I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2594: Fight again (5)

In this way, because of Jin Shangyu's super perceptual ability, generals such as Mo Jingtian also discovered the foreign enemy in the first time.

Of course, this news was also reflected through Murong Yuyan.

"Girl, thanks! After all, let this young man tell this thing, they will think of some new situations what they say!"

"I know, thank you! Don't worry, it's all trivial things, but when you get to Jin Cheng, you have to cook it yourself!"

"Don't worry, this is nothing! Come here, let's listen to how they respond! After all, is this a real combat drill!"

"Practical drill! Jin Shangyu, why are you so big-hearted! What are we doing now! You know, if you lose the battle, not only will your baby be gone, I'm afraid you will still be hurt, Lord Jin! Why don't you understand such a simple truth!" "

"Girl, you, you seem to be more worried than my son! It seems that you girl is really from Jin Chengzhong!" While talking, Jin also laughed at the moment.

Because Mo Jingtian and others went to the front army to study the method of fighting, the dialogue between the two people did not attract everyone's attention.

The reason why Jin is so happy is because Murong Yuyan used a very key word, that is "we"!

"Mother, you girl, now it seems that this girl's thoughts have all been put on Jin Cheng! I didn't expect that the originally cold northern princess would have such a change! Forget it, I don’t want this anymore, let’s see how General Mo’s handles the current situation!” After feeling Murong Yuyan’s emotional changes, Jin was deeply moved while paying attention to Mo Jingtian’s approach to the enemy. , After all, the battle received is the most important thing.

"The generals listen to the orders, I will issue a series of military orders now, I hope you can hear them clearly! If anyone can't follow the military orders, be careful, I will be merciless!"

"General, give your order! Even if there are more enemy troops, brothers will let them come back and forth!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy. This battle is different from the past. After all, we have the focus, but people fight lightly!"

"I'll understand! Please give the command from the military master!" For a while, when Mo Jingtian gathered a group of generals together, they were also quickly studying strategies against the enemy.

"Shang Yu! You, why don't you go and see, after all, you are a big man!"

"Old Duan don't make fun of Shang Yu! Here, Brother Mo's commanding talent is the best! Trust him!"

"The old man understands your kid's mind! But this time is a big deal after all! I just listened to it, and there should be two cavalry attacking us together! You, how do you think about this!"

"Lao Duan, in fact, we don't need to think too much. Brother Mo will take care of everything! The girl and I also said before, just treat it as an actual combat drill!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also revealed at this moment. A very strange smile.

Faced with this kind of Jin Shangyu, the old man Duan Bu, who had just gathered to listen to Jin's opinion, also smiled slightly and said nothing else.

"You, why do you say that! After all, the old man also wants us to be safer!"


"Beauty, you forgot one thing, no doubt about employing people, no doubt about it! Don't worry, Brother Mo can handle it! As for this old man! Sometimes, we still have to think more about things, such as whether this old man is still there. Guessing what extraordinarily human means this son has!"

"You, you are thinking too much!"

"Girl, it's not my son who thinks too much, it's mainly because of some things, and it's not the time to say it! Don't worry, if I do this, he won't be angry!" After understanding Murong Yuyan's thoughts, Jin Shangyu at this moment is also facing The leaving figure of Duan Bu muttered to himself.

Here, Jin Shangyu didn't want to expose his superhuman methods prematurely, and Mo Jingtian at this moment had already issued a series of orders.

"The generals follow the orders! The general strategy this time around is to concentrate the superior forces to attack him! Remember, this time there is no combined attack formation, only the strong self-confidence of one strike!"

"Master General, you can give specific combat orders! Just now, our horse detection has also reported back. It is true that there are two cavalry forces attacking us! But from the current situation, these two cavalrymen It doesn’t have to be a group!"

"Well, well, you are right! So we have to grasp this point, even if it is a dangerous move, we will have to gamble again! Come on! The elite of the three armies, the front, the middle and the back, have a fist. A punch made a gap! In addition, the others must protect the carriage and the wounded tightly! As for the other strong, they will protect themselves!"

"I am waiting for the order! Please rest assured, the general, this battle, our army will win!" For a while, after Mo Jingtian's tactics were set up, more than a dozen young generals also quickly left.

"My son, now General Mo has already issued a combat order! Do we have some preparations too!"

"Big Brother Yi, don't worry, you have to trust Big Brother Mo! Didn't he say that, let us protect ourselves, then we will protect ourselves! As for other things, just leave it to General Mo!"

"Master, you, forget it, the old man understands!" Hearing this kind of words from Jin, I wanted to persuade him a few more words, but after seeing Jin's very determined eyes, Yi Jianzi still didn't say much.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu's strategy was obvious, Mo Jingtian was the real commander in this mixed team.

Of course, the powerhouses who have long been attached to Jin Jun are also very emotional. After all, for them, Jin Shangyu's non-interference in the battle plan of the generals has exceeded their understanding.

"Three brothers, you have taken refuge in the lord very early! You should know about this! But this time you talk about it, is it a bit unacceptable? Our lord is not in a hurry! "

"Several brothers joked, in fact, the three of us don't know the lord very well! Of course, the lord's idea is quite correct! Maybe this time we really want to test Jin Jun's combat effectiveness! It's not known!"

"Test combat effectiveness! Even you Beihai Sanxiong think so! Well, what if our Jin Jun is defeated!"

"Don't worry, based on the three of our old brothers' understanding of the lord, everything here is under his control!" As he spoke, the Beihai Sanxiong at the moment also slowly cast his eyes on Jin.

"Mother, you girl, these three old men, how many times have they said how to look at Lao Tzu with this kind of eyes, just want to test everyone's actual combat ability! Forget it, just think what you like Think about it!" For a while, feeling the voice of everyone's discussion, Jin was also thinking indiscriminately in his heart.

Here, all the powerhouses are speculating about Jin's mind, and Mo Jingtian at this moment actually started the preparations before the war. But seeing him quickly command the many young generals to shrink the cavalry team again, if you look down from the sky, you will see that the entire army is like a huge sword, and the team and the wounded Hidden in the blade of the great sword.


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