I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2632: Weird Sand Ridge (29)

Although it was only an understatement for Murong Yuyan, it was an unbearable blow for the Huns at this moment.

Because from this moment, they don't know whether Jin Jun's super power will kill.

"Well, what the **** is going on, Jin Jun's strong man actually killed him! Brothers, now it seems that we have become the target of the joint attack of their two families!"

"Yes, no matter what, we are also brave men. We were so embarrassed today. Brother, I am not convinced anyway!"

"Well, let's take the team and continue to charge! Otherwise, we will still have some people die here! I believe you know this better than anyone!" At a certain moment, when everyone's emotions were a little out of control, a general looked like The middle-aged man is also riding a horse.

"General Liu, you, aren't you in the rear army? Why are you here! You know, you can't be careless now when it's extremely chaotic!"

"Hahaha, you guys still want to say these things now, our commander generals are dead and can't die anymore, how long do you want to hide it!"

"This, this, since General Liu already knows it, is it okay! In fact, we should all know, but the current situation is more difficult to do!"

"What's hard to do? Let the general say that the most important thing we should do right now is to retreat! Otherwise, we will all die here!"

"You, you are a capital offense! You know, our people have done this before, but whether he walks out of the Fenshaling Ridge alive is still an unknown number!" While speaking, the generals at this moment are also in chaos. A ball.

After all, in such a crisis, no one wants to die here.

Faced with such words of counterattack, the general surnamed Liu smiled slightly and then said: "Everyone, maybe you would be a few years older, but we all know the current situation, that is, advances and retreats are death! Since this is the situation. , Why not find a direction to leave directly! You know, even if the blood guards kill people invisible, but how many people they can have, let's put it down as a cavalry team with thousands of soldiers!"

"This, this, I agree with General Liu's idea!"

"I, I agree too! But what should we do after we rush out of the Fenshaling Ridge!"

"Yeah! Since we have chosen to resist, we can no longer be in the Hui clan, and the current situation is already a chaotic world! Do we still have to defect to foreigners!" For a while, because the generals still did not have a unified mind, so The brigade did not move on either.

However, just when the generals were at odds, bursts of arrogant laughter slowly drifted into the generals' ears.

"Hahaha... you are really brave enough to even want to rebel. I really don't know that the sky is great! Well, if that's the case, then die. Only the dead are the ones without any threat!"

"You, who are you! No, you are Lord Blood Guard! Your lord is here, please be respected by us! You know, we are not people who are afraid of death at all, but, but the current situation is that some people are playing **** us. Ah! If this continues, all of us will die here! At that time, what will these cavalry do, who will lead them!"

"Oh, if you say that unreasonable is justified, do you still have a strong defense power! However, the deity has no time to say anything to you! Let's go and use all the strength you can use, As long as you can hold Jin Jun back, you won't know everything here after returning! Otherwise, you should know what the consequences are!"

"Yes, yes! I will try my best! But the adults can help us clean up Jin Jun's assassination team! They are so annoying!"


"Shut up! It's just a few dead people! What are you afraid of! From now on, no matter what happens, the cavalry team will not be able to stop for a while! Otherwise, kill without mercy!" For a while, it was in some young generals and the like When people yelled loudly, the vague and ethereal voice also became sharp.

"Mother, I can't hold my breath anymore, yes. If you don't show up, these guys will have to stand on their own! But you guy thinks that you can achieve tactical goals by coming out to scare and scare! Sorry, just meet this son There is no good show to watch!" At one point, after Jin Shangyu used his powerful perception to discover the whereabouts of the Huns' Blood Guard, the whole person became excited.

Because at this moment, Jin Shangyu also locked onto an old tree that looked very old. There, a section of the tree trunk looks a little special.

"Jin Shangyu, you, you found them!"

"Forget it, but it's just a guy! I didn't expect that he would be less than a thousand feet away from us!"

"So close, then, does that mean he is on the side of the Huns cavalry!"

"Exactly, just now, he used the method of sound transmission to send his voice into the cavalry team, and his real body is on an old tree! Alas, this son is also served, they can even disguise themselves In a section of tree trunk!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu actually showed a very strange smile at this moment.

Here, Jin Shangyu has already spotted a member of the Huns’ Blood Guard, and at the forefront of the cavalry team, General Liu surnamed him once again.

"Everyone, the voice just now was too weird, don't you doubt it at all! If it is a fake voice from the enemy, we are not caught in their trap!"

"General Liu, no, the person who just made the sound should be our Lord Blood Guard! And he is ordering us to move forward at full speed! It is impossible for Jin Jun to give such an order!"

"Not necessarily, think about it, Jin Jun is also said to be a powerful cavalry. Will they let us rush forward, but they ambush us in an area on the Fensha Ridge! At that time, we will be no more Strong, they must also be eaten!"

"You talk too much!" At a certain moment, when General Liu wanted to say a few more words, an arrow feather also volleyed into the air. The next second, General Liu, who was still emotional just now, threw himself. He fell under the tall war horse with a sound.

"Master Blood Guard, why did you kill General Liu! You know, he just doubts your identity!"

"Doubt! The deity can be doubted by you characters! Let's go! This is the last chance!" This time, you can already feel the anger of the other party without having to savour it.

For a time, because the opponent was killed on the spot, the whole team continued to move forward at high speed after half an hour.

However, they expected that Jin Jun would be attacked and killed by the strong, but it did not happen.

"Well, it's been a few miles away, why is there no movement at all! Could it be that the powerful pressure of the Blood Guard played a role!"

"It should be like this! Otherwise, why doesn't Jin Jun's super power lurking here come to avenge us!"

"Okay, no matter what those are, let's move forward quickly! Don't annoy the Lord Blood Guard, now we only have so few generals left!" In fact, no one in the cavalry team at this moment dared to stop. Step forward, because in their view, the Xiongnu Blood Guard, hiding in the dark, has begun to clean up Jin Jun’s possible superpowers.


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