I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2653: Weird Sand Ridge (Fifty)

On the Fensha Ridge, in front of a thick bush, Murong Yuyan also stopped in front of an old man.

After the latter heard the three words "Jin Shangyu", they were also stunned on the spot. After all, in their perception, how could such a king-like existence come here.

"You, you are lying! He, how come his Jin Shangyu is here!"

"Believe it or not is your business, but you must stay here today!"

"Just rely on you as a little girl with yellow hair! You really take yourself seriously! Maybe you don't know the old man's methods!"

"That's right, just rely on this girl!" At a certain moment, when the black-clothed old man showed a look of disdain, Murong Yuyan's lore had already been launched.

While talking, Murong Yuyan actually had more long swords in his hands. The next moment, more than ten swords were continuously issued. The swords flashed with pear-like light spots, which made people unconsciously produce something. Powerless thoughts.

"You, who are you! Why do you use the swordsmanship of Ewha Palace!"

"Oh, you know the Ewha Palace too! It seems that everyone in the Blood Guard knows the Ewha Palace! Well, just know it!" As he spoke, Murong Yuyan at this moment was actually the strongest blow by Jian Guangshi. .

In the next second, when the black-clothed old man wanted to fight to the death, a sword light swept across his throat.

"Girl, why did you do it? My son still wants to ask about other things!"

"Prince Jin, if you are no longer a killer, he will definitely run away!"

"Run, how to run! Could he escape under our grip!"

"Jin Shangyu, you're right, he has this ability! If you don't believe it, look at his hands!" While speaking, Murong Yuyan also slowly came to the man in black at this moment.

Slightly picked with the sword, a small black bottle appeared in the hands of the man in black.

"This, what stuff is this! It's not a poison, right?"

"That's not too much! If this girl didn't guess wrong! Let's give him another chance, and he will crush the black bottle directly! At that time, we must retreat with all our strength to avoid the attack of poison! And he will naturally slip away again! Of course, whether he can escape depends on the abilities of Mr. Jin! It's just that this girl doesn't want to add any more variables!"

"So it's like that! Thanks! Beauty!"

"Poor mouth! Let's go, now that everything is done here, we should also go to General Mo! After all, the sky has dimmed now! I don't know when the main army of the Huns will come over!"

"Why don't you know! If you guessed right, Brother Mo and the others are already under serious threat!" At a certain moment, when Murong Yuyan signaled Jin to leave the bush, the latter was also A very shocking message was given, that is, Jin Jun’s main force may have been overtaken by the Huns.

Faced with this sudden change, Murong Yuyan was also stunned on the spot. Although she had just killed a Huns blood guard forcefully, but now because of Jin Shangyu's words, there was also a rare mood swing.

"Jin Shangyu, you, can you make it clearer! It's impossible, the worst situation has already appeared!"


"Not necessarily. Although they are about to catch up, there is still some distance! It's just that what makes this young man puzzled now is why one of their teams appeared from that direction!"

"What do you mean!"

"Girl, you and I know that after we entered the Fenshaling Ridge, we didn't even enter the northernmost area in order to get on our way!"

"This, what's the matter! The north side should be a small stronghold of the Huns! After all, this Fenshaling has long been controlled by them!" As Jin Shangyu didn't say something clearly, Murong Yuyan at this moment Also asked again.

"Mother, it seems that I am still a little careless! Then, those guys must have detoured from the north! Is there really a big secret in the northern part of Fenshaling! Forget it, I don't think about these things now At that time, let's meet with Brother Mo earlier!" At this moment, because Jin Shangyu had vaguely perceived some new situations, he also rushed towards the northeast.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan intercepted the black-clothed old man in the blood guard of the Huns in front of a bush, but at this moment, Mo Jingtian was studying the next marching plan.

"You guys, you have also seen it. From the map, we should have come to the edge of Fensha Ridge! In other words, we can pass through Fensha Ridge in half an hour!"

"This, this is true, but we still haven't reached the real safe place in the final analysis! After all, we don't know where the main army of the Xiongnu has gone!"

"Wan Yu, you, what you mean is that we might still be caught up by them!"

"Forget it! You know, now we have exposed the target. It is estimated that the Huns operating in this area will regard us as the target of attack!"

"Wan Yu, or else, you take everyone on the road first, and the old man will wait here for a while!"

"That, Uncle Mo, don't have to wait anymore!" This time, before Mo Jingtian could react, Zhang Wanyu uttered a word that surprised everyone.

Especially the general, Mo Jingtian, stared directly at Zhang Wanyu, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Xiao Wanyu, you, you mean Shang Yu is coming over soon!"

"That, no! In fact, if we don't leave now, I'm afraid we will be blocked by the cavalry army from the north! As for whether there is a stronger Huns army marching towards us, Wan Yu will say no in a short time. clear!"

"What, it turned out to be like this! What to do! No, we can't leave here, otherwise we will put Shang Yu in a very dangerous situation!"

"Uncle Mo! In fact, Wan Yu feels that we should continue to advance eastward. After all, I still know some of my Uncle Yu's ability to withstand you! Otherwise, he will not train you to become a general who can go high!" In fact, Zhang Wanyu also indirectly expressed his views at this moment, and that is to leave here as quickly as possible.

In this way, because of Zhang Wanyu’s words, the entire Jin Jun sergeant was very nervous. After all, the main army of the Huns is not a trivial mess. At least they have tens of thousands of soldiers. Even if Jin Jun’s fighting strength is strong, it will not be there. Any room to fight back.

Based on these considerations, in the end Mo Jingtian had the difficulty to give the order to move on. The Jin Jun mixed team also slowly walked through the last few hills of Fenshaling as the sunset arrived.

Half an hour later, there were also a large number of Huns cavalry at the same place. They were not others, but the main Huns cavalry regiment headed by Liu Haifeng and Liu Haiyun.

Of course, an important reason why they were able to chase here before dark was that they took a shortcut and got help from people in the Tianyuan restricted area.


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