I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2606: Weird Sand Ridge (3)

For a while, because of the emergence of new military conditions, Mo Jingtian and others did not know how to choose.

The reason why they are caught in such a dilemma is because they dare not leave here at all, otherwise they might put Da Young Master Jin and Murong Yuyan into a dangerous place.

"Everyone, what you just analyzed has some truth! But we don't have many choices now! To put it bluntly, we can only stand on the spot! If they really kill, let's talk about it!"

"That's right. The boy Shang Yu is still on the Fenshaling Ridge. If we leave here, I'm afraid it will be against him! So the old man also agrees with General Mo!"

"I agree with Yi Jianzi! If they dare to come, it will not be too late for us to fight to the death!"

"Okay! Since you don’t have any opinions, then stay still! In addition, Xiao Wanyu, you have to strengthen communication with the nine infinite beasts! If the war really starts, the responsibility of protecting the team is yours. On your head!"

"Wan Yu leads the way!"

"Okay! Let's split up! In addition, as long as the lord has not returned, no one can have the mind to retreat! Otherwise, Xiu blames the generals for being ruthless!" In the end, Mo Jingtian at the moment also showed a touch Powerful self-confidence.

In the past, because of respect for the old man Duanbu, Yi Jianzi and others, some things still had to be analyzed and researched together. Now that there are strong enemies in front of him, as a general, he has no intention of retreating at all.

Here, the mixed team led by Mo Jingtian has adopted a strategy of neither advancing nor retreating, and at this moment Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan have already reached the depths of Fenshaling.

There, Jin Shangyu was also quickly searching for strange places in the entire mountain with his strong perception.

However, what makes Jin Shangyu very puzzled is that no matter how hard he perceives, the result is the same.

"Jin Shangyu, how long have you been aware of it, why haven't you noticed any problems! Isn't it true that there are no beasts born here!"

"Beauty, don't worry! Actually, it's really as you said. This is a big botanical garden. There are many kinds of trees and shrubs, but there are too few living things! No, it seems that Brother Mo and the others have also met Some problems!"

"What, you, you mean someone is here!"

"Isn't the difference too much! I just felt it a little bit, because the distance is relatively far, it is also very vague, but this young man can be sure that this time it must be more fierce than good!"

"You, even Mr. Jin is so low-key, it seems that this Fenshaling really reveals a lot of weirdness!" After feeling Jin's emotional changes, that Murong Yuyan also said thoughtfully .

However, at this moment Jin Shangyu was suddenly stunned on the spot.

But seeing him staring at Murong Yuyan motionlessly, his face was blushing, and he didn't dare to look directly at Master Jin.

"Girl, don't leave, it seems we are being stared at by someone too! After all, this feeling is too weird!"

"What, you mean someone showed up! But why didn't you find out before!"

"Don't speak, this, this may be the weirdness of Fenshaling!" This time, when Jin Shangyu felt a trace of crisis approaching him, his perception was also quickly searching every inch of land around him. .

The reason for this is because Jin Shangyu discovered a problem.


"Mother, you girl, it turns out that the masters of the Huns may be hiding underground, and they are still in the area with very strong magnetic lines! Could it be that there are powerful magnets under this sandy ridge too!" After understanding the current basic situation, Jin Shangyu quickly reached out and took Murong Yuyan's hand, and the next second he was already lying in a bush that was not too tall.

Perhaps it was because of Jin's excessive force or the situation was more urgent. In short, when Jin Shangyu was lying in the bushes, Murong Yuyan beside him was already pulled into his arms. Even Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan at this moment can hear each other's heartbeats.

"Girl, don't move, don't move, it seems that someone also has a strong perception! I, I can perceive his existence!"

"Jin, Jin Shangyu, don't you let go of your hand first! This girl is almost out of breath!"

"This, this, I'm sorry! I was too anxious just now, because his perception seems to scan this bush! It's really strange, there are such strange people in the world!"

"You, you are indeed a human being, and nothing else! You know, we have not found any living creatures along the way!"

"It can't be wrong! Although the person is hiding in the ground, relying on strong magnetism to protect himself, I can still perceive his existence!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu at the moment also slowly said what was in his heart. .

At this moment, Murong Yuyan was not as nervous as Jin, but after seeing her paused for a while, she smiled slightly afterwards.

"Jin Shangyu, you, the first time you are so nervous, are you afraid that someone will hurt this girl!"

"This, this, beauty, what are you talking about! We are here to investigate the situation in Fenshaling!"

"Okay, you don't have to change the subject! Don't worry, in fact, even if we are discovered, based on the combat power of the two of us, they can't do anything about us! Only then, our team will be discovered by them! , I don’t know if the Huns here deliberately waited here, or let us run into it by accident!"

"It's hard to say! But we will know the truth after a few miles ahead!"

"You, you mean we are going to crawl in this bush!"

"Yes, this is the only way to go! Because if we stand and walk, we may be discovered by others!"

"Okay, you can do what Elder Jin said!" After a short glance at Jin Shangyu, Murong Yuyan was also ready to sneak.

In this way, in order to avoid the power of perception that may exist in the mountains, Jin Shangyu also slowly crawled in the bushes that were not too dense with Murong Yuyan.

And half an hour later, Jin Shangyu finally stopped sneaking, and while stopping his figure, he also reached out to hold Murong Yuyan beside him!

"Stop talking, I found them, they turned out to be an underground cave! No, it should be said to be a natural underground magnet cave!"

"You, you can be sure! You know, if we are discovered, they will inevitably attract powerful cavalry and even the main force of the Huns! By then, the situation will become more complicated and unpredictable!"

"Sure! From their conversation, this young man can be sure that they didn't find us, and their perception distance is very close!"

"Then, then you have to be more careful! After all, we now have strong enemies in front, and the army is chasing after!" After knowing Jin Shangyu's current situation, Murong Yuyan also said slowly in Jin's ear.

At this moment, Jin Shangyu suddenly became relatively sluggish, as if Murong Yuyan's words could not enter his ears.


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