I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1069: Dialogue in the dark night!

In the face of such a strong man, Jin Shangyu did not dare to neglect. After careful observation, he was deeply moved. After all, from the point of view of its figure and speed, that shadow is not under the fire cloud and shadow at all!

However, just when that person's figure fell into a bush, his figure stopped instantly, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

"Why don't you run away! Are you afraid? Don't be afraid! My son knows what you're here for! Let's talk, General Jin sent you here to know something!"

"You, you are the Jin Shangyu!"

"Oh, I really know what's next! I didn't expect this young man's name to be so loud! However, I just don't know why General Jin is so anxious to find someone Jin!"

"You, you really think what you said is correct!" At a certain moment, just when Jin Shangyu's voice fell, the man in black also asked weakly.

Faced with such a situation, Jin Shangyu also appeared in front of the bush calmly.

"Well, your body style is good! If it is a normal camp, it is estimated that you will kill the opponent's general, and no one else will know!"

"Really! It seems that you know it well! Okay, you guessed it! This time, I just want to ask you one question!"

"What's the problem! Let's talk! My son is listening here!"

"Okay! Refreshing enough! My general wants to know where the empress is!" The man in black also stared at Jin Shangyu as he spoke, as if Jin Shangyu would give him a satisfactory answer in the next second.

"You girl, you deserve to be Jin Bufan! He thought of this level directly! It seems that he is guessing that Jananfeng is here with Lao Tzu! Even if that is the case, let's do a trick!" Feeling the other party Jin Shangyu quickly thought about it after his strangeness.

After all, as soon as they came up, they asked about the whereabouts of Janan Feng, with only one purpose, that is, to come to the soldiers.

"Why, is it difficult for Master Jin to answer this question! Or, the empress is in your hands!"

"This brother is serious! In fact, the reason why I didn't rush to answer you is that I hope you can think about this question! Because everyone in the court knows that Queen Jananfeng is locked in Jinyong City! Of course, it is dead now. It's alive, I guess no one knows! But if you throw out such a simple question, I really don't know what your General Jin intended!"

"Jin Shangyu, you mean you know, or don't know, what to do so far!"

"It's easier! I know!"

"What, you actually know!"

"Of course I know, the most likely thing is that she was killed by Simalun! It's that simple!" At the end, even Jin Shangyu himself was a little embarrassed.

After all, the other party would never believe such words.

"Master Jin, it seems like the general said, you are an old guy with a very serious mind! Why do you have such a state of mind at a young age! Forget it, I won't tell you! Let's go!"

"Let's go! What's the hurry! It's all here, it's better to take a break and let Jin do the best of the landlord!"

"No need! My general only asked this question! No other explanation at all!"

"It seems that Jin Bufan is quite strict! Then, don't force the distinguished guests! However, you can also convey a word for me!" While speaking, Jin Shangyu's momentum also increased steadily.

auzw.com even at a certain moment, the man in black felt a powerful threat, and the whole person took three steps back.

"You, you were so strong! No wonder you can get into the current situation! Let's talk, I will give the words to the General as they are!"

"Okay! Then, please tell my brother to General Jin that I, Jin Shangyu, have no other plans at this time, just want to calm down here! I hope he can understand!"

"This! Okay, I'll pass it on!" Feeling that there was something in Jin Shangyu's words, the man in black wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he didn't say it.

Of course, just as Jin Shangyu finished speaking, the other party also disappeared into the dark night with a few flashes.

"Jin Bufan! It seems that your army of the North Camp is indeed stronger! Even this messenger has such a skill! Forget it! The night is long, I should go back to sleep!" After sensing that the opponent is really far away , Jin also muttered to himself in his heart.

In this way, Jin Shangyu also had a conversation with him in the dark night because of the appearance of unknown characters.

After this conversation, Jin Shangyu was also convinced that Jin Bufan was around him, but the more so, the more assured Jin Shangyu! After all, Jin Bufan still pays more attention to the former queen Jananfeng.

"Jin Bufan, it seems that you have something to do with this young man's older sister! Otherwise, you won't send someone to ask questions in the middle of the night! Well, since it is like this, the young man will play slowly! After all, that I still know the details of the block of soldiers!" Just after returning to his camp, Jin Shangyu pondered again in his heart.

The reason for paying attention to Jin Bufan like this is mainly because Jin is still selfish.

The dark night was still long, but Jin Shangyu was no longer sleepy. Although the person mentioned Jin Bufan's request, Jin didn't care too much, but he still had some thoughts in his mind.

However, just as Jin was tossed and awake, a graceful voice came from outside the camp.

"Shang Yu, have you fallen asleep? If you don't sleep, just open the door!"

"Well, I didn't sleep! Sister just came in by herself!" From the voice, she guessed it was her old sister Zhen Jiufeng, and Jin didn't even think about it, so he let her in.

While talking, Zhen Jiufeng also slowly came to Jin Shangyu's inner account with the curtain.

"Smelly boy, I really didn't sleep! Why, I can't sleep! I still have something troublesome!"

"Sister, you, why are you! You don't know something!"

"Poor mouth! Actually, there are some things that I should tell you!" At a certain moment, in Jin Shangyu's camp, Zhen Jiufeng also slowly sat on Jin Shangyu's bed.

At this time, Jin Shangyu was lying reclining, and the distance between the two was very close. Even at a certain moment, Jin Shangyu could smell the scent of Zhen Jiufeng.

"Sister, you don't know where Jin Bufan is stationed!"

"Smelly boy, it's still so ghostly and ghostly! Tell you, in fact, Jin Bufan is your sister and my dead man, but this dead man is a bit special! Because I set this game many years ago! Of course, this ending is still beyond my expectations!"

"Sister, are you true! He, he turned out to be your dead man! No wonder he wants to ask your whereabouts!"

"Oh, he, he actually sent someone over!" At a certain moment, after Zhen Jiufeng heard the news, the whole person's mood also changed dramatically.

"Mother, it turned out to be like this! No wonder this Jin Bufan is looking for her! Good thing, it seems to be a really good thing!" After feeling Zhen Jiufeng's emotional changes, Jin was also overjoyed. After all, this result was beyond his expectation by Jin Shangyu.

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