we would just embrace him! I really didn't expect this Jin Jun's general to act like this! It seems that Jin Jun's difficult rumors are true!"

"Yes, yes, that's the same thing as my brother! Why not tell our general to retreat! Otherwise, when you drag on like this, when can you defeat the enemy! In addition, there is a more sensitive thing, I don't know if you know! "While speaking, the second general Liu Haiyun also showed a very strange smile at this moment.

Faced with such a second brother, the general Liu Haifeng also changed his face, and then cast his doubtful eyes on his own brother.

"Big brother, don't look at the younger brother like that! Actually, there is nothing, that is, if we play slow, we will definitely be taken away by those guys!"

"You, you mean another main force!"

"Exactly, I hope eldest brother can think about it! After all, the current Jin Jun has reached the point of exhaustion. Even if they continue to drag on, it is meaningless! It is impossible that Jin Jun still has a large army to come here!"

"This is impossible! Well, if it is so, then let our people retreat!" As he spoke, in fact, Liu Haifeng, the general of the Xiongnu army at this moment, also made up his mind.

But at this moment, the two who were in the fight also separated life and death instantly.

It was too late, it was fast, just as Wen Luoyu's spear flickered, the other party's great axe dropped from the sky with the breath of death.

"Hahaha, I thought I could deceive the general with a fictitious trick! Well, that's impossible! See if Lao Tzu killed you alive today!"

"Really, then you try it!"

"Try and try! No, you, your gun! Ah, hurry, save me..." At a certain moment, when Wen Luoyu's gun tip turned into a cloud of phantom, the other side's throat There is also an extra blood hole.

In the next second, a huge body was also picked directly by Wen Luoyu under the horse.

"Hey, it's still a step too late. If this goes on, our general will be killed by Wen Luoyu one by one! The second child, don't quickly convey the command of the general!"

"Big brother, don’t worry, little brother now! The generals will follow the orders! Now it’s not the time to fight alone, so I’ll listen to the generals. No one can back up and fight with all their strength! If anyone can kill Wen Luoyu, reward Qianliang of silver!"

"I'm waiting for the order! Please rest assured that the second general! Jin Jun is not enough for us to deal with!" For a while, because the main general has already given the death order, the entire Huns cavalry legion is like a tide against Jin Jun. Charge.

In the face of this most unfavorable situation, Wen Luoyu did not have a hint of fear.

auzw.com But seeing him at this moment, he paused for a while, then turned his horse back to Jin Jun’s defensive formation.

"General Wen, what should I do! Would you like to retreat again!"

"Can't retreat. If you retreat at this time, you will definitely be bitten by it! At that time, even if you want to guard, you can't hold it! Since General Mo requires us to stay here as much as possible, then stick to it!"

"The final order! The long-range crossbow machine is ready!"

"The long-range crossbow machine is ready!"

"Launch!" Huhuhu, as the roaring sound of arrow feathers drifted under the twilight, the Huns cavalry sergeants who rushed to the front also fell under the horses in rows.

"No, they, they even have this new type of crossbow machine! Alas, it seems that the most terrifying thing about fighting Jin Jun is their new invention! No, the second child, you ask the brothers to retreat temporarily! This way! Going down, our people will die a lot! Even if we get the baby in the end, it will be greatly reduced!"

"This, this, yes! Brother understand!" At a certain moment, seeing his own people fall down in rows, the two brothers of the Liu family also temporarily issued an order to stop the charge.

"General Wen, it seems that they are still scared by our long-range crossbow! It's just that our long-range crossbow arrows are running out! They will attack later, what should I do!"

"What else can I do! Continue to resist! There are ordinary short-range crossbows, and they will be used by this young man at that time! In addition, our front army must be ready to countercharge! As long as Ben will give an order, hope You can rush out with this general!"

"The final commander! Please rest assured that even if we die here today, we will not retreat half a step!" As we spoke, the two armies had already fallen into a brief confrontation at this moment.

It was short-lived because Liu Haifeng was not a fool, and within a quarter of an hour he organized another two thousand cavalry to launch a rapid charge.

"No, as General Wen said, they really launched a charge again, and the speed is faster than before!"

"Well, in that case, let them get closer!"

"Two hundred horses, one hundred horses, fifty horses..."

"Don't panic! Release arrows!"

"Yes! Let go, let go, let go!" This time, with Wen Luoyu's order, the entire Jin Jun's front army suddenly shot out hundreds of feathers.

Although these arrow feathers are ordinary arrow feathers, they can be fired directly at a short distance, and the impact they bring can be imagined.

Looking at the cavalry squadron of the Huns again, because I didn't expect Jin Jun to be so tenacious, and with such courage, he suffered heavy losses.

"It's not a way to go on like this! You know, they are real arrow rain attacks, even if we have more people, it's useless!"

"Shut up, are you looking for death! You know, if this is heard by the general and the second general, it will be a capital crime!"

"Yes, yes, I understand! But, is it really useful for us to do fearless impact like this!"

"You, you should take care of yourself! I believe the two generals will make decisions! Besides, it is impossible for Jin Jun to have endless feathers! As long as they run out of feathers, they are When they are completely defeated! Isn't the truth still unclear!" In fact, several Huns knights and sergeants were already whispering.

Of course, under such an attack, the pressure Wen Luoyu faced was like a mountain. After all, for him, minimizing casualties and delaying the marching speed of the Huns are the most important.


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