I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2648: Weird Sand Ridge (45)

Near dusk, a relatively flat area on the Fensha Ridge also heard the sound of fierce fighting.

Although hundreds of Sergeants Jin Jun were present to cheer, the situation in the battle circle still showed a one-sided trend.

"No! Wan Yu will suffer a loss if he continues like this! What should I do! If he makes him lose, then something will happen! No, I must figure out a way!"

"General Wen, don't worry! Just now General Mo has already issued a general order to stay here for a quarter of an hour! As long as we can resolve the issue here within a quarter of an hour, I believe it will not affect the overall situation!"

"This, this, in fact, as long as we swarm up and surround the two of them with super crossbows, they won't want to leave here alive no matter how powerful they are!"

"General Wen, you, you have forgotten their identities. You must know that if we really shrink too tightly, they are likely to directly launch their Shen Fa to break through! Now that Young Master Zhang knows this, he wants to directly defeat other side!"

"Well, how could this general not understand this level, but if this continues, Wan Yu will definitely have an accident! Alas, this guy, why don't you worry about it!" At a certain moment, he was in the battle circle. When Zhang Wanyu was increasingly at a disadvantage, Wen Luoyu standing on the periphery also showed a very worried look.

Here, the Jin Jun generals on the periphery are all worried about Zhang Wanyu, but the two who are in a state of battle have reopened their verbal confrontation.

"Little guy, do you regret it now! However, the old man tells you the fact that there is no regret medicine in the world to buy. If you dare to speak out, you have to pay the price you deserve! Come and let the old man catch it alive You, rest assured, the old man will not make heavy moves!"

"Old Piff, you really think you are some kind of expert! With the little master, there is nothing!"

"Hahaha, I’ve reached this point now, and it’s okay to tell you. Actually, we are among the blood guards! Of course, my eldest brother is the real blood guard. As for the old man, I believe it will become real blood after today. Guardian!"

"What, let's talk about it, you are not a blood guard! It is really the biggest joke I have encountered today! Brother Luo Yu, have you heard that the Huns still have such shameless people!"

"Wow, you, you are really annoying old man! It seems that if you don't give you a bit of cruel means to taste the power of the deity, you don't know the power of the deity! Brother, I have to do my best! Then I will accidentally do it. Don't blame me if you die!"

"Second, you, don't mess around!" For a while, inspired by Zhang Wanyu's words, the man in black called the second suddenly increased his attack.

For a time, the scimitar in his hand also became extremely sharp.

"General Wen, you, do you think we need to rush up now!"

"Chong! How to charge! Even if we charge up, it doesn't make any sense! On the contrary, it is possible to let them go! Wait a minute! How to say, Xiao Wanyu can't be so capable!" Although the previous text Luo Yu was still worried about Zhang Wanyu, but at this moment, seeing that the other party resorted to all the means and hadn't injured him yet, Wen Luoyu also thought of something.

However, just when General Jin Jun was nervous, the situation in the battle circle suddenly reversed.

It was too late, it was fast, just when the black-clothed old man thought he had the chance to win, the opening and closing attack just fell, and Zhang Wanyu in front of him was gone.

This sudden change also directly caused the man in black to quickly retreat.

However, at this moment, a sword light also passed in front of him.

"Second, be careful! Get out of the way!"

"Little Bunny, you, dare you to swindle! No, my neck, big brother, save me..."


"Kid dare! Don't go away! Dare to hurt my second brother! You really have eaten the heart and the gall!"

"Hahaha, old boy, didn't you just say that you want to catch the young man alive! Why don't you move now! Do you still want to take a break if you can't walk anymore? But there is a good place for you to introduce him to you hell!"

"Wan Yu, come back quickly! Be careful that the old guy runs away!" In fact, when Zhang Wanyu showed weakness in front of him, Wen Luoyu was already yelling.

After all, he didn't want his little brother to be killed directly by the old guy!

But this time, Zhang Wanyu didn't try to be strong anymore, stared at the black-clothed old man a few times, and quickly retreated to Wen Luoyu's body.

"Wan Yu, you are so uncomfortable, if something happens, what should I do! How do you tell me to explain to Uncle Yu!"

"Then, that, isn't it all right! It was them who had the problem!" Zhang Wanyu at the moment also pointed his hand at the two black men in the encirclement.

Looking at the two of them again, one is squatting and the other lying upright on the grass.

"Second, you, don't talk, be sure to hold on! Brother, I have medicine here!"

"Big, big brother, you, you must kill that kid, he, he is deceiving! You, you must explain this to that person!"

"Second, when is this, you still mention the things there, although the blood guard is good, you don't have to do it! Breathe well! You will definitely be able to survive!" Yiren quickly took out some small bottles and other stuff from his body.

What he just couldn't accept was that no matter what kind of medicine he put on the black man's wound, it was of no avail.

After a few breaths, the man in black who was able to utter a few words just now was already dead and couldn't die again.

"Ah...wow, you all have to die! You actually killed my brother!"

"Old guy, have you killed few people! I'm afraid you can't count them! And today, you want to kill us first, so you are dead! Come on! Super crossbow machine preparation, as long as he dares If you mess up, let's shoot all arrows!"

"You, if you have the courage to rush over, the old man is fighting an old life today and will kill that kid too!"

"Old man, you are so innocent and cute to want to kill me! You know, even if I don't use the means, do you really think he is my opponent!"

"Wan Yu, stop talking, this time you can't say anything! After all, what we are facing now is a madman-like existence!" In fact, Wen Luoyu at the moment reached out and took Zhang Wanyu's hand. , For fear that the latter will be emotional again and rush directly into the battle circle.

In this way, as dusk approached, a scene of bullying by the crowd was once again staged on Fenshaling.

But seeing the strong Huns surrounded by it, he wanted to break through for a while, then quickly retreated to the most central area.

On the other hand, Wen Luoyu at this moment wanted to find a way to win with one blow, but every attack was resolved by the other party. On the other hand, he had to pull Zhang Wanyu, after all, the latter always wanted to rush in to fight the strong Huns!

And time slowly slipped by in this weirdness. At a certain moment, when the two sides were still in a very delicate confrontation, a young man with the appearance of a little general also rushed here.


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