I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2579: Frequent backhands (34)

At a certain moment, the wounded were full of emotion at Jin Shangyu's actions, and when their emotions became erratic, the cavalry team on the periphery had lost their previous imposing momentum.

"Well, you are not allowed to retreat, those who retreat die!"

"Master General, the situation is quite tense now! If we don't come up with the right idea, I'm afraid we will follow in the footsteps of Sima Ning, and it will be too late to regret by then!"

"Yes! Lord General, we know that you have reached zero distance with that baby now! But, no matter how good the baby is, what's the use if you don’t have a life to take it! You just listen to our advice! In addition, you I saw that they were going to advance and retreat together with us just now. Now that they know that a large army is coming, they will just run away!"

"This, this, is it really necessary to let the generals lose their troops, and eventually get nothing! If this is the result, what shall we do again? It is better to stay at home!"

"Master General, this time, we didn't do anything. For example, we saw the defeat of Sima Ning and the fiasco of the King of Changsha. These were all contributed by us!" The counsellors around a general also started a mode of discussion.

This time, under the persuasion of everyone, even if he could see the baby right in front of his eyes, the person who looked like a general finally sighed.

"Oh, God won't bless me! Want to come, we will succeed this time, but we will shoot out a cavalry from the desert. How is this possible! You, why haven't you detected clearly, they Which power is it! If you can form an alliance with us, is it a good thing!"

"Master General, let's not have a fluke here! You know, they are all starting to retreat! No, they actually want to go around and finally escape into the desert. It seems that they have too many ideas! Fortunately! We did not share the treasure with them, otherwise we will be calculated by them!"

"Wow, I'm so mad! No, they want to leave, that's their business. I am going to kill Jin Shangyu here today! Even if you can't take the baby, you have to take his head!"

"Master General, you have to think twice!"

"I've got to this point, and think twice! He is also a human, Jin Shangyu, and should have become a living dead long ago! Let's not take his life now, what time are we waiting for! In addition, you should not take the outsiders back. What's wrong! He has a powerful cavalry, don’t we have it? Even if we lost nearly two thousand men before, we still have one thousand soldiers and horses! Charge, launch the final charge! If you don’t kill Jin Shangyu today, neither will this general Alive!" At a certain moment, when the entire dark night became more and more weird, the general who had been killed from the right wing also became more and more crazy.

Seeing that his master had already made up his mind, although everyone wanted to persuade him a few words, no one said more, just stood there quietly, as if thinking about what might happen next.

"The whole army listens to the order! Assault at full speed, without a big victory, never retreat! Offenders, cut!"

"I am waiting for the general's order!"

"Okay, well, does this look like this! Don't worry, as long as we get Jin Shangyu's head, we will be a great achievement after we go back!" Seeing that he still has the power of a battle, that person who looks like a general is also a big deal. laugh it out.

In this way, as the sound of the beating horses on the periphery became louder and louder, Jin Shangyu and others also ushered in unprecedented pressure.

auzw.com "Mother, you damn, obviously Lao Tzu’s reinforcements have already been killed, you just leave! Now you are going to smash Lao Tzu! Well, well! If this is the case, then put it Stay here! No, that guy actually came with a carbine!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu saw a general commanding his nearly two thousand soldiers and horses to pounce on him again, he also thought in his heart. Another thing.

"Jin Shangyu, what's the matter with you, is there something major happening!"

"The big thing is big, but the ending is the same, but we have to leave more people here!"

"You, you mean the cavalry commander who just led his troops has killed him again!"

"Exactly! I guess he is afraid that the general in front of him will swallow good things! No matter, if that is the case, let them see the style of my Jin Jun cavalry!" After a little perception, Jin Shangyu discovered a new situation. .

And this new situation is also inspiring the generals who led the war before.

"Hahaha, let me just say, he can't give up so easily! This, isn't this he's coming back again! That's right, with our two armies joining hands, even if there is pressure from the army, we will not necessarily lose Jin Shangyu, your head is about to be taken, of course, your baby, we also want it!"

"Master General, this thing seems weird! Don't wait any longer! Even though that person had been a brother to you before, he is a general in command after all!"

"You, you guys are afraid that he will be a stranger on our side! Impossible, based on what he would know about him, he must be afraid that we will monopolize the baby! In fact, this kind of thinking is also good! Hahaha, Jin Shangyu, you still Do you really think you can survive with reinforcements! Let me tell you the truth, it is impossible!" After a short look, a man with the appearance of a general is also riding out, and the goal is exactly where Jin Shangyu is. area.

On the left side of that general, there was a cavalry with extremely fast speed, and the leader was the general who had attacked from the left.

"Shang Yu! It seems that they have already escaped from the previous panic! They are now launching a real attack on us! What to do! Or else, the old man will fight them directly, as long as they take down the two guys, the overall situation will be fine. Can be settled!"

"Lao Duan, don't need to be like this! Our people have already been killed! And this young man can be sure that this time, they will lose, and they will die here!"

"Our reinforcements, you can be sure! Of course you can! Because the combat power of the people here is also amazing!"

"Who is it! It won't be the old generals in Jincheng! If you send them out, then the safety of your Elder Jin will be guaranteed! That's right, are you also the master of a domain after all!"

"Old man, you still guessed wrong this time, the person here is no longer the chase set before! His name is Mo Jingtian!"

"Mo Jingtian! It turned out to be Mo Jingtian from Pingyang City! The old man has long heard that this man has a good commander and is extremely powerful! There is nothing to do with him! Taking the head of the general in front of the two armies is like exploring the bag. !" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu said the name of the leader of the reinforcements, the old man was also taken aback.

"Mother, you girl, I really didn't expect that Brother Mo has such deterrent power in the north! Not to mention, it seems that Lao Tzu's eyes are poisonous, and the generals who conquer are really big people!" This time, when Jin Shangyu heard Duan Bu's super high evaluation of Mo Jingtian, he also muttered to himself.


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