I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1085: Jin Cheng (3)

Spring flowers are still there, and Jin Chengxin in summer.

In a blink of an eye, midsummer was already halfway through, and Jin Cheng at this time was already impressive. Not only did the four gates of the city have all been completed, but there were also three military defense positions in the outer city!

Of course, because Jin Shangyu and others are about to split up their government these days, Jin Jun's Great Tent of the Chinese Army is also very lively, and even the shadows, who have never had any smiling faces before, are like individuals.

"Well, big brother, you don't actually need to build a house for the little brother, just a tent for the little brother!"

"Shadow! Your mind, brother knows, but now that we are here, we should have a home of our own! Of course, if you don’t want to live, you can also set up a few tents on the side of your house. , We don't care!"

"No, not what you think!"

"Really! This young man doesn't look like that! Because our shadow young man can actually laugh!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also showed a weird smile.

Of course, after hearing what Jin said, the shadow smiled again, as if he was no longer the cold-blooded killer at this moment.

Here Jin Shangyu was chatting with Shadow, while Li Zhao was chatting with Feng Luoyun and others.

"Brother Li! No, it should be Lord Li! The mansion will be divided in a few days. It seems that you, a high official, should be divided into a large house!"

"Smelly boy, happy with the old man again! What a big mansion and a small mansion, in fact, our houses are the same in this time, and they are all in a large area. They are not like the mansions of the Imperial City at all! Don't think about it. !"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! It seems that this young man has paid too much attention to training these days, and has forgotten major events!"

"That's right! You are worthy of praise when you meet a general! Come on, Shang Yu! Didn't you hear that! Our general Fengda will live in the Grand Palace too!"

"You, you, forget it, there's something else going to happen! I'm leaving!" Before Jin Shangyu could speak, Luo Yun had already moved away from Jin Jun's army account.

Of course, Jin Shangyu at this time also noticed the changes here. Although he didn't say anything directly, he also glanced around.

"Shang Yu! We are all chatting here today. Actually, Pingyang City should be about to start at this time!"

"Yeah! They all conducted three rounds of temptation! Although we didn't pay attention to them! But they also know our strength! But one day, they will not be able to bear the temptation!"

"Well, just this morning, the latest intelligence showed that Zhao Dongyu actually moved Mo Jingtian! Look, do we have to show our strength too!" At the end, Li Zhao was also thoughtful , As if thinking about something.

However, at this time, Jin Shangyu's heart is clear, and he secretly said, "No, it is not the time. If you tell the fact that the Mo family is here with your son now, it will definitely be bad for Mo Jingtian! Let's speak with hard power!"

Maybe it was because he felt Jin Shangyu's mood change, maybe Ling Yun wanted to make a move a long time ago, and for a while, I saw Ling Yun who was sitting on one side also slowly stood up.

"Big Brother, Lord Li, it's better to let the end play! Don't hurt them, they always think they are masters!"

"Ling Yun, we must fight, but we can't beat them yet. After all, our big plan is to conquer the world!"

auzw.com "This, this, everything depends on the arrangement of my elder brother!" After feeling the change of Jin Shangyu's situation, Ling Yun also said with great momentum.

Here, Jin Shangyu and others are studying how to deal with the pressure of Pingyang City in the Chinese Military Account. At this time, Pingyang City has reached a very tense moment.

Not only the entire big city was under martial law, but even the younger laborers were forced into the army!

"My lord, I thought it was wrong to do this! Although the court is chaotic, we haven't reached that point in Pingyang City!"

"Brother Shocking, this, this is what you don’t understand! What do you know, if we don’t conscript, those guys will go out of the city! It’s not cheap for the army of the Beiying! Besides, everything is clear now, it turned out that Jin Shangyu led The army has come here! I heard that it will stay long! It's really annoying! Tell me, can we swallow this breath!"

"My lord, your thoughts would have been known! But, if this continues, will it cause a popular uprising?" At the end of the day, the general who was called Shocking was also a little unhappy.

In other words, this person is not someone else, but the general guarding Pingyang City, Mo Shocking! However, because of his character, he was finally calculated by Pingyang County guard Zhao Dongyu.

The reason for saying this is because Zhao Dongyu took the lead in handing over the fact that the Mo family was rescued, but the tone of the statement turned into the Beiying abduction of Mo family as the last hostage!

"Shocking! You and I are officials in the same dynasty, you are a military commander, and your brother is a civil servant! As long as we can cooperate well, no one should think about playing Pingyang City! Besides, we will fight the Beiying Army sooner or later, only You can save your family in World War I! Don’t you understand this! Do you want to fight with the Northern Army with your current military strength! So, army expansion is the only way out!"

"This, this! Forget it, everything shaking the sky is all arranged by adults!"

"Is that right! However, the one that made the official most angry was that Jin Shangyu, who didn't know it, smuggled away a lot of materials from our city without knowing it, and also killed our five thousand good brothers! You say This hatred, are we going to avenge it!"

"This, this, forget it, as long as you can save Mother Mother! I'm going to go out!" While talking, Mo Jingtian also turned around and left. Although he was so stubborn, Zhao Dongyu didn't say much, just With a slight smile, he slowly picked up the fragrant tea in front of him.

"My lord, you really believe him! After all, we are..."

"Shut up and be careful to be heard by him! Don't say anything like this in the future! Although he is not ours, he and I know his combat power! In terms of war, we are not his opponents!"

"Yes, yes, the villain knows it! However, even though he can't understand his aloof appearance, he won't show courtesy to the adults!"

"Forget it, he is a man in the army, let him go! The top priority is to expand the army as much as possible! As long as our military strength comes up, the officer does not believe that Jin Shangyu can not be dealt with!" There was also a strange smile.

However, just as Zhao Dongyu's words fell, the counselor standing next to him also asked again.

"My lord, you, you don't really want to deal with Jin Shangyu first!"

"Why not? Who told him to destroy our soldiers and rob us of our supplies! These two items are serious sins!"

"Yes, but what about the northern camp!"

"What to do! Easy to do! This lord has already sent someone out to let the wind go, saying that Jin Shangyu will be stationed here for a long time, with the purpose of recruiting the Beiying army!"

"It turns out that the adult thought so far! It seems that the villain didn't think well!" As he spoke, the counselor slowly stepped aside.


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