I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2614: Weird Sand Ridge (11)

The time at noon has long gone forever, and at this moment the Fenshaling has become a little more active, but this kind of activity is only known to the parties involved.

"Brother, we have to go a long way this time, and I don't know if the generals will send troops to help!"

"Look at what you said, we are the one who conveys military orders. If we can't send troops, I'm afraid we really don't have to worry about our brothers!"

"Yeah! But I was a bit embarrassed in the stone cave. After all, those three adults were also big men who had been in the clan for many years. Why did they cause things to such a degree this time! Is this a great military master? Secret order!"

"It's hard to say, it's not what we can talk nonsense! Hurry up! I hope that this time the Lord Jin Cheng can be captured alive! I heard that he is a strange person, let us brothers look at his strangeness!"

"Two brothers, what do you think this son is strange!" At a certain moment, in the depths of Fenshaling, before the two brothers could react, a sentence that seemed to talk about family affairs was floating in their minds. .

"You, who are you! How can anyone show up here!"

"Yes, yes, right, hasn't it been cleaned up by the three adults, why is there any change!"

"Change, you really look up to yourself, of course you also looked up to those three guys! Let's talk, how do you want to look at this young man!"

"You, you are Jin Shangyu!" As they spoke, Jin Shangyu had already passed by their sides like the wind at the moment.

As for the moment Murong Yuyan had already dived in the mountains.

"Why, you are very strange, right! Actually, it doesn't have to be like this. After all, this son can go wherever he wants to go! You guys say yes!"

"You, you are not a human! You are a ghost!"

"No, no, no, Lao Tzu is really not a ghost. Strictly speaking, Lao Tzu is the one who came to send you on the road!" While talking, in fact, Jin Shangyu at this moment also issued two major attacks in a short period of time, although there was no The weapon, but with the powerful physical strength, the two Xiongnu warriors eventually fell down.

"Ahem, ahem... You, you are really Jin Shangyu, then, what do you plan to do with our brother!"

"It's very simple. Now I want to know some things the most. Let's talk, don't have any psychological obstacles, after all, it is better to live than anything else!"

"This, this, we are actually two little people, just passing by here! Please let Mr. Jin let our brother go!"

"Let it go, I originally thought so, but you didn't tell the truth. You have to know that the child who lied has no good fruit!" This time, when Jin Shangyu saw the two lying on the ground, he looked very unconvinced. , Said slowly again.

At this time, a beautiful shadow was also floating, and it wasn't Murong Yuyan who could still be.

"Prince Jin, isn't it a kindness attack again! If you don't want to start, this girl will do it for you!"

"Don't don't, don't scare them both!"

"Scare, do you think this girl is here to scare people! Come on, don't talk about it, die!" At the end, Murong Yuyan also showed a strong and decisive look at the moment.

Facing such Murong Yuyan, the two men knocked down on the grass by Jin Shangyu also opened their mouths again.

"Jin, City Lord Jin, in fact, we are actually going back to ask for reinforcements! And we are still in a hurry!"


"Really, it seems that Yuanhua's methods are also good, and I can think of asking for reinforcements in the first time!"

"You, how do you know his name is Yuanhua! Did you go to the cave just now!"

"Hahaha, stone caves and caves, some things, you two should really think about it now! Otherwise, death is waiting for you!" Feeling some emotional changes in these two Huns warriors, Jin also Don't forget to continue the ideological attack.

In the end, the two men also told some of their own things. And Jin Shangyu can be regarded as a test by recalling the scene he perceived before.

"Well, well, it seems that you two guys are still relatively honest! Of course, your energy is nothing more than this! Let's get a good night's sleep!" While talking, Jin Shangyu actually moved both palms, the next moment The two big Huns also slowly fell on the grass.

"Jin Shangyu, what did you do to them! I won't let them wake up again!"

"Girl, of course you want to wake these two guys up! Anyway, I am not a murderous monster!"

"Jin Shangyu, have you ever thought about it, what if the two of them woke up and fled back to the base camp!"

"What else can we do? It is estimated that by that time, our army would have returned to the land of Huayu."

"You, you, you are too kind! If you change to someone else, you would have killed it! Forget it, don't argue with you, let's talk about what to do next! After all, the situation on the sand ridge You, Mr. Jin, don’t know too much!” For a while, just when Jin Shangyu was kind-hearted and didn't kill the two, Murong Yuyan also asked helplessly.

Faced with such a situation, Jin Shangyu is actually quite contradictory, but let him directly kill two small people who have nothing to do with the overall situation. Sometimes, Jin still can't do it.

"Girl, let's take care of the cave next, after all, there are important things there too!"

"Jin Shangyu, you, don't you really want to subdue those three people!"

"Forget it! After all, it is not easy for them to possess such skills! And such a character is exactly what Jin Jun needs!"

"Yes, but their character is not very good! Otherwise, they wouldn't stay on the territory of the Huns!"

"Girl, sometimes, people will change, just like the Tianyin Hermit now! Let's go, in a while, this son will let you, a beautiful woman, witness a miracle!" While talking, Jin Shangyu is actually pulling Murong at this moment. Yu Yan's hand rushed towards the direction of the stone cave.

Although Jin's actions were only casual, it was different for Murong Yuyan. Not only did he not speak, but even his face became blush.

"Mother, you girl, I didn't scold her, why suddenly she was speechless, and she made a little red apple face! No, it turned out to be such a thing!" At a certain moment, Just as Jin Shangyu felt Murong Yuyan's emotional changes, he was still thinking about it. But when he lowered his head and saw that he was actually holding Qianqianyu's hand, Jin also understood in an instant.

In this way, because of the small embarrassment that just happened, the two of them didn't have much communication along the way, just a simple conversation.

About a quarter of an hour later, Jin Shangyu also signaled Murong Yuyan to lie down.

"Girl, um, the stone cave is not far away. It just so happened that the three of them didn't form a formation, otherwise, no matter how good our body is, they might be aware of it!"

"It turned out to be so, then, what do you plan to do, do you rush in directly, or wait!"

"Their internal fighting hasn't ended yet, of course they have to wait!" In fact, Jin at this moment also showed a very strange look.


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