I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2269: The Unknown Valley (17)

The reason for this sad mood in my heart is because everyone knows that the old Jie people in front of them are not something they can fight against. Besides, they have no power to fight for a long time now. And waiting for them will be the arrival of death.

Of course, the elders surnamed Wu and Ge are a bit unwilling at this moment. After all, they saw the hope of life before, and only a short quarter of an hour later, all hopes returned to the original point again.

"Forget it, Lord Yuan Tian has taken his life for the two old guys. If we are still here waiting to die, we won't pay attention to it!"

"Brother, listen to you!"

"You come and help me, I believe we can stop it with a single blow together!"

"Hope!" In fact, the two from Nandu City had already forcibly raised their true energy, and the next moment there was a scene that surprised everyone.

It was time, but when I saw the old man named Ge, I didn't know what technique was used. In short, he hit with all his strength behind the old man named Wu.

"Oh, you two guys still want to fight back! Good, good! The old man will give you this opportunity, little guy, you can take a break!"

"you you!"

"What are you! If it weren't for your indomitable fear of death, just this blow would have killed you! Now that it only prevents you from fighting anymore, it is worthy of your talent!"

"Good, good! We admit that you are a master! But don't insult me ​​too much!" Feeling the jealous old man's teasing words, the face of the old man surnamed Wu also kept changing "color" for a while. Blue, purple for a while, and a pale white "color" again.

"Hahaha, I really didn't expect that you guy would even have a long-lost taboo technique-the five-color inner breath method!"

"My lord, what kind of forbidden law is this, do you kill it first, otherwise?"

"Don't worry, even if he succeeds in condensing the five'colors' inner breath method, at most it can only double the combat power! And the price is that his skill is lost! This person can use this method, too It shows that he has no hope of life!" As he spoke, in fact, the old man surnamed Wu had already moved and came to the old Jie Ren.

"This, this is all you'force'! Come on, the old man is willing to fight!"

"You still have to die, after all, your skill is not enough!"

"Stop talking! Even if the old man died in battle today, he won't succumb to you!" As he spoke, the old man surnamed Wu also looked at Yuan Tian behind him.

Without words, he knew that at this moment, he just hoped that at this moment, everyone could escape a few people.

However, what disappointed the old man with the surname Wu was that Yuan Tian didn't even have a slight emotional change. He just shook his head gently, which was regarded as a response.

Faced with such a situation, the old man surnamed Wu seemed to see his end, because what he had just done was nothing more than trying to retreat for Yuan Tian and win a chance.

However, now, the other party has already made the final decision, which is to live and die together.

"Good, good, really nice little guy, he even gave up his last life! Of course, it's useless even if you don't give up! Because the old man is heaven here! He is the master!" The old Jie Ren has already shot out.

The reason why he launched the attack directly was because the old man Wu took the lead in opening the mode of violent attack after he knew the result.

But seeing his hands moving together, the next moment, an extremely sharp dagger also took his body straight and slammed towards the old Jie Ren.

Needless to think about it, everyone also knows the intention of the old man surnamed Wu, which is to fight his opponent with his life.


However, in the face of such a life-and-death lore, the old Jie man just made a mistake with his hands during the movement, and the next moment he took the dagger in the hands of the old man Wu.

"Capture military skills! He, he will still seize military skills! How is this possible!"

"Yes! If the old man didn't guess wrong, this person may be the most mysterious life-killing hand in the Jie people's Darkhand Legion!"

"What, it turned out to be him! It seems normal for us to lose in his hands!" At one point, after the dagger of the old man named Wu was taken away by the opponent, everyone including the old man named Ge was also amazed.

However, just as everyone was shocked, the old man surnamed Wu was already photographed by the palm of the opponent, and in the next moment he hit a thick-mouthed tree trunk in the distance.

"Cough, cough, cough... Yuan, Lord Yuan Tian, ​​an old man is incompetent! You, why don't you leave!"

"Master Wu, why are you so troublesome! I don't leave because I want to fight him absolutely, even if I die, I don't regret it!"

"Well, you have a lot of words! It's time to send you on the road!"

"You, are you a life-threatening hand?"

"Hahaha, you really have some knowledge! Forget it, the deity does not shy away from it, the deadly hand Yuanhua is the old man! But those are just the previous names! Yuanmei Villa, Nandu City, right, let you be here today Extinguish! Look at the true means of the deity's life!" At a certain moment, when everyone finally knew the identity of the other party, the old man who claimed to be the deadly hand Yuanhua also flickered, and the next moment he grabbed his hands to the only one there. Yuan Tian with a trace of combat power.

It was too late to say, then soon, just under the gaze of everyone, the palm of Yuanhua shot like an ancient king, with endless power, straight to the key point of Yuan Tian.

Facing this powerful blow, Yuan Tian also flashed instinctively, trying to resist it. However, at this moment, his body seemed to be **** by someone, and there was no resistance at all.

"Hahaha, I have been playing for a long time tonight, you should thank the old man! But now everything is over! Die!"

"Death, who said that, in front of this young man, I dare to speak without shame! What a big joke!"

"who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am! The important thing is that you get out of me first!"

"No matter who you are, you are here to die! Ah, no, why is your strength so great!" After a short conversation, the deadly hand that was just like the arrival of a king was transformed, and at this moment, it was directly blown by a shadow. Get out.

Although he didn't suffer any major damage, he was blasted a few feet away in an instant, and it was not a pleasant thing to say anything.

Faced with this sudden change, everyone present was stunned, and everyone's expression was very exaggerated.

After a long time, Yuan Tian reacted.

"Brother Rufeng, it's you! It's really you!"

"Why, don't believe it's me! Don't worry, give this'medicine' pill to Elder Wu, if it's late, I'm afraid it's really hopeless!"

"Yes yes yes! Brother Rufeng, you are here, so the younger brother can rest assured! Old Wu, hurry up, swallow it!"

"Thank you, Lord Rufeng for saving my life! The old man is polite!" At this moment, when Yuan Tian handed a black "pill" to the old man surnamed Wu, the other party also bowed to Jin Shangyu. Down.

"Mother, this ancient person has a lot of etiquette! I always worship each other! I don't care whether you worship or not, let's see how this killer killed his life!" After feeling the surprise of everyone, Jin Shangyu also didn't rush forward to fight, but stood firmly in front of the deadly hand Yuanhua.

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