I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2286: Ideas from all parties!

After a night of **** storms, the desert oasis once again returned to its former vitality and abundance. It's just that under the cover of this leisurely scenery is the tranquility before the storm, or the calm before the storm and the waves hit the shore.

In short, because of some sensitive words, such as treasures, or looking for unknown treasures, a series of changes have taken place in the desert oasis.

At a certain moment, just as the news of "Yunsha Du" was sung by all parties, small teams also rushed towards here quickly.

Of course, these small teams of three or six have also experienced major tests, at least they did not fall in the siege of the Jie people, which shows that their combat power is strong and their wisdom is brilliant.

Just like the Jie people’s base camp, in this battle for treasure, they have exerted unprecedented strength. Not only did they dispatch most of the dark hand army, but also roughly divided their own troops into three groups, which can be described as three groups. Keep it in line, triple insurance.

It's just that these three groups of people are also restraining each other, restricting each other, and even competing with each other. Of course, these messages have not yet been understood by the strong who entered the desert oasis.

Here, the Jie people are rare and powerful, and they can even launch an offensive alone and occupy a certain area, but in the final analysis, they don't want to be an enemy of the entire outsider.

By the way, Jin Shangyu at this moment, because he successfully subdued the Beihai Sanxiong, he was also more confident. Not only did he directly target the "Yunshadu", but he also communicated with the trio of the parties he met from time to time.

For example, they encountered a relatively strange trio-Ding Ling trio.

"My son, look, how come they keep staring at us, is it possible that they are ready to attack us!"

"No way, after all, we walked this way and hardly confronted others. The most is to say hello, exchange information, and go our own way!"

"The son is right! But, look at the three of them, follow them for a while, and pretend to do other things for a while! With my years of experience in dealing with things, these three must be thinking of us!"

"Yes, right, right, my third child makes sense. He has done some research on anti-tracking! There should be nothing wrong!" As he spoke, in fact, the Beihai Sanxiong had already stopped at this moment.

Faced with such three people, Jin Shangyu also laughed in his heart. After all, he knew who the three following were from!

"Mother, you damn, these three guys are also true. They always follow this son to do what they do! It's hardly possible that they really found Lao Tzu! This, it's impossible! After all, Lao Tzu has changed now. Looks like!" Jin Shangyu murmured in his heart while feeling the expression of Beihai Sanxiong.

Of course, the reason Jin has such an idea is because he knows that the person following them is not someone else, but the Dingling who Jin met in the north a few years ago. The leader of Ding Ling's trio was Uyak who had made friends with Jin Shangyu.

"My son, we really don't stop to deal with the three of them! You know, being followed is not a good thing!"

"The three brothers are not in a hurry. In fact, they may be "lost" and want to follow us along! Don't worry about it, maybe they will go on their own if they take a certain distance, but I don't know!"

"This, this, it seems that the old man seems to know their details!"

auzw.com "Well, they should be Dingling people from the far north! Don't worry, most Dingling people are kind-hearted and will not do evil things like sneak attacks! Let's go, or hurry up Let's hurry!" After a little bit of his relationship with the person following him, Jin also signaled that Beihai Sanxiong could hurry again.

In this way, although Ding Ling's figure appeared from time to time behind him, Jin Shangyu led Beihai Sanxiong towards the "Yunshadu".

Here, Jin Shangyu and others continue to move forward, and the Jie leader at this moment, Yuan Lie, is already very close to the legendary "Yunshadu"!

"Report, report my lord, our advance team is about to enter the'Yunshadu' area! Are we going to speed up!"

"Really, so quickly, it seems that the real situation is about to be stirred up! The order is passed on, everyone rests in place, and no one can move on without the order of the deity!"

"My lord, you, who are you?"

"Don't ask more, the deity has its own opinions! You can just do what the deity wants! Of course, if you have any ideas, you can report to me privately! Understand!"

"Yes! The subordinates understand! The subordinates take the orders!" Although they still don't understand, seeing Yuan Lie's serious feelings, the black Capricorn man also left here quickly.

"My lord, you really made a decision! You know, this is also risky. After all, Master Yuanhua may also come here, or even rush there first! If you let them take the lead, wouldn't it be bad? what!"

"What my brother said seems reasonable, but it ignores a problem, that is, we don't have the key to unlock the treasure in our hands!"

"Oh, it turns out that my lord is thinking about this, the old man understands!" While speaking, the old man in grey clothes standing behind Yuan Lie also showed a very strange smile.

In this way, because Yuanlie chose to rest in place, the Jie Ren Darkhand Army also stopped moving forward among the mountains.

Although there is no temporary "sex" resting place built, people leaning against each other, sitting together, whispering, or closing their minds, are still more popular with the bottom power.

However, for Yuan Lie and others, there is no time to be idle. Because they have to study their action plan carefully. After all, what was placed in front of them was no longer a sunny day, maybe it was a violent storm, and it was unknown!

"My lord, the information now shows that it is very specific, that is, there may be several solutions above! And we are just one of the basic solutions!"

"Brother, you can speak up if you have something to say, after all, we have no distinction between superiors and superiors!"

"Okay, since the lord said so, the old man said it directly. If the old man didn’t guess wrong this time, the life-destructing hand Yuanhua should also have some dark hand power, but his people should have received the command of the young chief. Then Yuanhong doesn't need to say more, it must be the meaning of a big man!"

"This, I actually thought about this! It's just that, even if the tribe sent three forces, the key to the desert was still not available. To put it bluntly, the only thing we can do now is to watch other forces open the treasure. , And we are at most just to "feel" the fish in muddy water!"

"It seems that the adults are very thorough in their analysis, and I believe that the two adults, Yuanhua and Yuanhong, think the same way!" While speaking, Yuan Lie at the moment also expressed some of his own ideas.

Of course, the old man standing in front of him is very sophisticated, even the highest commander here, Yuan Lie, didn't mean to underestimate the other party. It shows how high this person is in the Jie people.

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