I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2305: Yunshadu (19)

The soaring mountain peaks, from time to time, are falling with traces of sandy rain, but on the flat ground under the cliff, there is a very frightening breath of death rising.

After the first round of life and death battles, all parties are too strong to recognize the fact that people who meet here will never keep a trace of their hands. And death is the best destination here.

"You all listen to the deity! In this round, the deity wants a record. No one can retreat, and no one can lose the opportunity to compete! If anyone loses, you should know the deity's methods!"

"I'm waiting for my life! I will fight to the end and return in full victory!"

"Okay! The deity believes in you! However, there is still a special place! If you meet the old ghost Duan in the three groups, you can abstain on your own. I will not let him use his methods today! If you really let the deity meet, I believe it will be A fight to the death!"

"This, this, my lord, if this is the case, my lord's situation is too dangerous! Why don't we think of something else!"

"Retreat, still can't stop talking! Although our forces are the strongest here! But if they are united, you dare to say that they can win! Even if it is a terrible victory, it is not a wedding dress for others in the end!" , Just when Na Yuanlie heard the persuasion from his subordinates, he yelled.

The four groups of Jie Ren teams are ready to go directly to the second round of life and death duel. At the same time, the strong from all walks of life are constantly watching with their own group number.

Because they really don't know who their opponents are, and this kind of drawing method only appeared in this round.

"Two, look at it, although the Jie people are fierce, they are not easy this round!"

"Brother, what do you mean by this! No matter how easy it is, there are still four teams left! On our side, although there are four groups, can we still fight separately?"

"This, this is also true, but your dude may still have overlooked a problem, that is, two of the four groups of Jie Ren teams are already two of them!" After speaking, the Central Plains were dressed in costumes. The old man in grey also laughed.

In fact, what he observed was more careful. Because of the tragic battle in the first round, even though the Jie people achieved a huge victory, in the final analysis, they still left three people, two people died, and three injured.

However, on the other hand, the rest of the teams also have different degrees of injury, but like the Jie Ren, there is no team with only two people.

At a certain moment, while the strong from all sides were still thinking about their opponents, Yuan Lie and the old man Duan Bu also directly signaled for the war.

It was too late to say, then soon, just as the war order was issued, the strong men from all walks of life jumped into their own area.

Of course, before this, the old man Duan Bu and Yuan Lie had already divided the eight battle areas. The fighting area of ​​each group is also fixed in this way.

The only difference is that no one knows which power the opponent is. And such considerations were also the result of joint discussions between the old man in Duan Bu and Yuan Lie. As for which side is beneficial to such a lottery, I am afraid no one can figure out for a while.

"Lao Duan, it's not good! It seems that we still didn't meet the Jie people this time, but we actually met the Zhongyuan people! What to do! Kill, or not!"


"Central Plains! It seems to be Jia Mi's person! Although the old man is not familiar with the son, he also knows that Jia Mi is at odds with him! Let's defeat him as quickly as possible, without killing him!"

"I'm waiting for the order!" As he spoke, the Duanbu trio had already slowly moved towards the first fighting arena, and the battle to be carried out here was the first group against the second group. Unfortunately, the three-man team from the Jia Mi Group happened to be drawn to the second group.

"Lao Duan, I actually encountered a powerful existence like yours directly! I am so lucky to wait for Sansheng!"

"Central Plains people are better eloquent! I am embarrassed to say what I have already said before the war! However, you also know where this is! Although it is unlikely that there will be automatic abstention in the second round, the old man still reminds You guys! Life is more important than anything!"

"You, do you really think you are invincible in the world! Want to come, you have never been to the Central Plains!"

"Really, then, the old man will come to see how powerful the so-called Central Plains Land is today! Two brothers, don’t make a move yet! When will you wait!" While talking, the old man at the moment also shouted, and The two powerhouses beside him had already shot out.

A ruthless and tragic battle also unfolded immediately under the tall mountain.

Maybe it was because of the huge gap in strength, maybe the old man Duanbu didn't want others to see his true combat power. In the next battle, he didn't even do anything, but just stood on the side with a smile, as if both sides Referee not guilty.

In the battle circle, even though it was a two-to-three situation, the two powerhouses in Duanbu had no intention of retreating at all. Instead, they continued to increase their strength in the battle.

"You, you are really deceiving! You are actually two-to-three. If that's the case, let you see how strong we are!"

"Hahaha, isn't the old man here watching! Not to mention the two strong players in my section, even if you are one person, it is difficult for the three of you to win! Look, you have too many flaws, as many as you can count. But here it comes!"

"You, you are not dead, you are still there to'chaos' our mind! It's really annoying!"

"Hey, I'm afraid you will have time to get angry! Get out of here!" At a certain moment, when the leader of the Jia Mi trio had just "exposed" a trace of flaws, the chest was already covered. A heavy kick was kicked, and the next second, the whole person was already flying in the air, and fell heavily on the grass several feet away.

"My lord, you, are you okay! It seems that they are really strong! They should be far beyond the level of super dead men!"

"Cough, cough... I, I'm okay! I don't want to make a trick to kill both of them! I don't believe it. With the strength of the three of us, I will lose to the two of them!"

"My lord, you, your injury is too serious! Or, let's retreat! As the old man said, life is more important than anything!"

"Alive! Is it so useless to live! No way! Must fight!"

"Brother, it seems that the adults are already crazy! The son has a secret order, this time the action is mainly to preserve the strength! Therefore, we must go now! As for the adults, he can only temporarily ignore his orders!" Without waiting for the consent of others, the two men had already stretched out their hands to stand up an old man, and the next moment they had already dashed more than ten meters away.

After all, they are very clear about the current situation, if they go slow, if the other party repents, they can't escape at all. At this moment, the Duanbu trio had no intention of pursuing them. The three stood side by side. Although they looked at the retreating team of Jia Mi from time to time, their minds had already been thinking about the rest of the fighting scenes.

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