I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2341: Yunshadu (55)

In fact, the reason why the two sides can reach an agreement is really because they don't want to fight too much.

After all, these people are not fools. To come here, it is impossible not to have no interest in the treasure, otherwise they would not come to this crisis-filled desert oasis.

"Young Master Tuoba, you have seen it too. The old man has already done what you arranged. Can you open the passage here! After all, we all understand a truth, that is, treasure is the best thing!"

"Master Yuan, it's not good! You know, even if this young man found a way to the treasure, he even said he could enter directly, if you want to come, you won't let him go in!"

"You, why do you say this! Is it possible that you still don't believe the old man!"

"Master Yuan Hong, in fact, there are some other things to follow! I hope you don't change your mentality!"

"You, you even brought others down!" At a certain moment, when Na Yuanhong heard such words by Tuoba Ye, he also thought of something in his heart.

And at this moment, there was also the sound of "chaotic" footsteps inside the cave.

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, Na Yuanhong also gently placed his hand in the storage place of Feiyun Mink.

"Master Yuan, I hope you don't use other brains! Don't worry, the people who come down this time are my brothers, but they will not be malicious to you. After all, we still understand your combat power! Of course! , In a while, everyone will break open the organs here together! My son hopes that the adults will not make our minds! As for the future in front of the treasure, that is the law of the destiny of everyone! Do you think this is possible!"

"You, you are "forcing" me!"

"Master Yuan has spoken, there is no "force" here, only cooperation! It's just that my son is a little afraid of your old age!" In fact, while speaking, the six powerhouses have already sneaked in from the top of the cave.

But seeing that they are all full of energy, don't need to think about it, but also know that their combat power is at least above the super dead.

"I've waited to see the son!"

"Well, you all step aside, this is the big man Yuan Hong you are eager to meet! And the Feiyun Diao in his arms, you should have heard of it!"

"This, this, it turns out that Master Yuan is here! I have seen Master Yuan!"

"That, don't do this, in fact, we are still two opposing forces! I'm afraid it's not good to see each other like this!" At a certain moment, seeing those strong Xianbei who just came here actually did this, even Yuanhong was "exposing" There was a very uncomfortable dry smile.

In this way, because Tuobaye’s methods are relatively clever, and because Yuanhong does not want to make the atmosphere here too "chaotic", in short, after the two sides reached a new peace agreement, Tuobaye also took his sword-shaped desert. Zhi Key slowly "inserted" into a "hole" in the ground.

"Young Master Tuoba, you, you must be slower, and be careful of any other mechanism! This is already the heart of the cliff. If something happens, we people will not have time to run!"

"That, please don't worry, Master Yuan, this son has his own importance!"

"That's good! You guys, what are you all standing there doing! Are you still afraid of the old man's action!"

"Master Yuan, our six brothers do not mean what you said, we just want to protect the son!"


"Well, when is this, I'm still thinking about fighting, killing and killing, there's really nothing to do! No, this, why this cave is starting to shake! This, what is going on!" This time, before Yuanhong finished speaking, everyone felt the dramatic changes in the cave.

Speaking of it, this kind of shaking seems to be transmitted from another direction, and it is like an unknown movement in the depths of the earth. In short, while Tuobaye presses the key of the desert from time to time, the strange scenes are also one after another. Appear.

"The six of you still don't squat down! As for Yuan Hongda, you should know that this kind of noise was not caused by us at all! This, what does this mean! It means that someone may be trying to open the treasure!"

"What, you, you mean someone is about to open the treasure! This, this is too amazing! Is it him!"

"Who are you referring to!"

"Yuan Lie, a member of the Yuan clan!" Although he didn't want to say too clearly, Yuan Hong at this moment finally said a name that everyone is very familiar with.

The reason everyone is familiar with it is because in the Wuming Valley battle, the ultimate beneficiary is the leader of Yuanlie.

But now, speaking from Yuanhong's mouth, it aroused everyone's surprise. In particular, Tuobaye, who was pressing the key to the desert with all his strength, stared at Yuanhong with an unbelieving look.

"Master Yuan Hong, you, what you said is true!"

"This is just a guess! But it has a great chance! After all, the battle in the Nameless Valley that night was for the key of the desert in Qianlongtan!"

"What, you, you mean that in that night, Yuan Lie had already obtained the legendary second key to the desert!"

"It's not much difference! However, from the information the old man has, Yuan Lie still didn't admit that he got the key to the desert!"

"What's the use of not admitting it! No matter, I don't want to do that. The most urgent thing is to get through the way into the treasure in the shortest time! Otherwise, it would be bad if someone else took the lead!" At this moment, Dang heard After Yuanhong's narration, Tuoba Ye also said slowly.

Here, Tuobaye and Yuanhong are still worried about the inexplicable shaking of the cave, and in the unknown cave at this moment, Jin Shangyu's face also "shows" a very calm smile.

"Mother, you girl, it seems that God is no longer caring! You have to use real power to open! Why is my brain so stupid! Why not turn around like a normal key! Alas, Sometimes, it's really inexperienced!" Although just mumbling in his heart, Jin Shangyu at this moment really found an effective way to open the treasure.

Because before, no matter how Jin was pressed down, he couldn't move the Key of the Desert by half. However, this time, when Jin Shangyu understood the meaning, the key of the whole desert was already like Jin's long arms, doing whatever he wanted!

At a certain moment, just under Jin Shangyu's roar, in the end a large amount of rubble fell in the entire stone room.

If you don't have a big heart, I'm afraid I would have retreated in fear.

"Mother, it turns out that this is the rhythm of the treasure opening! I don't know what good treasure Liu Bang left behind!" While feeling the dramatic changes in the stone room, Jin Shangyu stared at the area in front of him.

It was too late to say, it was fast, just as Jin Shangyu was concentrating, a movable boulder appeared on the side of the stone room with a creak.

It is said that it is a boulder because it moves, as if it is driving the entire side of the stone wall. And the scene that appeared next was even more surprising to Jin.

"This, this, such a large passage! This ancient person has to spend a lot of money and manpower!" In fact, just as Jin Shangyu was so surprised, there was already a person in front of him that could enter a dozen at the same time. Large passage for people.

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