I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2351: Yunshadu (65)

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Perhaps at this moment, Yi Jianzi also thought of a person, and that person was not someone else, but Jin Shangyu, who had acted alone and disappeared for a long time.

Here, Yuanhong's words caused mixed reactions to everyone, and they were surprised, but at this moment, there were three figures slowly entering the nameless stone room.

Although Yuanhong recounted the things in the stone room, the people present were not fools, how could he not see what happened.

Even at a certain moment, under Yuan Hong's gaze, even Na Tuo Ban Ye and Yuan Lie came in one after another.

At this moment, Yi Jianzi and the others did not take any action, just standing at the far end and slowly watching.

Of course, they were not idle either, and they were talking in low voices.

"Uncle Yi, let's not go over and take a look! What if there is really an unknown baby!"

"Master Yuan Tian, ​​you, your mind is still a child's mind, with that Yuanhong's mind, how can you leave good things to others! You say yes, absolute god!"

"This, this, Brother Yi said it is reasonable, in fact, the stone room here is not big, if someone has come, I am afraid there will be nothing good left! The top priority, I think how to find a new dark room ! After all, there can't be a stone chamber here, otherwise it would have no idea to build it!"

"Yes, yes, uncle Yi, Wan Yu thinks the same way! Otherwise, they enter their hole, let's act quickly!" Hearing the dialogue between Yi Jianzi and Jue Shenzi, standing on the side Zhang Wanyu also interjected with a smile.

Of course, Yi Jianzi and Jue Shenzi did not rush to answer Zhang Wanyu's proposal. After all, they are both very experienced characters, so how could they find the treasure on their own.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if they found more stone chambers and found more treasures, they would have to be distributed together!

Maybe it was because he had such thoughts in his mind, so Xiao Wanyu's proposal was really not echoed by anyone.

Here, Yi Jianzi and Jue Shenzi have already set the tone, that is, to adapt to changes in the same way! But the stone cave opened again at this moment is a rare excitement.

Because apart from Yuanhong, almost all the Xianbei and Jie people swarmed in.

After checking, everyone's faces also showed unwillingness. After all, the treasure is right in front of him, but it is still very annoying to be picked up first.

"Tuobanye, you, what are you looking at here! Is it possible to take these big boxes away! If you want to do this, the deity will fulfill you!"

"Yuanlie, don't you think what you are saying is too boring! If you believe in the elders of your clan, what else would you do to come in! What a big joke!"

"You, how dare you humiliate this deity! It seems that you really think that you are quite capable!"

"Why, do you want to fight to the death! Even here, this son is not afraid of you! You should know that the current situation is still more complicated! Not to mention the calmness of Yi Jianzi and the others, even Na Yuanhong, You are not sure to deal with it!"


"You, you! That's fine, the deity is not angry with you! Since there is nothing here, the deity is too lazy to stay here! Brothers, let's go, it's time to open a new treasure!" At a certain moment, it was in Tuoba Ye While waiting for people to glared at him, Na Yuanlie also greeted his subordinates and quickly withdrew from the stone room.

After seeing Yuan Lie and the others exiting the stone room one after another, all the Xianbei strong men also looked at each other, and then walked out of the inexplicable stone room with a simple atmosphere.

Of course, if they knew that the treasure there was already taken over by Jin Shangyu, they might have the desire to fight to the death!

In this way, after some observation, Yuanhong was also the first to discover the stone chamber in the stone wall, but the ending was very upsetting to everyone.

Especially at this moment, Yuanlie has a lot of thoughts because of more manpower. Not only quickly sent people to the stone wall of the hall below to continue looking for the treasure, but also slowly came to Yuanhong's body.

"Yuan Lie, you, now you don't think of yourself as a member of the Yuan clan! Sometimes, the old man doesn't know you too much!"

"Yuanhong, no, I should call you old man! You and that Yuanhua are indeed older than the deity! The status of the Yuan clan is indeed higher! But, this can't be used as a weight on the head of the deity. ! Because the deity has never been bound by such indifferent things!"

"A good one doesn't matter! You know, if you don't have the resources of the clan, you Yuanlie will have what it is today!"

"Yuanhong, don’t talk like that! If the deity is really successful, I believe that by then, without the deity speaking out, everyone knows that the status of the Yuan clan has improved! This, this is a way of survival that you cannot understand. !" As he spoke, Yuan Lie at the moment actually showed a very strange expression.

After that, Yuan Hong didn't say much after listening to the other party's words. Perhaps from another angle, Yuan Lie's words also had some truth.

"Yuanhong, don't stop talking! Now the situation is here! Although the Xianbei and Yi Jianzi are united on the surface, they are still not a piece of iron! So, Yuan certain hopes that you can take the overall situation Regardless! Don't stare at the past and talk about things!"

"Finally, you, do whatever you want! Of course, if a new stone room appears, the old man will come forward and take a look! I hope we can be more harmonious! Other things, the old man does not want to say more! Now!" At a certain moment, when Yuan Lie wanted to say something, Yuan Hong already took Feiyun Diao and flew towards a rock wall.

In this way, because all parties wanted to discover some clues by themselves, almost the entire stone wall was under the percussion of various weapons.

However, just when everyone tried their best to find nothing, Tuoba Ye, who had been standing in front of the stele, suddenly moved.

But seeing his figure flicker a few times, he came to the stone wall near the stele.

There, everyone also saw him sending out his palms, and in the next second, an awe-inspiring atmosphere of vicissitudes of life also reflected from the stone wall. There was a creaking sound immediately, and a widening gap in the stone door also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Look, he, he actually found a new stone chamber! Your lord, hurry up! Otherwise, you will fall into the disadvantage!"

"Yes, yes, please give your order, sir! This time, we said nothing can be left behind! Even if the Xianbei people are strong, our number is absolutely dominant!"

"Good, good! Tuoba Ye, Tuoba Ye, I really didn't expect that your kid actually found the legendary treasure! Brothers, form a joint attack formation, slowly move forward, today the treasure here must belong to the deity! "This time, he didn't actually need to remind his subordinates, that Yuanlie also quickly issued the order to attack.

It's too late to say, it's fast, just as Tuoba Ye was about to enter through the gap in the stone room that had just opened, the sound of breaking through the air behind him was also continuous.


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