I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2290: Yunshadu (4)

Perhaps it was because of the emotional changes in Jin Shangyu's heart that the Beihai Sanxiong who asked for "sex" still expressed his own judgment.

"My son, you, your master doesn't have a surname Jin!"

"Yes, yes, it must be, otherwise, how could you say the word'Jin-style barbecue'!"

"Well, I'm talking about the three old brothers, what do you mean by this? In fact, this son is just saying casually! So what do you think about this time of treasure competition, it is better to tell it earlier!"

"Treasure! It must be the gathering of all parties and the great battles! However, we also saw it just now. The stone box actually contained a'Desert Key'! So we should have the advantage! "At a certain moment, just as Jin Shangyu deliberately changed the subject, the Beihai Sanxiong really forgot the words "Jin-style barbecue"!

Of course, Jin Shangyu at this moment really wants to analyze the plan to seize the treasure with the three people in front of him! After all, there is no one beside him now, only Beihai Sanxiong!

In this way, because the source of Beihai Sanxiong's information was better than Jin's before, the analysis was all right.

On the other hand, Jin Shangyu at this moment is a steady and steady performance, just listening to the three people's narration quietly, and occasionally "inserting" a word, it is enough to click.

"My son, you, don't you think that our brother is not accurate!"

"No! Why do you guys have such thoughts!"

"Well, it seems that only the three of us are talking about it for a while, but the son didn't really express his views! I don't know why this is! Of course, we didn't mean to blame the son, we just want to know what the son is thinking now! "

"The three elder brothers are serious. Actually, my son has relatively few sources of information and nothing can be said! It's like this'Yunsha Du', if you didn't bring it up and explain, how would I know! Of course, don't think about "chaos". As we get closer, I believe many things will come to light!" At a certain moment, after feeling the emotional changes of Beihai Sanxiong, Jin Shangyu also smiled and said something.

In this way, as the four people communicated from time to time, time slowly slipped by. Almost in a blink of an eye, the time of sunset has arrived.

However, in order to avoid strong enemies as much as possible, Jin Shangyu and Beihai Sanxiong decided to wait a little longer!

In the mountains under the dusk, there is no longer the heat of the day, and some are just refreshing, and the inexplicable night wind mixed with a little fine sand.

With the light of the dim sunset, all forces are also making their best preparations, because they know that tonight will be an extraordinary night. Perhaps many people will enter the "Yunshadu".

"Three brothers, what do you think will happen tonight! Or, what do you think we should do now!"

"My son, our brothers all know your ability! In fact, as long as it is your decision, our brothers will unconditionally obey! Of course, judging from the current situation, tonight will be a rain of blood on the'Yunshadu' Fishy wind! And tomorrow may be the real treasure competition!"

"Oh, my brother even thought of tomorrow's affairs! If that's the case, then the son will also talk about my plan!"


"Master, please give me an order!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu and Beihai Sanxiong had a few simple exchanges, the other party also solemnly clasped his fists.

Faced with such three North Sea heroes, Jin did not pretend to be, and he calmed down a bit, and said softly: "Three elder brothers, in fact, this son wants to act alone! Don't say anything against it! The reason is simple , That is tonight's'Yunshadu' must be very lively, and there are too many people, it is easy to make mistakes! In addition, you are also a dark hand for us to wait here! Besides, I also used Yi Jianzi before I’ve told the three elder brothers about the eldest brother and Zhang Wanyu! If you can really meet here, you can just say that you are the brother of Young Master Rufeng, then the two armies can be combined into one!

"The son's thoughts are quite comprehensive, but all the premises are based on your safety! If something happens, how can our brothers help!"

"The minds of the three elder brothers are like wind and heart! However, don’t worry, you can’t fight, this son will not run! Besides, it is already night, I believe that even the most powerful masters may not be able to Catch up with Lao Tzu in the dark night!" At the end of the talk, Jin at this moment also showed a strong sense of war.

Maybe it was because he felt Jin Shangyu's strength, maybe the Beihai Sanxiong figured it out. In the next time, the three of them also told them again, and then Jin disappeared between the mountains.

"Boss, this, is this really just the youngest brother in one force! Why do I always have an inexplicable feeling! Is he hiding something from our brothers!"

"This is unlikely! From the moment when we rescued from Qianlongtan, our brothers should know this person's big-mindedness! However, what you just said is not unreasonable! Nothing, don't think about it, even the son What he concealed is probably unspeakable! Our brothers should be ready to go to war here anytime!" For a while, when Jin Shangyu's figure disappeared among the mountains, the three Beihai brothers also communicated softly.

Of course, Jin Shangyu didn't care about these little things at all. What he wanted was the loyalty of these three people, not the life and death of himself here. After all, from the beginning, Mr. Jin knew that these three people were skilled in water warfare, and the level of land warfare was equivalent to that of ordinary dead men.

"Mother, you girl, the reason why I came out and walked around alone was because I was afraid that your three brothers would be so angry that they would have "life" on this'Yunsha Ferry' for nothing!" He quickly turned towards "Yunsha" Jin Shangyu murmured to himself while running in the direction of crossing.

Here, Jin Shangyu and Beihai Sanxiong act separately. Although there is some meaning to protect each other, in the final analysis, it is Jin who is brave enough to make trouble in his heart.

However, when Jin Shangyu rushed to the "Yunsha Du" alone, several figures appeared in the legendary land. Although all parties found the other person, no one took the initiative to attack.

The towering mountain peaks pierced through the sky like a huge dagger, and on a relatively flat ground below the mountain peaks, dozens of people also looked up at the infinite pressure brought by the desert peaks.

"Have you seen enough! If you don't go up, the deity will have to go ahead!"

"You, who are you! Why don't you dare to show your true colors! Don't take off the mask, are you going to let us do it together!"

"Joke, just rely on you little shrimps, tell you the truth, this is the legendary'Yunshadu', which means that the top of this mountain is where you want to go! Why, now I know'Yun Shadu is right there, but he dare not go up!"

"You, who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who the old man is! The important thing is that if you just look around here, you will get nothing!" As they spoke, everyone saw a masked man climbing up the mountain with a move.

Faced with this new situation, everyone did not dare to take action, just wait and see each other. After all, there is a competitive relationship between them, so they must also guard against each other.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, the shadow climbed up a little bit...

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