I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2275: Unknown Valley (23)

Speaking of it, the reason why Jin Shangyu is very interested in "Qianlongtan" is because he also encountered a deep pool with blue waves before, where they got a sword made of unknown material.

And this time, the "Qianlong Pond" that appeared in the Unknown Valley probably still contained great secrets, such as what kind of desert key or something, or that the desert key was not just a handful.

Thinking quickly about these things, Jin Shangyu also figured out how to do it in his heart.

However, at this moment, the six big Jie people who were talking and laughing just now suddenly became serious.

Immediately afterwards, three figures slowly fell in front of the six.

"I've seen three adults!"

"You did a good job! Now I don't know how many outsiders have not been killed!"

"Sir, there shouldn't be too many! In fact, only a few people like this kind of "touch" come in through hidden means! After all, the military master's perception is extraordinary, and there is no possibility of a fish slipping through the net!"

"Well, if that's the case, you stay here. The military master has already sent people to the pool! I believe there will be good results! Of course, if you let outsiders in, you know how serious the consequences are!"

"I'll understand!" With both hands clasped in a fist, the three people who had just arrived here disappeared into the moonlit night like thunder.

"Several people, what do you think!"

"Boss, you, you mean what they just said!"

"Exactly! Obviously we have already killed the three Central Plains here, why do they still appear here! Is it because the military master sent them to monitor us!"

"Impossible. After all, the Young Chief Commander said before he left that he had to obey the command of the Grand Army Master this time, so there should not be too many variables!"

"This, it's hard to say! The life of the young chieftain is not easy now! If this time the military master really got the treasure in the pond, I believe the battle between all parties will be even more fierce!"

"Mother, where are these and where are these! It is possible that something happened inside Chengjie people again! However, as far as Lao Tzu knows, the current young chief, Tu Yuncha, should be in a dominant position! And that Tutian Tulong shouldn’t have much hope!” At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu sensed the dialogue between the six, he was thinking quickly in his heart.

After all, Jin still knows a little bit about the internal struggles of the Jie people. Especially the Great Army Master Yuan Shan is a "mysterious" person.

Because this person is not only the Jie people's great army division, and there are many kinds of evidence that this person is also the Huns' great army division. Such facts cannot help Jin Shangyu think more about things.

Here, Jin Shangyu is still considering the number of fights between the Jie people. At the moment, in the deepest part of the valley, there are dozens of figures. The leader is in black clothes, his eyes are like torches, and he stares closely. The water in front of you.

Speaking of it, the water surface is round with a diameter of about ten meters. At a certain moment, with the gentle "swing" of the water wave, the full moon falling in the pool also brought a ripple.

"My lord, I just saw the six of them. They should be more obedient!"

"Oh, you saw them! How obedient! Why not talk about it!"

auzw.com" In return, the six of them seem to have just killed a Central Plains trio! Judging from the death of those three, these six guys should have increased their skills. Otherwise, it is impossible to get hurt at all!"

"That's it! I don't know why the Young Chief Commander sent the six of them out! You know, the six of them are the guards of the Young Chief Commander's Mansion!"

"This, this little man is not quite clear, maybe the young chief wants to get closer to the sergeant, it's unknown!"

"Never mind, don't mention this! How long have they been in the water, why there is still no movement! They are not known as the North Sea Sanxiong!" While speaking, the man in black who was called an adult also suddenly faced the pool. Said the face.

Perhaps this person’s official position is relatively large, perhaps his identity is too special, in short, before his voice has fallen, dozens of people standing here have bowed their heads, and no one dares to oppose him. Depending on.

However, when the scene here was more embarrassing, there was a rush of breaking through the air in the distance.

After a while, a ghostly shadow came to the black man who was just angry.

"You, you came back so soon!"

"My lord, they also successfully killed nine people!"

"Nine people, it seems that they are also more ruthless! No matter how many people are killed, we will give them how much benefit!"

"My lord, I really want to give them benefits! After all, the cooperation between us is to take what we need, there is no need to really do it so seriously!" As he spoke, the shadow man who just came here was also "exposed" A very strange smile.

However, this time, the man in black, who made people around him afraid to speak loudly, did not have a direct attack. Instead, he slowly raised his eyes and looked up. Although the movements were not too large, everyone here knows that the adult in front of him But it must really take action.

"You, you go and tell them you must not come near here, including them!"

"Including them! Really including them! But just now, they wanted to come over and take a look! Maybe they want to know what treasures are in this pool!"

"Jie Jie... This Xianbei person has more thoughts, and they have all negotiated. They only help us to stop all outsiders, and we are going to collect treasures by ourselves. As for the reward, isn't it already agreed? One corpse is worth a thousand silver! Why, do they want to regret it now! If so, they shouldn’t have cooperated with them in the first place!"

"My lord, this, this, is it too much to say, after all, these plans are the strategies of the big military divisions, we shouldn't say more!"

"Okay, Shadow, the old man knows what you are thinking about! Let's go, if you run again, you will say that no one can enter here or die!"

"This, this, yes! The villain understands!" Although I wanted to say a few more words, when I raised my eyes, seeing the cold eyes of the man in black, the man in black who was called the shadow also gave a dry laugh, and then Then quickly disappeared in the moonlit night.

"My lord, you really made up your mind. If the sergeant is to blame, is it a bit bad?"

"What are you afraid of, the old man will naturally not be afraid! After all, the third son's arrangement, we must also take care of it! Otherwise, how can we explain it to him!"

"Yes, yes, this must be confessed! But the young chieftain sent all his guards out, making it clear that he wanted to participate in this action!"

"Okay, don't think so much! The most urgent thing is to get the treasure in Qianlongtan quickly! As for other things, I will talk about it later! In addition, you must remember that once the three North Sea heroes succeed in obtaining the treasure, you should Know how to do it!"

"Please rest assured, the adults, we will put the silver in their hands, but the villain can be sure that the three of them will definitely not have the opportunity to use the silver!" The man in black at the moment also said There was a very strange smile.

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