I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2317: Yunshadu (31)

The invisible confrontation indicates that the ruthless battle is about to begin...

Although the rustling rain at this moment is still continuing, none of the strong men present has any thoughts about its falling.

"Hahaha, it's so small to want to come to this world! How long has passed since then, we will turn our heads into enemies!"

"Really! Even if you become an enemy, you, Yuanlie, broke the rules first! If it wasn't for your Jie people who wanted to eat alone, how could these "chaotic" things happen! Of course, if you don't want to fight now, you can Leave by yourself!"

"Hahaha, old boy, you are such an innocent and lovely person! Nowadays, the powerhouses of all parties are struggling to support the "psychedelic" illusion, but you have said this! It turns out that your Tuoba family is thinking People who eat alone!"

"Oh, Commander Yuanta, if you say this, the deity is a little unhappy, after all, we can still cooperate now! As long as we find the treasure and divide it equally, we have no opinion! So you have to get it yourself!" At the end of the day, the two sides basically had no possibility of continuing to talk.

After all, the Jie Ren's goal is very clear, that is, to find the treasure place on his own, and then use extraordinary means, and finally seize the treasure.

But for the Tuoba Xianbei tribe from the north, as the person just said, as long as they can participate in the treasure hunt, it is an acceptable bottom line.

In the face of the inconsistent situation, Yuan Lie's fighting spirit became stronger.

At a certain moment, in the middle of the roar, the battle between the two sides also started directly.

Speaking of, this time, the two sides met on a sand dune of different sizes, and there was a dispute over how to explore this sand dune, and the final result was a battle.

"Sir, you kill the leader first, and leave the rest to the six of us!"

"Good, good! You deserve to be the best son of our clan! You guys remember, act fast, it's best to directly launch the lore! After all, their reinforcements are likely to come!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" After a brief exchange, the Jie Ren team, led by Yuan Lie, also shot out one by one.

Facing the powerful offensive of the Jie Ren team, even the nine Xianbei masters who have encountered decent combat power are somewhat unstoppable.

Because Yuan Lie's combat power was too strong, he even said that the three of them directly needed to control the scene. And this kind of control is just a parry.

If anyone is here, everyone can see that the Jie people will eventually win!

"Well, if we continue to fight like this, the whole army will be wiped out! Or, let's leave here first!"

"Shut up! When is this, I still want to leave! The son has already given a death order before! That is to hold the Jieren! Now they are so anxious to fight with us! It means that the sand dunes in front of them must be Some famous!"

"Yes, but the three of us can't resist the attack of the old thief Yuanlie!"

"If you can't stop it, you must stop it!" Although I knew that what I said was very unreasonable, the current Tuoba Xianbei team had no better way to deal with it. And time slipped a little bit in such a battle.

As the leader said, if they really retreat, then they really gave up the fight for the treasure.

At a certain moment, when Yuan Lie strongly suppressed the Xianbei trio, a new situation emerged in the "six-on-six" battle not far away.

auzw.com may be due to the loss of combat power, or it may be that Yuanlie's strength has put too much psychological pressure on Tuoba Xianbei.

In short, during a confrontation, because of a slight distraction, a somewhat mature Xianbei man was directly killed by the opponent on the spot.

"Ah, save me..."

"You, you guys actually killed him!"

"Killing him is not our brother's goal! Our brother's goal is to kill all of you!"

"Jiegui! You are really the devil! Before that, we also helped you guard the Qianlongtan. After a long time, you will change your face!"

"Change face! You Xianbei still have the face to say such things! That night, you did some strength, but after all, it was my clan who paid a huge amount of wealth! Don’t you know this! Now I’m going to die, say it here These words are really hypocritical! Die!" In fact, the whole battle situation has already undergone a fundamental change.

After all, the "six on six" just now means that Tuoba Xianbei is at a disadvantage, let alone the current six on five battle.

For a time, because one's own side took the lead in casualties, the entire battle situation has already undergone rapid changes. Even the three masters who could withstand Yuanlie's attack were somewhat powerless.

After all, from the corner of their eyes, they knew what had just happened.

"Hahaha...Three, now you know how powerful this deity is! Let's talk, if you surrender now and follow our arrangements, the deity will still be merciful! Otherwise, you should know what the consequences will be!"

"Oh, you, do you really think we will lose!"

"Old guy, you have a lot of ideas! Undefeated, you have undefeated strength! In the current situation, the deity is one against three, and you are still at a disadvantage. If the remaining five of you lose one by one , What the ending is like, I believe I don’t need to say more about the deity!"

"You, you are threatening us! Two brothers, we Xianbei would rather die than surrender! Let's fight!" At a certain moment, under Yuan Lie's verbal offensive, the three of them also unified their thoughts again. It is a **** battle to the end.

In fact, they are very clear in their hearts. Judging from the current situation, even if they make some concessions, the other party will not leave them any way to survive, so it is better to keep fighting. After all, his own reinforcements are also likely to appear in this sand dune at any time.

In this way, because of Yuanlie's strong combat power, and because of the first defeat of Tuoba Xianbei in the mid-range combat power, the final battle scene is becoming more and more unfavorable for Xianbei.

Even at the end, a tragic cry for help came from the six-on-five battle. .

"Boss, save me! No, no! My arm!"

"Hahaha, what a weak person! Master Yuan, I really didn't expect that this Xianbei would even send such a weak person out. It seems that none of them can use it!"

"That's right! The six of you must not be cruel! The most is to chop off the arms of all five of them! That way, they won't have to make trouble again!"

"My lord, please rest assured, within a quarter of an hour, I'll wait to chop off all their arms! Hahaha..." At a certain moment, when some unscrupulous laughter echoed on "Yunshadu" , The tragic picture really began to take place.

In the next half-quarter of an hour, among the top five powerhouses of the Tuoba Xianbei tribe, three of them had their arms cut off alive.

The red blood flying all over the sky, accompanied by the rain of sand, seemed very disharmonious.

At this moment, the three masters of Tuoba Xianbei who were fighting against Yuanlie also lost their strength in the first battle. But seeing that the three of them joined forces to resist Yuan Lie's domineering blade, they all jumped back.

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