I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 2253: Unknown Valley (1)

In the desert oasis, in a relatively dense bush, three people were communicating quietly. Although there is no rhetoric, a trace of warmth is also rising here.

"Well, brother, you, you should be able to recover your injury! Let's go, you have done a lot! However, you have also seen it. It is impossible to recover our two injuries here!"

"Yeah! A few days ago, you can leave! Now it seems that you have done your best, let's go! Leaving here early is a miracle!"

"Two, if that's the case, then, don't pass the next one. I hope you can use the water and food here! As for how your life will go, see what God means!" Among the dense bushes, one person also made up his mind. Finally, he stood up and left here quickly.

And these three are not others, but the seriously injured people discarded by Tuoba Xianbei and Liu Kun.

However, in these days, one of them, the one who had just left, returned to a healthy body.

Of course, this man didn't mean to leave the oasis in the end, because the direction he was running was exactly in the depths of the oasis.

"Brother, it seems that our two brothers are going to stay here forever!"

"No matter, it's a miracle to be able to live for a few more days! But depending on where he left, he should want to participate in the battle for treasure!"

"It should be like this! Maybe at the moment he is catching up with our mixed trio! I hope he can survive safely! After all, this person's heart is still kind!" In fact, the figure slowly disappeared into the crescent moon. At night, the two people still lying in the bushes were also whispering.

Da Mo is ruthless, and this scene also fulfills the essential characteristics of Da Mo, which is ruthless and unintentional.

Even if these people still want to live well, even if these people may regret it from the bottom of their hearts, everything has no meaning. And time slipped slowly in such helplessness.

Here, the former super dead man will also face the tragic scene that must die, and in a slightly dense woodland, Jin Shangyu and others are slowly moving forward.

The reason why he didn't rush on the road may be precisely because Jin's general strategy has not changed, that is, letting the enemy go first, and then reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

"My son, by the way, we have been wandering here again for almost two days! Can we move on!"

"Brother Yi, it seems that you are really anxious! Actually, you have been thinking about this for the past two days! But this time, this son can give you a definite answer! Let’s go now! Arrive in a special area at sunset!"

"In a special area, somewhere, it's impossible, the son really has reached the realm of immortals that knows thousands of miles!"

"Mother, where is this and where! I still know thousands of miles! If you have such a capability, should I be so careful? Just kill the enemy directly in the invisible! Why bother to wait for the opportunity every day!" Although listening After hearing what Yi Jianzi said, Jin was very puzzled, but he was still thinking about something in his heart.

Speaking of it, the reason Jin can know some future things, in the final analysis, is because he has really sensed some new situations.

"Uncle Yu, you, you are really a god-man now! You can feel it at such a distance. It seems that no matter how hard Wan Yu works, it is useless!"

"Smelly boy, what nonsense! I still don't take good care of my baby!"

"Uncle Yu, Wan Yu is telling the truth this time! In fact, Wan Yu's perception is already very powerful, and should be able to perceive things a few miles away! But you are different, often dozens of miles away. , Or even hundreds of miles! If this is not your limit, I am afraid it is not unimaginable to read a thousand miles!" At the end, Zhang Wanyu also showed a very serious expression.

Seeing that this son said such a ridiculous thing, but his expression was so serious, Yi Jianzi almost laughed.


After all, such a thing can be said, but I really cannot believe it.

"Smelly boy, did you make Big Brother Yi laugh if you didn't see it! You boy, you are still serious, and there is no boundary in what you can say! Nothing, in fact, this boy does not have any very strong perception, to put it bluntly, It's just a feeling! As for what the situation is, don't ask me because I don't know why!"

"Uncle Yu, you, you are really just a feeling! Then, does that feeling still exist now!"


"You, you are still lying!"

"Mother, I don't lie, it's impossible to tell you some big secrets!" For a while, because of Zhang Wanyu's pressing step by step, Jin Shangyu finally described his ability as a sense of self and instinct. !

And this explanation was also approved by Yi Jianzi. After all, for them, they really didn't know what to explain Jin's powerful changes.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu has roughly judged the specific storage location of the treasure, the Huayu trio is also really starting to move forward.

Here, Jin Shangyu decided to take Yi Jianzi and Zhang Wanyu to the place where the treasure was stored before dusk fell. At this moment, an alternative scene appeared in the unnamed valley.

Because here, not only a dozen people are facing each other, but there are also many camels parked here.

"You, you really don't retreat! You really want to keep your life here!"

"Hahaha, we came here to hunt for treasures, and now the treasures may be in the valley. If you say this, isn't it a bit immature!"

"Surname Duan, you, don't think that you have a strong combat power, so you dare to speak up here! Be careful to throw your old life here!"

"Hahaha, although the old man has not been born for a long time, he also knows that there is a word of'shame' in this world! Don't say you are just a small team in the Jie people, even if you are all gathered together, the old man will not be afraid ! Besides, you are not the only family here, is it because everyone is afraid that you will not succeed!"

"You, you are provoking a war! Yes, we are not just a three-person team, but, but other forces can only send one out of nowhere!"

"Really! Since you all admit it, then go your own way. As for who the baby will choose, that's fate!" In fact, the old man with the surname Duan at this moment is also slowly taking two middle-aged men. move on.

And the three of them who had just blocked their way were also unwilling to stand on one side.

"Boss, really let them go!"

"Shut up, do you think the three of us can stop the three of them! Or do you think that the tripartite forces standing far away will be our allies!"

"This, this, is still the wise boss! It's just that since this way, the battle for treasure will become more intense!"

"Hahaha, if the fierceness is not fierce, I don't care about it. Laozi’s task is to block other forces to the utmost extent! Now the task has been completed, as for the rest of the matter, those old guys will solve it!" At a certain moment, Just when the old man with the surname Duan slowly disappeared in the valley with the three of them, the trio of Jie people who had just been high morale also revealed some secrets that ordinary people did not know.



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