I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2255: The Unknown Valley (3)

Facing the unscrupulous voice of the Jie people trio, the three figures who had just arrived at Taniguchi also slowly stopped. Although they did not directly break into the valley, the other party knew that their determination had been made, that is, they had to enter the valley.

"The three of you are just watchdogs! So arrogant, don't you know how to write dead words! Or do you think you can stop the deity!"

"You, do you guys really want to go to war with our clan!"

"Bah, just three old dogs, I really think of myself as the dignitaries of the clan! What a joke! If the deity guessed right, you are here just to walk through the scene, the real battle is in the valley!"

"Oh, you know the danger, and you want to break in, it's really interesting! In that case, the three of us don't care about you too much, let you know how powerful the big guys in the valley are!" While talking, the three Jie people The old man also slowly retreated to the side.

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, the three people known as Diren also slowly stepped into the valley.

Looking at the trio of Di people going away, the three old Jie people at this moment were once again caught in a huge humiliation.

"It's really maddening! It's so arrogant, I knew it would be a big battle!"

"You, your temper is so big now! The battle, how to fight! You know, the three of you just now, just one person, none of us can deal with it! How to fight!"

"Yes, but you have seen it too, they are too bullying!"

"Nevertheless, if you talk about bullying, it is also that we are blocking the way, and others' words are not inferior!" Although the face is also angry, but at this moment, an elderly Jie Ren still speaks his own heart.

Of course, at this moment, the scene that happened here was also recognized by Jin.

"Mother, you girl, you are so weird! Diren, Tuoba's family, Liu Kun's people, and southerners, it seems that this time there is really a good show! Jie Ren is, right? I really want to see where your big conspiracy is! Is it possible that I really want to kill the heroes of the world!" At a certain moment, sitting cross-legged in a woodland, Jin Shangyu was also muttering to himself.

At this moment, Yi Jianzi and Zhang Wanyu have also entered a state of training.

However, Zhang Wanyu has another task, which is to protect the long parcel in his arms.

Here, with the cover of the sunset and dusk, the Huayu trio also adjusted their body and mind as much as possible. After all, for them, the real test may have just begun.

"My son, you, you can talk about the situation in front of the valley!"

"Brother, they are so fun! Not only did they put all the forces in, but they also sulked there! I really don't know what tricks the Jie people want to play this time!"

"This is hard to say! After all, the Jie people have done their best this time! If the old man guesses correctly, I believe those old guys will come over! Maybe there will be a one-sided massacre scene! Of course, the attitude of the son Will decide many things!"

"Brother, don't worry, Lao Tzu is not a living Bodhisattva, and in the final analysis he is not a great good person! As long as it is unfavorable to us, this young man will not do it!"

"The old man is very pleased to be able to say this! The old man is afraid that the old man will show his great benevolence again! If he is really soft, he will suffer irreparable losses!"

"Big Brother Yi, Shang Yu understands! Don't worry, when it's time to do it, we must do it, and where we shouldn't do it, we won't see our brothers!" At a certain moment, there was a place that was relatively not too dense. In the woodland, Yi Jianzi and Jin also communicated from time to time.

The night of the oasis is far more "psychedelic" than the night of the desert, and even makes people think about it. In particular, the wanton growth of the green branches of various "colors" gives people a feeling of seeking their origins.


Of course, this is just the thought of some people. If it is in a crisis-ridden valley at this moment, it will be another scene.

In these days, as time slipped slowly, the crescent moon that finally accompanied everyone into the desert also became rounded.

And when the moon is high and the people are quiet, there is also an inexplicable throbbing in the Wuming Valley, which is the horn of death, more like a murderous hunter who is putting away his big net.

"Young Master Tuoba, it seems that our choice is not necessarily right!"

"What is the purpose of Mr. Liu's words! You know, when we entered the valley, it was also the common idea of ​​the three of us!"

"Master Tuoba still misunderstood. This master is not blaming anyone, but just wants to deduce what is happening now! Otherwise, we don’t know how we died! In addition, this time, he can recover health and catch up with us. The footsteps show that our luck is still very good!"

"This, this is true! I want to come, the two of them should be on the road!"

"If you return to the son, when the villain left them, the two of them still had a sigh of relief! However, as you said, now it is more ugly!"

"Fine, since the moment we entered the desert, we should be prepared to sacrifice! Liu Gongzi, let's talk about it, what is the situation now!" At a certain moment, in a relatively flat place in the valley, Three people also dived.

It was also recognizable from the words of his conversation that the three of them were a mixed team of the Tuoba family and the Liu Kun family.

The reason why this team stopped and stopped moving is because they smelled of death.

"Young Master Tuoba, to tell you the truth, I just thought about it carefully and felt that what happened during this period was too smooth!"

"Successful, my son didn't feel that way! If we said that we went smoothly, how could six people become three! If we said that we went smoothly, how could it be possible to get here now!"

"My son, I'm not talking about those things, I just want to say that we seem to have been put in deliberately!"

"Put it in! You, you mean the Jie people want to kill all of us!" After thinking for a while, the son of Tuoba at the moment also showed a very strange expression.

Maybe in his heart, he really doesn't think anyone will ambush them here!

Of course, people's thinking is different. Just like now, the strongman sent by Liu Kun clearly felt the evil intentions of the Jie people, while the people from the Tuoba family did not feel that way.

However, while the three of them were still studying how to take the next step, several black figures appeared at the mouth of the valley.

With the light on the night of the full moon, the Jie trio who had been guarding here before discovered each other for the first time.

"Who is the one here! Express your name! Otherwise, don't blame our brothers for being merciless!"

"Well, your mission is completed, you can retreat. Remember, you can't directly enter the valley. You just have to dive in the bushes in front of the valley mouth! Of course, at midnight, if there are injured people flee here. , You just go forward and kill!"

"It turned out to be an adult, I'm waiting for my order!"

"Okay, let's go, let us wait here!" Although the voice is not too loud, but the three people who were still very powerful just now do not have a trace of high coldness, some are just facing the strong A sense of submission.

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