I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2558: Frequent follow-ups (13)

Taking a closer look, Jin Shangyu also saw that the person who just spoke was not someone else, but the old man Duanbu and his subordinates.

"Mother, this old man has a violent temper. In fact, there are some risks when such a killer goes out! I hope they can all return safely!" At a certain moment, it was in the Duanbu trio. Jin Shangyu was also thinking quickly in his heart when he rushed to the remote battle with a few people.

After all, he didn't want to pay his respects to the master sent by his eldest brother Duan Pizhen to keep his life here!

In this way, as the battle situation changes, the entire thatched house has become the most core area, and of course this core refers to the most dangerous area.

There, although there are many strong guards, the cavalry of the opponent has an absolute advantage in number after all.

"Big brother, it seems that the time has come for a fight! What should I do! Even Tuoba Ye and the others have participated in the war!"

"Yuanhua, don't worry! After all, no one has attacked here yet! Let's take a look! Didn't Jin Shangyu already understand it well before? That is to fight and retreat, and there will be a miserable defeat! Since it is a must If we lose the game, why should we rush in such a hurry!"

"It turns out that big brother thinks this way! I just don't know what Yuanlie thinks! That kid had a bad opinion of our old brother from the beginning! I don't know what I'm thinking about now!"

"Regardless of him, this time, through some relationships, we can be regarded as some strong people from Yuanlie's hands. Although this approach is a bit unnatural! But the current situation, if we have no one in hand, I am afraid it is The most dangerous thing!"

"Yeah! I want to come to our senior level and still think about how we will get the baby, who can think that the situation will develop to the current level! No matter what, let's keep your own level here!" At the end, At this moment, Yuanhua, known as the killer, also muttered unwillingly.

Of course, for Yuanhua's emotional changes, Yuanhong didn't have any countermeasures. He just smiled bitterly and regarded it as a response.

In this way, because of the voluntarily withdrawal of the top ten alien beasts, the entire battlefield was also taken over by the powerful.

For a time, under the impact of 800 cavalry, the strong men of all walks of life also suffered some casualties. Simply because Jin Shangyu had already issued a lot of healing pills before, so few people really died on the spot!

Here, Jin Shangyu and others relied on the previously constructed defensive formation to resist the cavalry's repeated attacks, and at this moment, the man called the second general also showed a very strange smile.

"Hahaha, it seems that this is God's will! They actually want to use their own combat power to resist the army! It is really the biggest joke this general has seen these days! Do you think it is!"

"Yes, yes, they are so stupid! No, they can't be blamed! Who said there are too many babies! In other words, no one will abandon the baby and leave on their own! Of course, it is the same. The choice, so that we can get any benefits!"

"Well, you, what you said is still a bit wrong, in the eyes of an old man, now is not the time to say such things!"

"Old man, you, you didn't let the second general launch an impact before, and you said you want to report to the general! Now the other party is obviously at the end of the battle, you old boy is still here to mess up our army! Second general, you should now It directly ended up with him!"


"Okay, you are all subordinates of this general, don't say such things! Even if there were some differences before, it was for the sake of the overall situation! However, the elderly are still worried about the big changes in the war. I am afraid that there are many ideas. Let's go!" Although on the surface, the man called the second general seems to be mediating the contradiction between the two, but the discerning person can also hear it, and he is still a little unhappy with the old man before him.

Here, there are also some disagreements within the front army, but Jin Shangyu at the moment is the one who is most stressed. After all, for him, this kind of battlefield trend doesn't dare to maintain for too long.

"Jin Shangyu, you, you really have decided! You know if this continues, it is very likely that we will be caught in a dilemma! Even a few major forces will be surrounded here, let alone leave with the baby, even if it is It's a very extravagant thing to retreat!"

"Girl, how do you think this young man doesn't know! But if you want to survive, you have to make dangerous moves! Look at it, it should be another quarter of an hour, and there will be a different change here!"

"You, how can you be so sure! Nothing, this girl won't say anything else! But can you say something about Jie Ren's disposal!"

"Girl, you know, as long as they follow the rules, this young man will not deal with them! But if you meet on the battlefield in the future, it will be endless!"

"It turns out that you still think so! Forget it, if you can change a lot and go back, I am afraid it is not your Elder Jin!" Hearing Jin Shangyu's words, Murong Yuyan, who had been standing behind him, said with a bitter smile.

"Mother, you girl, how come I don't know the relationship between your Murong family and the mortal enemy, but now is not the time for revenge! I hope this girl can figure out some things!" Maybe he still can't figure out his own decision, but Jin Shangyu really has no good solution!

However, just as Jin Shangyu and Murong Yuyan communicated in a low voice, the battle on the periphery had already entered a fever pitch.

Not only did Tuoba Ye lead the strong Tuoba Xianbei in a battle with the attacking cavalry, even the Jie Ren who had thought a lot before, was led by the three masters to directly participate in the battle.

"Jin Shangyu, it seems that you won! They actually fought against powerful enemies to protect the treasures here!"

"Why, is it something that happened to Miss Murong? In fact, this is not an accident. You know, people's hearts are long! Take a step back, even if they don't want to fight, and the situation here They are already not allowed to make other choices."

"It turns out that you, Mr. Jin, have planned for this a long time ago. No matter how much this girl says, it doesn't make any sense! Forget it, let's do it with Mr. Jin! Or else, this girl will go out and move her body! At a certain moment, when the strong Jie Ren was in the battle, that Murong Yuyan also had a deeper understanding of Jin.

After all, for the enmity between the two ethnic groups, Jin Shangyu was able to actively resolve it, which in itself was beyond Murong Yuyan's expectations.

Of course, from the current results, Jin Shangyu's decision is still correct.

Suddenly, because of Jin Shangyu's strategy, the strong men who participated in the war also unloaded all their bows and arrows, and the cavalry team that came from a distance from time to time launched rounds of arrow rain offensive.

Fortunately, the people here are not ordinary people, so the number of casualties is still limited.


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