I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2337: Yunshadu (51)

On the "Yunsha Du", in an area that is not too peaceful, a group of people are communicating loudly, as if they are friends they have not seen for many years, and as if they are studying things. In short, the atmosphere here is still rare and harmonious.

Even Jue Shenzi who usually has a bad temper, became cheerful and enthusiastic at this moment, and even took the initiative to introduce the situation to Yi Jianzi at a certain moment.

"Big Brother Yi, in fact, there is a reason for the two of us not to retreat, because there may really be a legendary treasure entrance here!"

"Oh, why do you say that! Your fight just now was indeed more thrilling! If there is something wrong, we can't confess to the son!"

"This, this, that, that son is here, thank you son! However, I'm going to talk about this little stone cave next! You guys, don't underestimate it! After all, it is most likely the path to the treasure!"

"Good, good! Since Brother Absolute said so, then let's go down and see! After all, there are times when you don’t take risks, how can you gain something!" In fact, everyone at this moment was attracted to the front of the stone cave. .

There, Yi Jianzi also observed carefully.

By the end of the day, the son of Jue God had nothing to hide, and took the initiative to explain the basic situation here, including some of his own guesses.

"Brother Jue, you, what you mean is that there may be people from Yuanlie under this cave, maybe even Yuanlie is among them!"

"Exactly! But, Brother Yi, don’t worry too much. Now that we have Xiao Wanyu, even if we meet Yuan Lie, we won’t necessarily suffer! Besides, even if we lose, it’s not our teacher. Brothers and sisters! You know, outside of this, we are not necessarily big masters, but if we are in a relatively small area, if you want to come, no one is our brother and sister's opponent!"

"Forget it, let's not say, your ability, on the top of Qiang Mountain, the old man has already learned! I don't know where the son is now! Is it in this area? It is really difficult!" Although he has already made up his mind to enter the stone Dong, but at this moment Yi Jianzi still said what was in her heart.

After all, he and Zhang Wanyu came out this time, and one of the most important goals was to protect Mr. Jin comprehensively.

But the current situation is that there has been no news from Jin for a long time, so he said the above words.

Facing such a Yi Jianzi, in fact, Jue Shenzi and Jue Xianzi still had a clear heart. After all, they already knew the true identity of Jin Shangyu on the top of Qiang Mountain, so when Yi Jianzi’s words just fell, they also looked at each other, and thereafter. Nothing more to say.

At this moment, Zhang Wanyu, who is small and big, broke the embarrassing situation here.

"Um, Uncle Yi, sister Xian'er! Or, let's go down now!"

"Okay! Let's go now! After all, sometimes, finding treasures is more important than anything else! And the old man always has a feeling that he may have other ways to enter the treasure storage place!"

"Big Brother Yi, that, we can go down! But, but if this goes on, is there no guarding power! If someone comes over from the back bread, I am afraid we will face the disadvantage of being attacked by the enemy!" For a while, everyone was ready to order. When he got down to the cave, the son of absolute **** also looked around and said.

In fact, what Jue Shenzi said is not unreasonable. Through the conversation just now, they already know that Yuan Lie is very likely to be under the "hole" of the earth. If there are a large number of Jie people masters in the hole, it is really a dilemma. An awkward situation.

Of course, the reason why Jue Shenzi said this was his own thoughts, and his extraneous meaning was probably aimed at the three powerhouses from Yuanmei Villa.


"This, this, absolute brother, in fact, there is no problem for us to go together! Once, the great master of Jie people has been scared away by you, even Yuanhua dare not come here again, who else dares to come over! Come on, think about it, how can such a big treasure be along this path! Maybe after we get the treasure, there will be a better return route, I don’t know!"

"Big Brother Yi, you, you really made this decision!"

"It's decided! Sometimes, we still have to unite! Don't worry, it's okay!"

"Okay! Since Big Brother Yi has said this, then our senior brothers and sisters have nothing to say, let's go!" At a certain moment, seeing that Yi Jianzi answered his question with confidence, the **** son Jue was also a bit paused. After a brief look, he didn't say anything more.

After all, at the moment, most of the people here can feel the extravagance of the son of the gods, and the three powerhouses of Yuanmei Villa as the parties are in a very embarrassing situation.

After all, in a strict sense, they are really not their own.

"Uncle Yi, or else, I will take the two elders to stay on it for a while! After all, what Big Brother Jue Shen Zi said is not unreasonable!"

"Xiaotian, you think too much! But don't blame brothers, after all, you have just met, and you don't know each other too much! That's all, let's not get entangled in such small things, let's go!" This time, seeing Yuan Tian saying this, Na Yi Jianzi also retracted his body into the stone "hole" as he spoke.

After a few breaths, Yi Jianzi's voice came from the cave.

"Well, Wanyu, brother, you can all come here at once! The outside looks small, but the space inside is still ok!"

"I just said it's okay! I have to go down and try it alone! If you don't go, Wan Yu has to go ahead!"

"Smelly boy, be careful of your package! What a stunned boy!" Although he knows that Zhang Wanyu's combat power is very strong, but for the person in front of him, Jue Fairy and others are still relatively doting.

After all, in terms of age, this kid is really a juvenile body.

In this way, because of Yi Jianzi's throwing stones to ask for directions, after a while, all the people in the group also entered the stone "caves".

Because the space inside the cave is relatively wide, everyone is also lined up, slowly walking towards the depths of the cave.

Maybe this stone "cavern" is getting more and more underground, so everyone feels the tendency to dive.

"Uncle Yi, this, here seems to be a dry deep well, if Wan Yu guessed correctly, we are now heading towards the heart of the cliff."

"This, this is not too much difference! I don't know when we will meet the Jieren! Besides, in this underground cave, you are talking about what to do if there is a conflict with them!"

"What to do! It's not easy, fight a battle! After all, the Jie people are fierce, you don't know! If you don't talk about it, you will fight the Wuming Valley, and you don't know how many strong people were killed by them In the invisible."

"Two brothers, what you said is somewhat reasonable! But, here is no better than outside. Once a decisive battle really occurs, I believe that the other party’s mortal blow will be difficult for us! After all, the space is small, Tell us from another angle that it is difficult to escape!" After hearing the words of the second elder in the southern capital, Yi Jianzi also talked slowly.

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