I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1081: Fight in the dark night!

In the face of the Pingyang Cavalry Team who had come back from God, Feng Luoyun felt the pressure again. Although the opponent's chief had already died, and the cavalry sergeants suffered heavy losses, once they went crazy, it was unstoppable.

"General, they seem to be desperate!"

"Desperately! Then let's accompany them desperately!" While speaking, Feng Luoyun was also the first to rush to the Pingyang Army.

For a time, in a piece of unnamed grassland, through the cover of the dark night, two very different teams were also killed in one place.

However, at the time when General Jin Jun suffered a large number of casualties, there was finally a boundless rushing sound from behind.

"Brothers! Haunt them! Since they are here, don't leave!"

"You guys, you won't be able to kill all you want!"

"It's you who don't want to be forgiving, this time, no one wants to go back!" Hearing the roar of a general of the other side, Feng Luoyun also slammed back.

In this way, not too long, 10,000 cavalry led by General Ge Feng also rushed here. A massacre was also staged in the dark night.

In fact, when the two armies fought like this, there is no morality at all, and both sides are for their own interests. I am afraid that better survival is their driving force.

Because of the arrival of the well-trained Jin Jun, coupled with the morale and quantitative advantages, within half an hour, the battle was almost over.

"The old general is here at the right time! Thanks!"

"What did General Luo Yun say! We are originally a family, so why bother to say thank you! That's why your desperate spirit deeply moved the old man!"

"I have seen the old general!"

"Shadow, you, your deeds, they have said! It seems that you are the one who makes the enemy the most fearful!" At a certain moment, when Ge Feng was talking with Feng Luoyun, the shadow not far away was also Flashing over to say hello.

Faced with the compliment of the old General Ge Feng, Shadow was also a little embarrassed, and the whole person slowly stepped back.

However, when the general saw such a shadow, he smiled and said: "Good brother! You are the top performer in this battle! Without your thunder means, they would have broken through our defenses long ago. Come here, the materials will also be robbed!"

"Big Brother Feng is serious! In fact, I discovered the army sent by Pingyang City from the very beginning! Because I was afraid of disrupting the plan, I didn't make a move! But in the end, you also know that you can't do it without making a move!

"It's okay if you don't take a shot! Well, if that's the case, let's eat them all! Who will let them grab our supplies! But listening to them, it seems that we are treated as Beiying people!"

"Oh, there is such a thing! Then, that is also a good thing!" At a certain moment, General Ge Feng was very happy after hearing such news. After all, it is good to lead the Pingyang Army to the Beiying. !

In this way, because Ge Feng's army arrived in time, the whole battle was quickly coming to an end. Although the Pingyang Army is also breaking through with all its strength, what they encounter is a well-trained Jin Jun, who has no chance at all!

"Report! Lord General! The enemy has been wiped out! After counting, the opponent should be five thousand people!"

"Oh, five thousand men and horses! That's okay! The generals are taken in, and the rest are buried!"

"The final commander!" As he spoke, a general quickly went down to deal with related matters.

auzw.com In the face of such a battle, although it is our own victory, everyone is not happy.

On the one hand, in the previous blocking battle, Jin Jun’s 500 soldiers died and 117 people were killed, more than 300 people were injured, and some were seriously injured. On the other hand, even though Ge Feng's army wiped out all the opponents, his cavalry team also suffered more than 200 casualties.

"General Ge, the soldiers who died in battle should be transported back! We are sorry for them!"

"Yes! Must be transported back! To be buried properly! In addition, this time, we have eliminated the five thousand cavalry in Pingyang City. It is estimated that Zhao Dongyu will become angry and angry. I believe that there should be a good show in the near future!"

"Then, let's hurry up and transport the supplies back! The boss's transportation team should be coming soon too! The supplies here must be transported away at once, otherwise they will be discovered by the people in Pingyang City!" The cloud also rushed to the mountain-like materials quickly.

Just when they came to the front, everyone saw that some sergeants were loading their cars!

"Brothers, you have worked hard! This time, I did not command well! Let those old brothers go so miserable! Don't worry! I will pay attention in the future!"

"The general doesn't need to be like this! In fact, we are able to fight like this, and the heavens are already watching you! Besides, aren't they all wiped out! The most important thing now is to transport the supplies back as fast as possible!" In the meantime, those sergeants also worked without looking up.

Seeing such Sergeant Jin Jun, Feng Luoyun was also moved and felt uncomfortable. However, just as everyone's mentality changed, specks of light appeared in the distance.

"Look, general, look, it should be our convoy coming!"

"Boss, you are so amazing! You sent someone over so soon! Okay! Brothers, work harder and try to get out of here before dawn!" Knowing that Jin Shangyu's transportation force is about to arrive, Feng Luo Yun was also very excited, and the whole person became a little excited.

Of course, the old General Ge Feng was not here at this time, because the most important task now is defense.

So Ge Feng had already moved the army ten miles forward, facing the direction of Pingyang City, and made a defensive posture.

Here Ge Feng is responsible for the defense, and the transportation army at this time really rushed back.

"Report, every general, we are a transport convoy sent by the adults! Now it is all dispatched by the general!"

"Okay! Tell me about how many carriages you brought!"

"If you go back to the general! We have used everything we can use in the camp. There should be more than 600 vehicles!"

"Six hundred vehicles, the difference is not too much! Remember, you need to install more, and the walking speed can be slower! In addition, tell the old general Ge Feng that some small objects should be shared by the cavalry team, otherwise it will be true. It is difficult to leave at once!"

"Yes! The last general will send the order!" Feeling Feng Luoyun's eagerness, a general also rushed to Ge Feng's cavalry team quickly.

In this way, because the large fleet has already arrived, Feng Luoyun is also quickly organizing manual loading.

And time slipped by in such a busy schedule. When the light of dawn came a little bit, the materials that were just like hills had been transported away by more than 700 carriages.

Of course, because the supplies were too numerous, Ge Feng's cavalry was not empty-handed, almost everyone had objects on their horses, and even later, the entire cavalry team became a horseman.

The dark night was over and dawn was approaching. When the morning sun slowly climbed up the mountain and reflected by the small river, Jin Shangyu, who was sitting in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, finally let out a sigh of relief.

Because at this moment, Jin Jun Zhongjun also trot over to a messenger.

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