I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1065: Pingyang Garrison (2)

The dusk is getting deeper and the breeze is blowing.

Inadvertently, Jin Shangyu's figure is already lurking in the camp of the Pingyang Garrison. Now, after hearing the dialogue in the Chinese military account, Jin Shangyu was also thinking about it.

"You bastard, it turned out to be real. It seems that this general is going to make real effort! If you continue to practice like this, the combat effectiveness of this army cannot be underestimated!"

However, such a mood is still good. After all, the other party's conversation has no secrets, let alone disgusting words against Jin Shangyu.

Of course, at this moment, another voice sounded in the camp.

"General! Although the general knows the general's ideas! I even praised the general's training methods! But it can go on like this! If others don't say, can he leave Zhao Dongyu! Who doesn't know that he dreams of wanting to replace you! Let's talk about it now, now The state of affairs has already reached a chaotic situation! It is clear that the emperor has returned to the throne, but in fact the power of the government has already fallen aside!"

"Shut up! Don't do that! We don't care who is in power! Just remember your responsibilities! Now the Northern Army is clearly infiltrating us! We have to guard!"

"General! We don't know where the Northern Army is garrisoned. Just relying on Zhao Dongyu's family words is untrustworthy!"

"Yeah! Even though Zhao Dongyu is our Pingyang county guard, his mind is too heavy! He is always right with us! The general must prepare early!" At the end, the generals in the tent also said in unison.

Faced with this situation, the middle-aged man in the middle seat was also hesitant to speak, and finally stood up slowly.

"Brothers, I would know that you are all old brothers who have followed him for many years! But, yes, forget it, let's go with the flow! Remember, you must first train your soldiers! Only in this way can you gain a foothold later Earth! In addition, I would have received a secret report, it seems that a powerful military force is operating nearby! And it is not the army of the North Camp!"

"What, there is such a thing! Then, we have to figure out what we are talking about! Otherwise, if they are attacked jointly by them, it will be a disadvantage!"

"Don't worry about this for the time being! After all, they may not know each other's existence!" At the end, the middle-aged man also showed a strange smile.

"Mother, it seems that this general is amazing! He can know so much! No, if you say so, then there must be eyeliners around Jin Jun!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu also Thought of something.

However, because this is also a very common thing, Jin Shangyu did not take it too seriously.

However, at this moment, the Lord General in the camp also spoke again.

"Everyone, your thoughts would have been known! But I can't say it! No matter how bad he is, Zhao Dongyu is the lord of Pingyang! Please remember this! If there is a foreign enemy invading, we still have to take the overall situation of the court Lord! In addition, you guys, you need to send more people, don't worry, infiltrate a little bit! We would have to find the base camp of Beiying sooner or later!"

"General, this is actually very easy to check! As long as we dare to take action, it will be effective! After all, our people have never been in those big forests!"

"You are right! Their greatest possibility is to station their troops in the forest! But the problem is that if we really enter the forest, war will be inevitable! On the other hand, if we put this area around 500 miles Check all the places, and all that is left is the Death Forest! And there will be their central area! Even would have a feeling that Jin Bufan will stand on his own as a king!" At the end, it is in the middle The middle-aged man on the main seat also showed a helpless expression.

Of course, after hearing this analysis, no one said much, just listened quietly.


However, Jin Shangyu was shocked at this time. After all, others didn't know the whereabouts of the soldier talisman. He knew about it.

"Mother, it's not going to the end, you won't get anything! If Jin Bufan really becomes king! I'm afraid this soldier will become a piece of waste! Jin Bufan, Jin Bufan, you really embarrass this son Ah!" At a certain moment, after Jin Shangyu heard the analysis of the middle-aged man in the dark, he also muttered to himself.

After all, Jin Shangyu brought Jin Jun to this area. It is unrealistic to say that he has no selfishness.

However, the current situation has caused Jin Shangyu to draw a big question mark in his heart! To put it ugly, if you really get nothing at the end, I'm afraid it would really be a sad thing for Jin Shangyu.

Of course, this is just Jin Shangyu's mental activity. However, just when Jin Shangyu wanted to hear more, the generals in the big account began to leave.

"Mother, this is too fast! It's gone! Since it's gone, then I will go in and have a look! See what kind of character this general is like!" I felt that the people in the camp were getting more and more. Shao, Jin Shangyu also made a decision in his heart.

Here Jin Shangyu is ready to show up and meet each other! At this time, only two people were left in the big account.

"General, it's really decided! If this goes on, I'm afraid he Zhao Dongyu will report to the court! No one can guess what Jia Mi thinks!"

"Nor can say that! But we must be prepared! The situation is more complicated now! Not to mention that Zhao Dongyu has deducted the general's family, even if the general has no worries, it is probably not easy to do!"

"General, then, what do you plan to do with the newly joined forces!"

"You mean Jin Shangyu!"

"Yes, that's him! You didn't say it directly just now! It seems that the general has some ideas!"

"Okay, let's talk about these things later! The most urgent thing is to train sergeants and improve combat effectiveness. Only by doing this, we will not be afraid of other forces!" At the end, the middle-aged man also showed a weird smile. .

Of course, this is exactly what the speaker didn't intend and the listener intended.

"Mother, I really underestimated him. I even knew that the team belonged to Lao Tzu! However, this guy is still quite aggrieved, and even gave his family members to others as hostages! Forget it, if that's the case, then Lao Tzu here I won't show up once!" After making up his mind, Jin didn't stop, he just activated Shen Fa and quickly left the main camp of Pingyang Garrison.

With the cover of the dark night, Jin Shangyu found his horse in a short time.

"Let's go! But I will come back! Zhao Dongyu, and this good general, I will deal with you! Hahaha, since my son is here, I must disturb the overall situation!" muttered in my heart At the same time, one person and one horse are already galloping in the dark night.

No words for a night. When the morning sun slowly rose up the next morning, Jin Shangyu was already eating his prey among the mountains!

"Mother, a little roe deer is worth forty taels! It seems that Zhao Dongyu is really a lunatic! I only eat a hare now, which is very good! Alas, I can return in two hours!" While talking to himself, a hare was also stuffed by Jin.

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