I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1063: Pingyang County Shou!

As the dusk faded and the dark night struck, when the Chinese Lantern of Pingyang City first came on, Jin had already settled in an inn!

"Mother! What a strong man but not a strong man! It seems that the people in this surrounding activities must be the secret agents of Beiying! Maybe this county guard also knows the basic secrets, but I don’t want to say it, I have to use ordinary people to stimulate! You! A girl, now even a little roe deer is worth so much money. It's strange for those hunters not to go into the forest! I am afraid that even ordinary strong men would go into the mountains to try their luck!" At one point, Jin Shangyu was alone. While tasting the fragrant tea slowly, he was thinking quickly in his heart.

Of course, in such thoughts, the shop's little second also brought a table of side dishes.

"Well, brother, you have worked hard! Go down and rest! If there is nothing else, don't come up!"

"The little one understands! The son is slow to use! Needless to say, I also know that the son is a big business person! Great!"

"Okay, don't be mean! Or, eat a few bites together! After all, there are so many dishes that my son can't finish!"

"Little dare not! This villain dare not say anything! Otherwise, my master will be punished severely!" As he talked, the little second in the shop had already left the room quickly.

In the following time, Jin Shangyu also swept away the food on the small table like a wind.

"Yes, although it's a small shop! No, they are talking about a big one! Forget it, I'm full! It's time to go out for a walk!" After making up his mind, Jin also got up, no I left my guest room in my freshman year.

"Um, what does the guest officer want!"

"No, no! Tell the younger brother to clean up!"

"Good, good! You go back to the house and rest first!"

"Good to say!" Actually Jin Shangyu wanted to come out and call the shop Xiaoer by himself, but he ran into the older man.

Of course, Jin Shangyu didn't care whether this old man was the owner of this inn. He just wants to go out early to relax.

After all, this has just arrived in Pingyang City, and he has to "visit" the county guard if he says anything.

In this way, Jin Shangyu's guest room was also cleaned up, and the second person in the shop also told Jin the location of the prefecture.

After all, the previous five taels of silver were not taken for nothing, and I still heard a lot of news. Of course, Jin Shangyu doesn't know what is useful or not.

In this way, Jin Shangyu walked slowly on the street by the candlelight in front of the merchants. However, because it was already night, there were not many pedestrians on the street, in twos and threes, there were all kinds of people.

However, there are also a few places that are more lively, that is, the red courtyards of various colors, which, to put it bluntly, are the "red light districts" of a certain era.

"Mother, business is booming! I don't know how many people are forced into helplessness here! Forget it, although I am kind, but this era is like this, I can't control it if I want to!" When the Red House was booming, Jin Shangyu had mixed feelings in his heart. After all, he was still a modern person.

However, this is just a scenic line on the street. After a short while, Jin Shangyu had already arrived at a very spacious street.

auzw.comOn this street, it didn't take long for the county guard house to appear in front of Jin.

"Mother! What a lavish mansion! It looks much bigger than Lao Tzu's Jin Mansion! That's right, I am the highest official here! If my mansion is bad, how can it be justified!" I muttered to myself. At the same time, Jin Shangyu floated into the county house as soon as he showed off his figure.

This is a big house, so big that people can't see where the main mansion is!

"Mother, what a county house! This is too big! It seems that in ancient times, being a local governor was very stylish! However, I don't have time to find it slowly, so I still ask about the future. Core it!" While muttering in his heart, Jin also started his future core with all his strength.

When it was not too much, the strands of strong perception were quickly released, and the scenes in the courtyard were reflected in Jin's sea of ​​knowledge one by one.

Here Jin Shangyu searched for useful information with all his might, and at this time, it was really a sleepless night at the prefecture.

"My lord, now we have recovered 87 of all kinds of prey! We have paid no less! Do we really want to continue like this!"

"What do you know! This is called fishing! Have you seen anyone who can't get bait! What a little knowledge!"

"Yes, but if this continues, our silver will be given out in vain! In addition, hundreds of people have now disappeared in the forest around Pingyang City! And the evil name of the death forest has been spread."

"Well, the more people they kill! The more proof they are now afraid of us! After all, the army of the southern camp has been destroyed! Although the Northern Army is very mysterious, after all, they are all around us! Establishing contact, then, that is our blessing!" By the way, two people were talking in a small independent building.

From the dialogue, Jin Shangyu can also hear that they must be the master and the servant.

"Mother, it seems that this middle-aged man is the county guard! So he knew that the camp of the Northern Army was around here! However, your calculation seems to be wrong. Since the Northern Army is so mysterious, you won’t be attracted by you. Otherwise, they will not be the Northern Army! Jin Bufan, it seems that you, a legendary big figure, should also be on the stage!" After feeling the content of the two people's conversation, Jin Shangyu also muttered to himself in the dark.

However, just as Jin Shangyu was thinking secretly, the middle-aged man called an adult also said again, "You, you will announce it to the public tomorrow, saying that the money is doubled, and we want more people to get into the forest. This lord doesn't believe it anymore, they will continue to kill and not let one return!"

"My lord, do you think the hunters we know now are all fake!"

"That's not necessarily true! But most of them are prey hunted on the periphery of the forest! So, so we have to encourage more people to enter the mountain! If the mountain is full of people, then that would be even better! Hahaha !" At a certain moment, while Jin Shangyu was listening carefully, the man's laughter also became unscrupulous.

"Okay! It seems that you old boy don't have any good intentions! Forget it, if you are willing to do something, do it, my son will not accompany you too much! Since you haven't found Lao Tzu's army! Then talk about it later Come on!" Feeling that the person had no good intentions, Jin Shangyu didn't make a stay anymore, but showed off his body and began to return to the Pingyang Inn.

There was no word for a night, and when the next morning came again, the voice of the shop Xiaoer also came in.

"My son, are you up! Breakfast is here!"

"Okay! The door is not inserted, come in by yourself!"

"Yes! Oh, the son got up so early! It was so tidy! The little ones are a little embarrassed!"

"Come on, dare to be poor! So, after eating, my son will leave. As for this roe deer, I will sell it to you! Don't worry, it only sells ten taels! But you may get thirty taels. !" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also deliberately cast his sights on the not too big roe deer.


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