I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2628: Weird Sand Ridge (25)

Faced with this sudden change, even Jin Shangyu is not good at judging the current situation changes.

"Girl, it's time for us to take action! If the action is slow, this cavalry will catch up with Brother Mo and them before the twilight falls!"

"How to act, just say it!"

"Go, let's get rid of their commanding generals first!"

"You, you don't show kindness this time, you are ready to kill!"

"Look at what you girl said, why is it so ugly! What makes me be kind? Isn't that impossible? Besides, the kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to my brother!" Jin Shangyu of Jin Shangyu also moved, and disappeared into the mountains in the next second.

Murong Yuyan, who followed closely behind him, didn't say much.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu wanted to prevent the chasing of the Huns cavalry, he also took the lead in action.

However, at this moment, the Duanbu trio also adopted the same strategy, which was to directly attack the position of the middle army of the cavalry team.

"My lord, now we can kill three or five people with just one impact, can we act!"

"Action! Remember, be fast, and observe the way back, don't be entangled by them!"

"My lord, rest assured, we will be careful!" After a little exchange, the Duanbu trio at this moment also launched another thunderous blow.

It was too late to say, it was fast, just as the Huns cavalry team was still moving forward, the sergeant at the center of the army also wailed in pain.

"No, it seems that they are still retaliating! I don't know if the Chinese army has lost much this time!"

"My lord, let's just ignore the changes in the Chinese army. You know, Master Blood Guard may be nearby! We have to guard against it!"

"Fight, what are you talking about! No matter how mysterious the Blood Guard is, it is the strong of our clan! What are you afraid of! They are not here to retaliate, then let them retaliate, anyway, I would have recognized this reason. Charge! Take a charge attitude!" In fact, the commanding general at the moment has become hysterical.

In this way, as time slipped by, the number of personnel in the cavalry team also decreased from time to time. What made the Duanbu trio puzzled was that even with such a strange attack method, this Huns cavalry still There is no sign of slowing down.

However, at this moment, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan were able to hear the violent galloping horses.

"Prince Jin, it seems that this girl doesn't need to ask you again!"

"That's right, in a little while, it is estimated that the naked eye will be able to look at the other party! This time this young man has to do it himself, as long as you hide on one side!"

"Okay, you Da Young Master Jin said that he is going to kill you, how can this girl steal your limelight!" While talking, in fact, Murong Yuyan at this moment also quickly disappeared between the mountains.

"Mother, isn't your kid going to fight for your life! If that's the case, then Lao Tzu will let you not have the capital to fight for your life!" Seeing Murong Yuyan who was very obedient this time, Mr. Jin also speeded up. Speed, the whole person is flying forward against the grass.

At a certain moment, when a 2,000-odd Huns cavalry roared, Jin Shangyu also saw the commanding general at the forefront.

"Well, I said Xiongtai, did you stop for a drink! What's the use of running like this! Even if you catch up, what can you do!"

"You, who are you! How come you are here!"

auzw.com "Hahaha, it doesn't really matter who this son is! The important thing is that you have a hard time!"

"How do you say this!"

"It's very simple, my son wants to leave a mark on you!" As he spoke, Jin Shangyu was actually shot out at the moment, and the next second he flew past the terrified enemy general.

"Protect the general! Let go of the arrows!"

"Ah, you, you hurt me first! Don't let go of your arrows, he has already escaped!"

"My lord, you, why are your shoulders and abdomen bleeding at the same time! This, how is this possible, he just passed by!"

"Don't, stop talking, let's bandage the general's wound!" This time, because the commander general was hit hard, the cavalry team that had just moved forward quickly stopped at this moment.

"Mother, it seems that Lao Tzu's method is better! Don't you want to advance at full speed? You will be seriously injured today, the leading general, and see what you do!"

"Jin Shangyu, what are you whispering! However, you did a good job this time! You actually hurt but didn't kill! It seems you want them to be upset!"

"Beauty guessed right! In fact, if you kill a main general, another main general will come out to command the cavalry team! Now I just make them unable to move forward!"

"Yes, but you are not afraid of attracting more powerful opponents, such as the Xiongnu Blood Guard you mentioned before!" At the end, Murong Yuyan also showed a strange look at this moment.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan are still observing the changes in the Xiongnu cavalry, and the Duanbu trio at this moment also feels the changes in the situation.

"Don't move, it seems that someone has acted before us! Is it Yi Jianzi and the others!"

"My lord, from our observations, I'm afraid it's not just a few of them. Is it because Mr. Jin made the shot!"

"It's him, it must be him! If that's the case, let's lurch! After all, there can be no only us here, there should be the legendary Huns blood guard!" After a little analysis of the situation, the Duanbu trio He chose to sneak and move.

Of course, the most nervous person right now is the general who was badly injured by Jin and fell.

"Don't, leave me alone, it seems that the man simply wants to put the general under the horse! The purpose is to stop the cavalry from moving fast!"

"You can't be a general! If you don't have you here, how can you do it! Come on! Help the general up!"

"No, even if you want to ride a horse, it will affect the speed of the whole army!"

"Sir General, don't talk about it. After all, we are also good brothers who have been with you for many years! Let's go, let's start together!" As he spoke, in fact, someone had come to support the wounded general to a tall horse.

However, in this delicate period of time, the sudden change happened again in vain.

It was too late to say, then soon, just as the sergeants were preparing to move on with their master, an arrow feather also flashed with a strong sound of breaking through the air.

"Ah, you, go! No, it's them, they turned out to be..."

"Master General, you, what's the matter with you? No, someone put a cold arrow! This, this is the arrow book! The blood guard, it is really the blood guard! But, why should they attack their own people!" It's just between the electric light and the flint, but the scene of his general being shot on the spot by his own people is still shocked by the souls of the sergeants flying into the sky, at a loss.

Because everyone couldn't believe their eyes, and they couldn't imagine that their commanding general was actually dead in their own hands.


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