I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2271: Unknown Valley (19)

The night of the full moon is like a dream, if there is no inexplicable fighting scene, I am afraid it is really a peaceful scene. But now they all changed their appearances. Not only were the fighting and the killing ceased, but even the birds and beasts here were almost gone.

Of course, no matter what, the Huayu trio will still fight a battle here. After all, the person they want to help has already appeared, and that person is Yuan Tian, ​​the young master from Yuanmei Villa.

After the battle, Jin Shangyu also used almost impossible means to kill an old Jie man on the spot, which also added a touch of death to the irreconcilability of the two sides.

However, just as Jin Shangyu and the deadly hand Yuanhua were preparing for a battle, Yi Jianzi and Zhang Wanyu were also able to get here. Especially that Zhang Wanyu took the initiative to come to Yuanhua without the consent of Jin Shangyu and Yi Jianzi.

In the face of such a weird situation, let alone the remaining three Jie people, even Jin Shangyu is a little bit at heart. Anyway, Zhang Wanyu is too young, and the opponent is the old Youtiao life-threatening hand.

"Mother, you girl, this little guy took the initiative to step forward, what should I do? I let him come back, or don't ask! No matter, this kid should be able to deal with it. If there is a risk, I won't take any action. Late! If he is called back now, it will definitely affect his martial arts heart!" In his heart, Jin Shangyu was also looking at the confrontation in front of him blankly.

Yi Jianzi, who came in anxiously, was a little uncomfortable, and stepped forward and said: "Wanyu, don't "chaos" and don't go back. Since it is a famous killer, let the old man come. Learn it!"

"Uncle Yi, this, it's not good, it seems that this young man came to him first! Didn't you teach before, you must have a first-come-first-come in everything!"

"You, you little fellow! How can this kind of thing be understood in this way, you must know that he is not an ordinary super killer! Maybe now he has broken through the realm, and it is unknown!"

"Really, if it is really powerful, Wan Yu will be more interested!" At a certain moment, Zhang Wanyu was already ready to fight with all his strength amid Yi Jianzi's nagging.

Facing the handsome and handsome boy in front of him, the life-killing hand Yuanhua also screamed up to the sky, and strode out in the next moment.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting! Young Master Rufeng, your appearance has exceeded the old man's expectation, but now there is a guy younger than you! The most ridiculous thing is that he dares to provoke the majesty of the old man! Not to mention, today This little guy found it himself, don’t blame the old man for bullying the little one!"

"Yuanhua, right! Young master, I really want to challenge you today, why, refuse to accept, fight if you refuse to accept it! Don't you know how to seize weapons? Young master, I can't even use weapons today! This, this is always okay! "

"You, your death is imminent, and you dare to speak madly! I really don't know how to write death words!"

"Old man, you are very strong, but you are just a little stronger! If you want to fight, fight, don't talk nonsense there! I don't have time to play with you!" Zhang Wanyu at the moment is as light as he is talking. The body fluttered like the wind, slowly moving towards Yuanhua.

Although he didn't have any weapons in his hands, Jin Shangyu knew that the strength of this kid was not as simple as it seemed.

I think the hard qigong performed in Jincheng back then scared many people. I am afraid that Jincheng is still a mythical figure.

auzw.com said it was too late, it was soon, in fact, just as Zhang Wanyu’s figure moved, the battle began.

But seeing the death-killing hand metamorphosis at this moment, it has changed the lazy state before, and the whole person has become very agile.

Especially his big hands, which looked relatively dry, were shaking back and forth in front of his chest. The aura around his body was also rising steadily, and waves of powerful, even with a little death aura, rushed to Zhang Wanyu like waves.

"Mother, I didn't expect that this old guy would put pressure on the realm as soon as he came up. It seems that he wants to defeat Wan Yu in the shortest time! That's right, after all, I'm standing here, and his thoughts are probably Here!" While sighing in his heart that the two men's body and momentum have changed, Jin Shangyu is also thinking quickly.

After all, in terms of realm, Jin still thinks that Zhang Wanyu is weaker, but this is just his own opinion. As for the real gap between the two sides of the battle, no one knows.

Here, everyone including Jin Shangyu is paying attention to the fighting scene between the two, and the battle at this moment has entered a white-hot stage.

"You, you can actually resist the coercive force of the old man, and there is no major fluctuation in your mind! It seems that you have come prepared!"

"Old man, I've said this many times, don't talk'nonsense', just use big tricks! Don't you know how to win weapons! Don't you have a pair of hands that kill people! Use them! Ah! Xiaoye, I just want to learn the strongest Yuan Master!"

"You, you are too arrogant! You know, geniuses will die early, and you are no exception! Thinking about it, you still don't know the truth about heaven! Today, the old man will let you know what a genius is!"

"Hahaha, of course the little master knows this! But, you old man is really not that heaven outside of the sky!" As he spoke, Zhang Wanyu was also full of energy at the moment, and his momentum was like a rainbow, and his palms were even more revealing. Weird that people can't figure out.

Especially the steps of this little guy, there is already a faint freewheeling trick.

"Mother, you girl, this little guy has a super body that is close to nature. It's amazing, really amazing! Old guy, you have met a genius this time!" Although not able to The name of Zhang Wanyu's palm and body techniques is mentioned, but Jin Shangyu can be sure that this kind of exercise cannot be practiced by ordinary people. In other words, talent is needed here.

In this way, as the fighting time increased a little bit, the old Jie people also felt more and more pressure.

Because no matter how he attacks, the opponent can use his body to avoid it. Conversely, the opponent's palms were very strange. If it weren't for his strong combat power, he would have been flew out by the big boy in front of him.

Perhaps seeing the change in the situation is not good for you, or perhaps the remaining two Jie Ren dead men want to do a big business. In short, when Yuanhua and Zhang Wanyu fight to the 80th round, they were able to do so. The two masters of the Jie family who stood still and watched the battle turned on the raid mode.

At that time, between the electric light and flint, there are two figures that are also electric "shooting" into the battle circle, and the target is Zhang Wanyu, who is fighting with all his strength.

Faced with this new situation, Jin Shangyu also secretly laughed in his heart. After all, this is a life and death battle. It is not a contest at all. If it weren’t for fear of affecting Zhang Wanyu’s martial arts heart, Jin Shangyu and Yi Jianzi would have rushed to take each other’s sex. "Life.

However, at this moment, the sudden attack by the two Jie Ren dead men also gave Jin Shangyu and Yi Jianzi a reason to act.

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