I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2312: Yunshadu (26)

Under the cliff of Lonely Peak, because the old man in Duanbu took the initiative to withdraw, it also eased the confrontation just now.

However, the strong on all sides are also shrewd people, how can they change their goals of action after hearing what others say. So in a short time, everyone is still in a wait-and-see situation.

Faced with such a change, the old man Duanbu also moved his body and fell from the tall tree.

Of course, at this moment, the other two strong players in Duanbu also came to Duan Lao's side with injured bodies.

"That, Duan Lao, you really decided!"

"Decided! Since our goal is not above the treasure, why bother to care about everything here! In addition, you have also seen that if these people do not go up, the Jie people will eventually get the cheapest! So, so we have to stay on Under the cliff, watch the strong from all walks of life go up!"

"It turns out that Duan Lao thought so far! Well, if that's the case, then our brothers will also be waiting here with Duan Lao!" While talking, the Duan Bu trio at this moment has come to the front under the high cliff.

Seeing that the Duanbu trio was already far away from the cliff, the strong from all sides were also watching each other, and even some people started talking in whispers.

"Boss, it seems that this old man really doesn't want to climb the cliff. If this is the case, we will have a chance to climb it too!"

"Yeah! The place where they are standing now is a very sensitive area! To put it bluntly, if we all start climbing the cliff, the three of them will become guardians! After all, if anyone is selfish, they only need a crossbow. When the machine is activated, that person's life will be killed!"

"Boss, if that's the case, then we agree not to fight! Anyway, it's good to be able to climb the high cliff!" At the end of the day, there were three people out of the crowd facing off at this moment. Their actions still played a lead role.

It was too late to say, then soon, just after the three people made their own choices, the whole crowd began to act.

About a quarter of an hour later, Duanbu's trio slowly climbed towards the high cliff as they watched the strong from all walks of life.

"Lao Duan, are we really going to return without success this time!"

"Yes! This time, the prince said very clearly that the safety of the son should be the top priority! The rest are secondary! But after all, there may still be legendary treasures here!"

"Well, if you two, the old man understands! But we have no choice now! Let them go first! If they go up and there is no problem, we can follow up again! After all, treasures are impossible. So easy to get! In addition, you have also heard that even if you want to get the treasure here, you must have three'Desert Keys'! Now think about it, people here don't even have one, how to get the treasure!" After a little analysis, the Duanbu trio at this moment no longer spoke, but quietly looked at the many climbers.

Here, the Duanbu trio successfully ended the "chaotic" war under the high cliff. However, they also fell into the lower stage, which means that even if they wanted to participate in the battle for treasure, they would be in a kind of situation. Very unfavorable situation.

Of course, for these things, maybe the Duanbu trio didn't even think about it.

At a certain moment, while the Duanbu trio was still observing under the high cliff, the powerhouses who were climbing the high cliff also saw the hope of reaching the top.

Because they imagined inexplicable biological attacks, and powerful hidden weapon attacks did not appear. In other words, with a little effort, they can successfully board the "Yunsha Du".

"Several people, I really didn't expect that we didn't encounter an inexplicable attack, not even a hidden weapon! It's impossible, the dead ghost of last night took all the bad luck!"


"Don't talk'nonsense'! After all, we haven't climbed the high cliff yet! In addition, even if we do go up, we don't know what kind of dark hand tricks the Jie people will have!"

"Brother, are we too careful! Look at their Huns, they seem to be about to reach the top! No, they, why did they fall from the top!" As we spoke, in fact, there really appeared on the high cliff at this moment. huge change.

One of the Huns trio who was still very energetic just now fell straight from the cliff.

With a mournful cry echoing in mid-air, everyone knows that this cliff is not someone who wants to go up.

"My lord, this, what the **** is going on! Is there really an inexplicable creature on the top of the cliff! But, why didn't the Jieren encounter it!"

"I'm afraid it's not an inexplicable creature! It should be done by the Jie people!"

"Jie Ren, you always said that Jie people set up ambushes on it!"

"It should be! The old man took a closer look just now, that man was shot down by a hidden weapon like Xiujian! And it is unlikely that there will be a hidden weapon like Xiujian on the cliff! Even if there is, it is a crossbow of various colors. !" While speaking, the old man in Duanbu at the moment also showed a very helpless look.

After all, the current Jie Ren is already beyond his control.

However, while the Duanbu trio was still analyzing the course of the matter, those strong men who were about to climb to the top came again with unwilling roars.

"Ah, you, you Jie ghosts must not die! Even if I become a ghost, I will kill you!"

"Second, you, you, alas!"

"Big brother, what's the matter! Could someone sneak attack us!"

"Of course there is! Now think about whether we were fighting under the cliff or fighting for a lot of defensive time for the Capricorns! Now they have laid a defensive formation on the cliff! Hate! Second, you Don't worry, if your brother can climb the cliff, he will definitely avenge you!" As he spoke, in fact, on the side of the cliff face, an old man was already angry.

Because just now, one of their three brothers was hit by a round boulder above the cliff.

In the face of such an unfavorable situation, even the strong men who have experienced many battles have given birth to a panic.

After all, they are now on the upper half of the cliff, and some people can even climb the cliff a few feet away. And in such a good situation, it was calculated by the Jie people who had reached the top first.

Unwilling, angry, and desperate, a rush of brains flooded out, so that the powerful people on the cliff didn't know how to respond. Although the Duanbu trio at this moment has no "sex" fate, they don't want this situation to happen either. After all, this time was calculated by Jie Ren Yuanlie.

"Lao Duan, you, just calm down! The Jie people are already tricky! Now it's normal for them to figure out the strong from all walks of life. To blame, it's because they spent too much time fighting in their nests and gave them to each other. A chance to start!"

"Well, the old man doesn't know the truth! In the final analysis, Yuan Lie and others have been taken advantage of! However, according to the old man's inference, it is impossible for all of these people to suffer from this! There should be a large number of people. You can climb the high cliff!"

"Lao Duan, really as you said, then, those who go up will also find the bad luck of the Jie Ren! Let's stay calm!" Although it is a comforting word, the old man Duan is still slow Nodded, then cast his eyes on the cliff again.

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