I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2566: Frequent follow-ups (21)

Because Murong Yuyan also knows one thing, that is, Jin Shangyu is too capable and can't be threatened by ordinary people.

Here, Murong Yuyan and the powerhouses are a bit at a loss, and even Yi Jianzi and others want to kill them directly, but under Duan's persuasion, they finally stabilized their position.

Besides, Lord Jin who flew out at this moment, because of the sudden incident, even the cavalry team not far away was a little at a loss.

"Look, general, they actually attacked us! But there is only one person!"

"A person dare to come out to die! What a big joke! Does the lord know this!"

"I don't know yet!"

"Okay! Go tell you! As for this **** guy, let Ben deal with it!"

"Yes! The villain understands! But the general must be careful, after all, the people here are super strong, not ordinary people!" As he spoke, there was actually a sergeant who had already rode away.

When Jin Shangyu listened to the conversation between these two people, he was also amused, "You little guy, I really thought I was here to die! Of course, even if you are here to die, you have to take your life. Liwei! Otherwise, how could others not know our situation!"

After a slightly weird smile in his heart, Jin Shangyu also slowed down his figure, and within a few breaths he came to the person who looked like the little general.

"You, who are you, dare to come out alone! It seems that they sent you out to assassinate the general! That's right, you also have no way to resist! Finally thought of this trick! Don't worry, you must There will be no return!"

"Really! I don't know if this son can return, but you guys won't have the chance to go home!"

"The dying person dare to speak like this! I really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick! Come on! Take it! The lord will come over to see who he is in a while! Remember, if you want to capture it alive, you can also ask over there. thing!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" At one point, at the order of the little general, dozens of cavalry sergeants, armed with sabers against Jin Shangyu, were a powerful offensive.

"Mother, these guys actually know how to fight together! It's just that I don't have the shrewdness of Lao Tzu! Alas, it seems that there are so many capable people in this world! But if you want to use these little people, you want to hurt Lao Tzu. I really want to. That's too much!" At the same time as he thought about it for a while, his figure flickered quickly.

"Be careful, general, his body is too weird! We can't touch him at all! No, his target is you!"

"Ah, you, you fellow, can actually break open and close the cavalry formation in such a short time!"

"Hahaha, my son said, you must die today! Unless you jump off the horse now and surrender actively! Otherwise you know what the consequences are!"

"Bah, you wicked thief! Don't want to hurt me! Isn't it just a fast body! You are still stunned, what to do, letting go!" As we spoke, in fact, there had been sergeants firing arrows.

Looking at Jin Shangyu at this moment, his figure was shaking again, and the arrow feathers that seemed to be hit by a hit turned out to be brushing past Jin's body.

"Little guy, my son has given you a chance, but you don't want to, and dare to hurt Laozi with arrows! If that's the case, then die!"

"You, ah! Save me..." At a certain moment, after an unwilling wailing, the young general who had just commanded Ruoding was already sealed by Jin Shangyu!

auzw.com Seeing that his commanding general was dead, he could not die again, and the cavalry around him also became a mess.

"It's not good, it's not good, the general was killed! Go and tell your lord! He is too powerful! He can kill with one sword!"

"Yeah! We can't stop him here! It seems that the only way to deal with it is to report to the lord!"

"Mother, I'm afraid you won't report it! The master of Changsha King, right? Let you take advantage of it today. After all, you can't bear a child and can't hold a wolf!" The scene here has become very serious. In chaos, Jin also stood slowly holding a long sword.

Seeing Jin Shangyu shot from a distance, he shot and killed an enemy general, Murong Yuyan and others also took a breath.

"Lao Duan, do you think he is a lunatic? When is this, he has to take the initiative! If something happens, what should I do!"

"Miss Murong, don’t worry, at least it’s nothing right now! Besides, we should have confidence in Shang Yu’s combat power! In addition, from this first battle, we can see that his spirit is very full. Nothing will happen!"

"I hope so! If something happens to him, this girl will definitely make the King of Changsha pay the price of blood!"

"Mother, it would be unusual for this woman to be ruthless! It's scary, it's really scary! But she can say this for Lao Tzu, this son is also very touched!" Although the person is far away, the old man Duan Jin still heard the conversation with Murong Yuyan.

Here, a group of strong men are resisting the impact of some cavalry teams while worrying about Jin's safety.

However, at this time, new changes also appeared.

But seeing Jin Shangyu at this moment, thinking about how to deal with the situation in front of him, a powerful momentum came from far and near, followed by a burst of arrogant laughter.

"Hahaha...You, you are really a warrior! You dare to act alone! It seems that you were forced out by them too! Don't worry, although you killed the general of the deity, you can survive! That is You return to the king of Changsha!"

"King of Changsha, is he a big official? After all, he is just a clan prince. What is there to show off! You know, there are more than ten or eight in the world like this so-called king!"

"You, who are you! Why do you speak so much! Don't you know your situation!"

"I know, of course I do! But there is no way! You must be drawn over and killed today! Otherwise, it will be difficult for this son to return to his life!"

"Hahaha, it seems that the deity really guessed right! They really have nothing to do! Or, let the deity send you to see Sima Ning!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu showed desperation. During the battle, the old man sitting on the tall horse also continued to laugh.

In the face of such a weird situation, the powerhouses guarding the side of the camel team have a lot of ideas. After all, Jin Shangyu did not tell his own strategy, even the old man Duan Bu, Yi Jianzi, and Murong Yuyan could guess. One or two, but they are still more worried.

You must know that Jin Shangyu is now facing an old and cunning master. Just using a trick to kill Sima Ning is proof.

However, just when the whole situation seemed a little awkward, the two armies that had already broken through to the front were also facing away.

If you look down from above at this moment, you can see that the camel team of Jin Shangyu and others is in the north, while the east and west are two cavalry teams, and the south is the Changsha King Cavalry who defeated Sima Ning's army.

The reason why the cavalry squadrons that came out from the left and right directions did not directly participate in the battle is because they saw Jin Shangyu single-handedly challenge the cavalry squadron of the King of Changsha.


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