I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2263: Unknown Valley (11)

Seeing the blood flowing out of the throat, the Jie trio felt the breath of death for the first time.

Of course, at this moment, the middle-aged man who joined the mixed team was also killed by the opponent.

Speaking of late, it actually happened between the electric light and flint.

In particular, the man surnamed Tuoba only slowed down a little bit, and found that the scene had changed a lot. That has evolved from the two-on-three just now to the one-on-two now.

"Wow, you, you guy actually killed my people, and now you can't clear your sins by death!"

"Jiegui, you are right, kill my brother, and you will die today! I didn’t want to expose my skills too early! Even in a dangerous situation, I didn’t show it, but you It's different, because you are the devil!"

"Good, good! If that's the case, let's fight, the guy surnamed Tuoba, don't you want to come and join in the fun too, so let's go together, the old man will also stage a scene of defeating the strong by the weak today!"

"Brother Tuoba, have you seen it? Now people have taken the initiative to let people join the battle group. If this is the case, don't hurry up! If our brothers join forces, we can definitely kill both of them!"

"Never mind, Jie Ren, let this young man learn about your brilliant tricks!" As he talked, I don't know what the man with the surname Tuoba thinks at the moment. In short, his figure has already arrived in a flash. Within the circle of war.

For a time, accompanied by a night of "psychedelic" fantasy, a two-on-two battle has taken shape in a not too dense woodland. Especially with the addition of the male surnamed Tuoba, the Jie Ren duo clearly felt it. pressure.

After all, the way that the man surnamed Liu hid his strength was unexpected. However, because the strength of the two sides is relatively balanced, after the two hundred rounds of the fight, the two sides still have no victory or defeat, and a stalemate has formed.

"Master Tuoba, you, how dare you be an enemy of our clan, do you know the consequences of doing this!"

"Hahaha, this son has never thought about these things! But this son just knows the fact that now we must defeat you, and even kill you, otherwise our brother will not survive!"

"You, you are really more accurate! That's right, if you can't defeat the two of us in a short time, you will face a powerful kill from the strong of our clan! At that time, even if you want to leave, it will be difficult. !"

"Brother Tuoba, don't have to talk to him, such an opponent must die! After all, they killed our group before!"

"Brother Liu, you, your combat power seems to have been greatly improved compared to the previous days!"

"This, this, some things will be discussed with the son in detail later! It's just that if my general knows that we have suffered such a heavy loss, he will definitely be angry with thunder!"

"Really, then, Brother Liu must use all the means! If you still have some reservations in the face of the strong enemy of the Jie people, our brothers can even confess here tonight!" While speaking, the surname of Tuoba at this moment is actually The man already showed a hint of displeasure.

After all, in fact, the man surnamed Liu really hides a lot of tricks. Of course, this is just a brief exchange, and the battle of life and death continues.

In this way, because the man surnamed Liu was eager for revenge, the fighting did not mean to stop at all. At this moment, because of long-term fighting, Jie Ren's mind has also undergone some subtle changes.

auzw.com "Brother Tuoba, did you find out, they both want to run! Let's say nothing can let them escape! They will be killed tonight!"

"Well, I said Brother Liu, didn't you say that as long as you can survive? Why are you now a different person! Think about it, in today's valley, it is estimated that you have been controlled by the Jie people long ago. If you can escape The birth day is already a great blessing in misfortune!"

"No, even if Brother Tuoba wants to leave, Liu must fight the Jiegui blood to the end!"

"It's really noisy! The second child, you can see, the scene tonight is different! In other places, it is our people who are killing each other. Only here is a confrontation! It seems that our brothers are useless. what!"

"My lord, you don't have to be like that! Anyway, as long as we can entangle these two people, victory is ours!"

"That's right, we don't have to smash with these two people, just entangle them! Didn't you two hear it! If there is no powerful trick, you just wait to go to hell!" For a while, because of the fighting between the two It has already reached a very critical stage, so verbal excitement also appears from time to time.

It's just that for these people with super deadly combat power, these verbal excitement have no good effect.

However, just when the Jie Ren duo thought that the tactics were appropriate and the winning ticket was in their hands, the man surnamed Liu surprised everyone again.

Because at this moment, I saw that the man surnamed Liu took out a black "pill" from his waist and sent it directly into his mouth.

In the face of this sudden, even very strange scene, the Jie Ren duo quickly withdrew from the battle circle, because they also knew that there must be hidden secrets.

"You, what is your kid! Is it because you want to use some secret method! It seems that you really want to work hard!"

"Hahaha, this, this is what you "forced", don't you two want to haunt us! Not to mention, let you see the real lore today!"

"You, you don't want life! You know, if any secret method is forcibly activated, it will leave a sequelae that will never be cured!"

"Hahaha, are you? It seems that you are also in this way! However, Lao Tzu also gives you the opportunity. If there is any secret method, Lao Tzu will accompany you to the end!" In fact, the man surnamed Liu is already there. The figure violently rises, and in the next second he attacks a Jie Ren.

"No, his body technique is too fast! It turns out that this kind of secret technique can increase the body technique speed!"

"No, sir, his strength has increased! This, if this goes on, we may hurt this person's hands!"

"Wow...Liu Kun, you **** guy, you sent out all the people who pressed the bottom of the box! It's really annoying! I want to come, but this time my clan has paid a lot of money and manpower. With the current arrangement, why are you here to ruin our good deeds!" At a certain moment, when the man surnamed Liu swallowed the "pill" and his combat power increased greatly, the two strong Capricorns who had just calmed down. It also revealed that it was a failure.

Of course, during this period of time, the man surnamed Tuoba also had a flash, approaching the man surnamed Liu. And in the next scene, the mixed duo suppresses the Jie Ren duo, and the battle seems to have entered a one-sided situation at this moment.

Facing the sudden unfavorable situation, the Jie Ren duo was also a little unexpected. After all, in their hearts, as long as they drag the two in front of them, they can achieve the final victory.

But the current situation is that even the procrastination is almost impossible. After all, the fighting power that the man surnamed Liu used to be extremely powerful, now that the secret method is turned on, the fighting power is even more advanced, it is no longer realistic for them to want to fight against.

Of course, because this valley should be controlled by the Jie people, the two of them did not dare to lose easily.

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