I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2258: The Unknown Valley (6)

Here, the nine masters wiped out a powerful trio in the silent moon night in one fell swoop, and the mixed trio at this moment has finally found a way to compromise with each other.

"Brother Liu, it's right for you to think like this! This time, let alone we have no retreat, even other forces have no retreat! Why would the Jie people do tricks in the valley? One of the main reasons is that the treasure is already very close to here!"

"Yeah! It seems that Brother Tuoba thinks farther away! The analysis is more thorough! No matter, since everyone is here, if you don't make a bet, I am afraid it will really disappoint General Liu Kun!"

"Yes, yes, it's what the adults said! But, let's move on next, or stay here for a while!" At a certain moment, the man surnamed Tuoba and the man surnamed Liu finally found a point to balance their differences. At the time, the other person who rarely spoke also stood up and said what was in his heart.

The reason why he said this is because the sound of fighting just now has ended, and there is only one possibility for such an ending, that is, one force may have been wiped out by the other!

However, what the man surnamed Liu and his companions did not expect was that the man surnamed Tuoba went straight toward the depths of the valley.

"That, Brother Tuoba, you, you really feel safer ahead! Or do you think we have the strength to fight others!"

"Two people, since they have both decided, let's follow this young man! Don't worry, although this place is dangerous, we still have a chance! Although the sound of fighting just now is gone, it also means that they will not follow us! Otherwise, With their body speed, we have no chance to escape!"

"This, this, forget it, since the son said so, we won't ask too much! It's life or death, let's go together!" While talking, the man surnamed Liu stopped talking, and the whole person quickly followed Up.

Here, the mixed trio finally moved on, towards the depths of the unknown valley. At this moment, murderous intent was everywhere in the unnamed valley. Even in the middle of the night, many groups of people and horses died tragically for no reason.

"My son, you can't leave anymore! You see, there are actually six bodies here, which means that two groups of people have been killed here! Now we only have three, and we are a small southern force. Once we encounter the Jie people The hunting team, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive!"

"Yeah! Son, you want to pass the valley soon, but we can't take the risk! You know, the owner has already ordered it when he comes, and when the crisis comes, you must listen to the arrangements of the two of us!"

"You, you guys, forget it, the two old people are also thinking about me, Yuan Tian! It's just that there is no way to go on like this! Is it possible that we really have to pretend to die in this valley! Take ten thousand steps back, even if it is us We can endure till dawn, but the Jie people at that time will still not let us go!" At one point, in a woodland in the valley, the trio from Yuanmei Villa also stood there at a loss.

The reason for this situation is that they found a large number of people killed. Combined with the words of the three groups of Jie people before the valley, the three of them are also preliminary judged that there must be a lot of Jie people's dark hands here.

"My son, for the current plan, we can only stay here in place! You hear it, it seems that there is fighting in the distance."

"Yes, Xiaotian heard it too! What to do, go and see! Maybe it's Brother Rufeng and the others, I don't know!"

"My son, you, why are you still mentioning a few of them! Obviously just met together! Why are you still regarded as real friends!"

"Old man, you don't want to listen to what you said! Brother Rufeng is sincere to us! You don't have to say anything else! Let's go and have a look!"


"No, this is a place of great danger. Our two elders have the responsibility to dominate, so just stay here!" While speaking, the gray-clothed old man standing beside Yuan Tian suddenly stretched out his hand, the next second, Yuan Tian was already unable to move.

"My son, don't resist, the old man won't hurt you! But you don't want to leave here! Even if you offend the son, there is nothing we can do!"

"You, you guys, you really don't let go! Do you really want to "force" this young man to do it!"

"My son, we also know your ability! But if you do, we will "suicide" here!"

"You, you guys!" For a while, because the two old men in front of him had already controlled themselves, Yuan Tian also had nothing to do at this moment.

Here, the trio of Yuanmei Villa is in a dilemma, and Jin Shangyu at this moment just breaks through here.

"Mother, you girl, so they are here too! Little guy, it seems that you can really be my little brother Jin! Now it seems that these two old guys are also good! Although the previous ones The impression is not very good, but now that they can protect the Lord like this, they can enter Lao Tzu's Dharma Eye!" At a certain moment, Jin Shangyu was still muttering to himself in his heart, still in that not too dense woodland.

Of course, Zhang Wanyu is also sitting cross-legged on the grass at this moment, and there is no emotional change at all. You don't need to think about it, and you know that this child may now be fully releasing his perception.

"My son, what's the situation now! It's already midnight! It's impossible that the battle is over!"

"Big Brother Yi, how could it be so fast! Except for the depths of the valley, it is difficult for me to perceive, even the area that I perceive is very strange! I didn’t expect that they would send so many masters! If Lao Tzu didn’t guess wrong. , It seems that even the old guy Yuanshan is here!"

"Yuanshan, you mean the Huns' great military division! This person is rumored to have far surpassed the power of the super dead man! If this person is here, I am afraid that the situation will be difficult to control! No, the previous son is not It is said that the Jie people set up ambush here, why Yuanshan is here!"

"Hahaha, it seems that there are some things that Brother Yi is still not clear about! In fact, as far as this son knows, Yuanshan is not just a great military division of the Huns, but also a great military division of the Jie people!"

"What, how, how could such a thing happen!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu revealed the news he had received, Yi Jianzi beside him was also stunned on the spot.

After all, such a message is too shocking, even unbelievable.

If it weren't for Jin Shangyu, I'm afraid Yi Jianzi would not believe it. Even so, Na Yi Jianzi kept shaking his head and sighing.

"Big Brother Yi, I don’t know anything about it. This incident was also known by Zhang Qianren and I when we were visiting the base camp of the Jie people! However, it seems that Yuanshan has a disguise technique. Maybe he is a two-faced person. !"

"My son, the more you talk, the more confused the old man! However, despite his identity, this person's combat power is at the level of the sky, and should not be under the Tianjunjun! If he led the team to attack all the people, I am afraid Tonight is really a massacre!" While speaking, Yi Jianzi at the moment also showed a very serious expression.

No need to think about it, but also know that at this moment, Yuanshan must have arrived, stimulating Yi Jianzi's mind.

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