I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2553: Frequent follow-ups (8)

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The darkness revealed a lot of weirdness, and the attacking army at this moment no longer had the strong psychological advantage they had before, and they were stunned by the sudden change.

"Quickly, let the army temporarily stop attacking! If this continues, the two thousand brothers of our former army are not the enemy's opponent at all! Besides, we don't even know how to die, how to fight the enemy!"

"Second general, you, can't you do this! After all, we have just received the command of the general but we are fighting to the death! If we retreat because of some difficulties, then, even if someone is covering the second general, the consequences It is also unthinkable!"

"Yes, yes, the second general must not retreat! If you let the villain see, they must be playing some kind of trick, that is, they are playing a lot of energy, after venting, there will be nothing!"

"Yes, but our casualties are too great. It's just a charge that has hundreds of brothers dead on the spot! And you have also seen them, their methods of death are too surprising! They were all torn apart alive! This, What does this mean? It means that the sound of beast roar here is really high-end combat power! I even suspected that there might be ancient alien beasts that we can't fight at all here, but I don't know it!" In the darkness of night, a general sitting on a tall horse was already showing fear.

After all, the scene before his eyes was too tragic.

Faced with such a situation, the two thousand cavalrymen of the front army also made a short stay. Although they did not retreat directly, they did not continue to launch a major offensive.

And this result was unacceptable to General Sima Ning. It was time, but when he saw the attack in the distance paused a little, he yelled.

"Wow, what a kid is wasting this general's great fighter! Even if there is a powerful existence, our army can directly crush it! Why stop? Is this going to die! Passing on this general's order? , The former soldiers must fight to the end, don’t they have bows and arrows, why not! Are you stupid! If anyone has the intention to retreat, kill them!"

"Yes, yes, the villain has an order! The villain will pass the general's order now!"

"Okay! Don't hurry over! Why, even you are a little scared! Don't worry, they are just a mob! As long as our people are not afraid of sacrifice, they will be able to capture Jin Shangyu!" He commanded the people around him almost hysterically. Quickly to convey the general order, General Sima Ning showed a weird smile.

In the face of such a general, someone sprinted away quickly, because they all knew their general's temper, and if it made him unhappy, no one could afford the consequences.

However, less than a quarter of an hour later, the little general who had just left came to the horse of General Sima Ning again.

"Report, report to the general, there really is a very strange thing happening there! The second general requested that the attack be suspended!"

"Pause the attack! You, what did you go there for! Isn't it the order of this general! It's really maddening! The little second general dare to talk nonsense in front of this general! Tell him, don't attack again, Ben He will die now!"

"This, this, the general, the second general is a more important person! If he is really moved, will it be detrimental to the general!"

"Shut up! You will suffer from the fate of the foreign king! Besides, he is just a small second general. If it were not for the prince who usually covers him, I am afraid that he would have died long ago! Now in the general's army He dared to defy the military order openly! Come here! The four of you will go with him now. If he dared to defy the military order, he will directly rectify the law on the spot!"


"This, this, I'm waiting for the order!" At a certain moment, when the general order of the surnamed Sima was issued again, the few people standing around him also looked at each other. After all, they were really afraid No matter how to start, the name of the second general is also a title personally given by the owner.

However, now they also understand one thing, if they don't follow the general order, I am afraid someone will directly kill them now.

In this way, because the general command of the general Sima Ning was issued again, five people also quickly went to the front army.

After a few breaths, a black-faced man in the front army also showed an unpleasant color.

"You, what do you mean by this! Can't you hear the powerful and invincible roar of the beast! Can't you see the brothers falling down one by one! Don't even know how you died! Let's talk about it, Even our war horses began to tremble. Is this enough to explain the problem!"

"Second General, you, you also know the general's temper! The facts just now, the villain has already notified the past, but the general is now giving the death order, he must attack with all his strength, and it is an attack at all costs! It's really because of this matter that it has delayed a major event, I am afraid that the second general is really hard to explain!"

"Explain! He, he is just a distant relative of the prince, he really thinks he is a big man! I shouldn't move now, see what he can do!"

"This, this, the second general still has to think twice! You have also seen it, and now even the four major guards around the general are here!" Having said this, the middle-aged man who was conveying the military order at this moment also cast his eyes slowly. Arrived the four guards standing behind him.

Seeing these four people, the black-faced man known as the second general also laughed.

"Hahaha, you, do you mean you want to attack Ben! Dare you!"

"Second general, the villain must not dare! But these four people will really obey the command of the general! And they can't help it! If you don't do it to you, you will die when you go back! So please think twice. what!"

"You, you are forcing me! Sima Ning, you, you know that the loss will be very large, and you are forcing me like this! That's all, isn't it just fighting to the end? This general is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Come here! According to the general order, the former generals are fully attacked, even if we are standing in front of the devil, no one is allowed to retreat! Otherwise, the military is engaged!" At the end, the second general at this moment is already riding away. Only the person who left the order was stunned on the spot.

"My lord, can we go back to our lives! After all, the general is still there waiting for us!"

"This, this, yeah! The general is still waiting! Well, since this is the result, we should go back to our lives too! I just don't know whether our front army can break through the strange formation ahead! "

"My lord, you are worried that the second general will be hit by a big counterattack!"

"This is not something we should be worried about! In fact, what we should be most worried about now is the sound of beast roars here. It's so terrifying, it's not an ordinary roar of beasts at all! Could it be that Jin Shangyu really has people in the world who don't know? Terrifying behemoth!"

"My lord, maybe you think too much! You know, although this kind of sound is a bit disturbing, but we are two thousand cavalry after all. With so many cavalry, just the tide of charge is already unstoppable! A few monsters can stop it!" Although it seemed to be muttering to himself, the four guards behind him also understood what the people in front of him were thinking, so they also said something comforting as possible.


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