I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2630: Weird Sand Ridge (27)

As time slipped a little bit by, the weird sand ridge became more and more people afraid to stay for too long.

Of course, this change is also the result of the joint action of many parties. For example, the previous Jin Shangyu shot, the purpose is to injure the opponent's main general, and then make this cavalry stop.

But unexpected circumstances still pushed this team forward. It's just that this time someone Jin did not hesitate, but directly launched a thunder blow.

"Brother, you, why are you! Couldn't it be that something happened?"

"Several people, how can you say that, in fact, he has no ability to move forward!"

"What, it turned out to be such a result! Then, what shall we do now! Or let the old brother heal here by himself! Anyway, his injuries are too serious!"

"No, we old brothers, even though they don't speak well, they are also good brothers! How can we die without saving! Anyway, I would not agree to give up my old brother!"

"You, you should go on your own way! Otherwise, it will really hurt me!" At one point, when everyone had different opinions on whether to continue chasing Jin Jun, the old man who fell on the ground also said weakly to everyone.

After hearing such words, the sergeants did not know what to do! But at this moment, the same thing happened again in front of everyone.

It was too late to say, it was fast, just when everyone's mind was at odds, and they were uncertain, an arrow feather flashed the light of death across the old man.

"Ah, this, this is Arrow Book! It's them again, why? We are members of the same race!"

"Arrow Book, it's really Arrow Book! How could it be Lord Blood Guard! You know why we have not made up our minds yet, why did we start so early! Ah..."

"Brother, you, what's the matter with you! Isn't it also under attack?"

"The arrow is the feather of the arrow, I, I just said a few words, isn't that okay!" As he spoke, the younger sergeant was actually sealed by an arrow.

In the face of such a tragic picture, the entire cavalry team also made a different sound. The people who knew who started, stared blankly, as if they had seen their own end. Those sergeants who didn't see this scene were talking about other things.

"This, what the **** is this going to do! Why don't you see any enemy soldiers when you stop and go! Even the people who used to attack us before have not appeared!"

"Yes! Before, our rear army and the Chinese army had been attacked by super powers. Why are there no such changes now, but we have to stop moving forward!"

"Well, you guys don't talk indiscriminately! Just now there was news that not only our commander general has long been dead and can no longer die, even the general who has just temporarily replaced it has been killed. On the spot! Even the sergeant who talked a lot was blocked by an arrow!"

"Such a thing would happen! Alas! It seems that this time we are too bad luck!" At a certain moment, when ordinary Huns cavalry sergeants whispered, the few generals at the forefront of the team It also became completely crazy.

"Wow, it's really annoying! Blood Guards, right? You guys are too cruel! Obviously we are all people of the same race, but why do you have to be so heavy! Brothers, since they are all dead, why Why not just rest here!"


"Take a rest, no! Don't we know the situation just now! After all, someone is holding a flying arrow of death and pushing the big guy forward!"

"You, you wouldn't like to listen to what you said! Don't you have to die here! To put it awkwardly! The reason why this happened is because we have been stared at by strong men in two directions. "For a while, because the chaotic situation has already formed, the cavalry team at this moment did not embark on the expedition at all, just murmured on the spot.

However, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan at this moment are still quite happy, because they did see the unwillingness of the Huns cavalry. That is, I want to go but cannot go, I want to stay but I am afraid of being washed away by my own blood guard.

"Jin Shangyu, you, you are ruthless enough to start this time!"

"Is it ruthless! In fact, it's not too much difference, it just made him lose his fighting power! Even those strong Huns are really beasts! Facing his own people, he said that he would kill him!"

"Well, you, Mr. Jin, don't think about it anymore! Now that you have a solution, I believe the situation here will get better!"

"This is not necessarily true. After all, those blood guards are still more difficult to deal with! You know, this young man's current perception ability has reached a new level, but even if it is like this, it is difficult for me to find their traces! Tell me about them. Isn't it weird!"

"This, this is a fact, but you Jin Shangyu also said that it is difficult for them to find you!" Although knowing that such comforting words are a bit pale, in the next time, Murong Yuyan is also Not in words.

Of course, for Jin Shangyu, killing the opponent is not the goal at all. The real goal is to keep this cavalry from moving forward, or to go slower.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan were also a little more relaxed, because the cavalry slowdown goal they were looking forward to was about to be achieved.

"Everyone, we have no way to survive now! Or, return to base camp!"

"Go back, how come back! With our status, we will die after we go back! It might be a good way to continue the impact if it is better!"

"It can't be a good way! You know, the reason why the blood guards don't come out to see each other now, and they also kill people from time to time, in the final analysis, it is that they have encountered a powerful opponent!"

"What, you mean there are people who are afraid of the Blood Guard on Fenshaling." At the end, a Huns sergeant at the moment also said thoughtfully.

Speaking unintentionally, the listener was full of fear. After all, they are not fools, how can they not know the weirdness of the current situation.

"You, you mean the person who just started on our leader is Jin Jun's master!"

"From the results that appeared, it should be like this! And one thing is certain, that is, Jin Jun's masters are not people who can't kill us, but they don't want to kill people!"

"Yeah! After all, killing our boss can't stop the Cavalry Team from moving forward! Only if they are seriously injured can they achieve their goal! In that case, we really have no way to survive. Keep going, Jin The superpower of the army will continue to wound our generals here, and if there are wounded here, the blood guard will clean them out mercilessly!"

"It turned out to be such an ending! Why, why is it such a result? Didn't it say that it was the one who came to fetch the treasure! How could it become the way it is now!" At the end, the young Xiongnu generals also They showed their worries one after another, and even some people have undergone tremendous changes in their mentality.


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