I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2639: Weird Sand Ridge (36)

Faced with such an unfavorable change, the skinny old man has long been confused and at a loss. After all, anyone who can survive in his heaven and earth network to the present has never appeared. And this time, Jin Shangyu has not only lived to the present, but he can also move around in the formation as he pleases. This can't help him being timid!

"You, you are not human! Who are you!"

"Hahaha, aren't you great! Are you called the Huns Blood Guard! Actually I am the person you are looking for!"

"You, are you?"

"Jin Shangyu is himself!"

"What, you, you turned out to be Jin Shangyu, the lord of Jincheng! How could this be possible! God, why let him have such a magical technique! The old man is not reconciled!" For a while, just after Jin Shangyu reported his name , The opponent's last trace of resistance also dissipated instantly.

At this moment, a sword light also drew across the shadow of an ancient tree.

"Old man, my son said that I want to keep you a whole body! Now I have said it! You can go on the road with peace of mind! As for your Tianluodiwang formation, this son will upgrade it again!"

"You, you are not human! The old man is not reconciled! God, you, you are unfair..." At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu raised his sword and fell, the thin and thin old man lurking in the shadow of the ancient tree was also thumping Falling down in front of Jin.

And there is a blood hole in his throat that is not too big.

"Oh, I didn't want to make this heavy hand. Who told you to be brothers with the guy outside! You should die if you dare to insult that girl!" This time, it was in Jin Shangyu's muttering voice. As it slowly descended, the ancient woods that had been dark before also slowly became clearer.

After a few breaths, Murong Yuyan and the black-clothed old man also appeared in Jin's eyes.

"Good guy, it turns out that this old boy provokes Murong girl to this point! Even the highest level of Pear Flower Swordsmanship is used! That's right, if you don't use such a big trick, I am afraid it will be difficult to fight that guy! Forget it! Now that my son has already seen it, how can I make the beautiful women shout and kill!" At this moment, Jin muttered to himself, he also slowly walked towards the two who were fighting.

"What, he, he actually broke my big brother's heaven and earth network! How is this possible! Big brother, you, where are you, come out and help me!"

"Shut up! Now you know what is called Tianwaiyoutian! Not to mention that your boss is already dead, even if he is not dead, he will not escape today!"

"Impossible! Even if that kid broke my elder brother's net formation by mistake, he can't kill my elder brother! You know, my elder brother's combat power is still higher than the deity!"

"Really, then, that would disappoint you! After all, how can you fake things like dead people! Say yes, son!"

"Yes, yes, it's still a beautiful woman! Old fellow, come and see!" In fact, Jin Shangyu at the moment was also casually scribbling. The two thick-mouthed, nameless trees on the edge of the ancient tree were also Down instantly. The corpse of the thin old man was also exposed in the eyes of the three.

"Big brother, you, what are you doing! Why don't you stand up! He, they are just ordinary strong men!"

"Old boy, you should know what shamelessness is! Even if you want to communicate with the dead, are you a little unprincipled? If you die, you are dead! Let’s talk, how do you plan to die! As long as you want to die standing, I will let you kneel and die!"

"You, who are you! Why could you break my big brother's deadly formation! And also killed my big brother!"


"Hahaha, of course my son has a name, and Jin Shangyu is Laozi!"

"You are Jin Shangyu! Impossible! How could you, a master of a domain, venture on this sandy ridge!" As he spoke, in fact, the black-clothed old man at the moment had already made three consecutive swords and jumped out of the battle circle.

On the other hand, Murong Yuyan at this moment, because he saw Jin Shangyu standing in front of him alive, there was no emotional change, just a smile, which was regarded as a response to Jin.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu was like an ancient behemoth with madness, and his whole body exuded a strong intention of killing.

"You kid, even if you are Jin Shangyu, why do you want to mix with the people from the Lihua Palace! And you are so angry, it seems that your relationship is extraordinary!"

"Hahaha, old boy, I'm dead in front of my eyes, and dare to talk nonsense! Yes, we just got together, what's wrong, what else do you want to say!"

"Well, well, the deity now understands that you, the lord of Jin Cheng, took such a big risk for a woman in the rivers and lakes. If that is the case, let's fight again in the future!" At a certain moment, it was in Murong Yu. Yanlian stepped lightly and slowly walked behind Jin Shangyu, the change happened in vain, but seeing the black-clothed old man, she threw the thin old man's body at Jin Shangyu in an instant.

And he himself flew towards the northwest like a bolt of lightning.

"Jin Shangyu, he wants to run!"

"Run, how to run! If you dare to attack you, he will die!" Although the words were very brief, Murong Yuyan could feel Jin Shangyu's decisiveness at this moment.

It's too late, it's fast, just when the figure of the black-clothed old man just disappeared among the mountains, Jin Shangyu's figure also moved, and he disappeared without a trace in the next second.

"Prince Jin, you, when did you develop your body skills to such an amazing level! It seems that you guys are always playing with this girl!" This time, I saw the body skills shown by Jin Shangyu The speed is so strange that even Murong Yuyan, who is known for her unique body style, was stunned on the spot.

Here, Murong Yuyan is still sighing for Jin's super physical ability, and at this moment, a very interesting scene has appeared on Fenshaling.

That is the classic picture of chasing and fleeing.

"You, you are so fast! If you don't get out, if the old man fights his life, you boy will not escape! Besides, you are the lord of Jincheng! Why do you want to die with the old man!"

"Really, then you will die together, Lao Tzu is about to learn how to die together! Run, why don't you run away!"

"You, you are not a human! I, I ran to move, but I can't run away with you! In that case, let you taste the power of the deity!"

"Awesome! How awesome! Use it! You won't be better than your brother!"

"Hugh will deceive people too much! Or, or I will tell you some secrets, as long as you don't kill me, you can tell anything!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu's figure slowly fell on the black-clothed old man. At the former time, the latter also uttered a very puzzling sentence.

After all, they are the famous Huns blood guards, why did they behave so unbearably at the most critical moment of life and death! Not to mention, even the dead in Jia Mi’s army, or the dead in the Jie people’s camp, can regard death as home. Even if they are all demons who kill countless people, they can treat their own race or their own The master is extremely loyal!


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