I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2330: Yunshadu (44)

In fact, the six strong Jie people standing beside Yuan Lie also felt the changes in Yuan's mood, so everyone didn't say much.

After all, now, they know what they should do and what they should not say.

"Why, why don't you guys talk anymore! It's impossible to be afraid of the deity getting angry! In fact, your idea is correct, but the deity can still control your emotions! The treasure is good, but before you get it, it's nothing! What's more, what we lack most now is the key of the desert. I don't know if there is a way to open the secret tunnel of the organ without using it!"

"This, this, I really don't know how to wait!"

"Okay, don't look at the deity with this kind of eyes! Let's talk about it, no matter what method you have, as long as you can open the entrance of the treasure, it is a good method!"

"This, this, adults can actually try other objects! After all, the legendary key to the desert is just a sword!"

"That's not good! Don't say whether it can open the treasure entrance, even if it can open the treasure entrance, if it is not officially opened, it is likely to attract unlimited hidden weapons and even destroy the treasure inside!"

"That's right, the method of forcibly breaking open definitely won't work! Because the deity has received news before, this time the entrance of the treasure may be sealed with a large amount of divine water; according to legend, this divine water can only be slightly induced, All the gold and silver treasures can be melted away! If our recklessness causes a great loss, it is not what the deity thought!" This time, after listening to the opinions of the strong Jie people around, Na Yuan Lie also spoke again.

In fact, these news are not only known to them, I am afraid that all the powerful people who have entered the desert know.

Of course, knowing Gui knowing that when faced with a treasure that may be opened, but cannot be broken, the infinite suffering in his heart still exists.

Here, even though Yuan Lie found a place where he was suspected of being "inserted" into the Key of the Desert, they didn't dare to "chaotic" because they didn't have the Key of the Desert in their hands. At this moment, there are dozens of tense figures on the top of the cliff and the unnamed sand dune.

They walked back and forth from time to time, and talked with each other from time to time, and they were surprised and afraid, and their state of anxiety was undoubtedly revealed.

"Several people, do we really have to stay here all the time! You know, Lord Yuanlie has been here for a long time! Will they have succeeded, but there is no need for this return route!"

"Impossible! Only we know how bad the environment is here! Even if they find some good things, they should return the same way! After all, are we still people of the same race!"

"Brother, we brothers understand the meaning of your words! But now Master Yuanhua should be coming soon. At that time, we still don't have the core message to transmit, what should we do!"

"This, this, forget it, let's wait for a while! If there is still no change, we can split the troops! I hope Master Yuanhua can be satisfied!" In fact, the strong Jie Ren here has already expressed some opinions. Disagreements.

However, at this moment, there was also a small noise in the sand rain.

"Hahaha, it seems that someone is smarter than our brothers! Come, let us see!"

"There is a situation, alert! Hurry up!" Although the outside voice is not very loud, but the strong Jie people waiting here can still hear it.

auzw.com For a while, because outsiders were discovered, the strong Jie people here quickly entered the preparations for battle.

It was time, but seeing them divided into four lines of defense in a few breaths. Although there were only three people on each line of defense, everyone could tell that each trio group was extremely powerful.

However, just when the strong Jie Ren opened the battle and prepared for a battle, the slow voice sounded again.

"Jie Ren! It seems that you still have the opportunity to take advantage of it! Let's talk, where are the holes here, if you say it well! We will also consider letting you live! Of course, don't think people More can be overwhelming!"

"Boss, it seems that the Qiang is here! How could it be them!"

"Don't be afraid, even if they are Qiang people, the old man must make them look good!"

"Boss, let's be able to'chaos'! Master Yuanhua once said that Qiang people are the most difficult opponent to deal with!" For a while, because the identity of the other party was found to be special, the strong Jie people at this moment are also The situation of whispering started.

The figures that came out of the sand rain were rare and calm, as if the strong Jie people here were not their opponents at all.

But seeing the young man who was the first to "show" his true face, his laughter was as deep as a big bell, and his pace was steady, which made people feel fearful.

"Young man, you, where are you sacred? How dare you come here to challenge the power of our clan! Those who know the current affairs, leave soon, we shall assume that we have not seen you!"

"Oh, what kind of logic is this! If you see it, you see it, why do you pretend to be invisible! Are you scared! Still guilty! Don't worry, this son just wants to get into the hole! Besides, it's up to you It’s impossible to find the entrance to the treasure! It’s better to assist this young man in his grand plan!"

"You, your kid is too arrogant! Don't you know that my adult Yuan Lie is already waiting under the cave! If you run into you, you should be able to think of the consequences!"

"Hahaha, who am I? It turns out that it is Yuanlie! Even if it is him, this young man will meet him! Get out of the way, let's go down and take a look!" As he spoke, he was actually behind the young man at the moment. It is also a young and beautiful woman once again.

Although he wears a thin layer of gauze on his face, it is difficult to conceal his delicate and beautiful "color". Such a woman just appeared here, which shocked the spirit of the strong Jie people.

"Brother, what to do with so much talk to them! It's better to just enter the cave directly!"

"Junior sister, you may not understand the situation, they are not ordinary people! They are the guys called Jiegui!"

"What, you mean that they are the people who kill people in the legend! By the way, the previous massacre in the Unknown Valley should be what they did!"

"Junior Sister, what you said is not too bad! It is said that they killed the Quartet that night, not only by means of ruthless means, but also by combining several big forces! Thinking about it now, they are the nightmare of the powerful!" Although it was just a simple exchange, the masked woman at the moment seemed to have thought of something, and her eyebrows were lightened.

Of course, the person here is not someone else, but the Son of God and Fairy who walked down from the Qiang Mountain.

It's just that this time, they didn't appear as a three-person group, but a two-person group consisting of a man and a woman. On that day, Jin Shangyu fought with him and finally settled down. It was this pair of brothers and sisters. It’s just that in Jue Xianmen, Jin is also a rare low profile, but it is also this low profile, which makes the old man of Juechen transformed from being a non-enemy and non-friend into his own person. This cannot but be said to be Jin Shangyu. A proof of strong luck.

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