I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1061: Pingyang City

Speaking of it, because there are 150,000 to 60 thousand people living here, the camp alone is continuous and vigorous. In addition, everyone has just arrived, and the terrain is not familiar yet, so they also showed a relatively nervous look.

Of course, just before coming here, Jin Shangyu had already discovered a river passing through here.

"The son has something on his mind!"

"No, it is considered to be there! However, there is no use now!"

"It seems that you are thinking of Jinjiazhai!"

"Old man, who knows me! After all, if we go, we have expressed our attitude! I don't know if Jia Mi will send troops to Weichang County!"

"Probably not! After all, there is still Shi Chong in the north of the imperial capital city!" As he spoke, the old man Wen Shuo also showed a strange smile.

Of course, Jin Shangyu and Wen Shuo also stood side by side by this small river less than 100 meters wide.

The morning breeze is fluttering, the clear water is gurgling, and Jin Shangyu is also attracted by the beauty here.

"Old man, look, if the scenery here weren't met, it would be unthinkable! It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah! It seems that your heart has calmed down! This is better than anything! When are you ready to go!"

"After breakfast, I'm not too worried anyway!"

"Yeah! Here you can rest assured that everyone will do their jobs step by step! As for you, be careful, after all, people's hearts are separated from the belly! Sometimes what you see on the surface is not necessarily what you really want to know!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wen! I won't show up when I arrive in Pingyang City! This time I will treat it as a tourist!" Jin Shangyu's body also started to move slowly.

After a while, the two also came to the Chinese Army's big account.

Because everyone habitually brought their food here, Jin Shangyu, Luzhu, Zhen Jiufeng and others all had breakfast here.

Of course, the only foreigner here is Mr. Wenshuo.

"The girl eat more! Look, how thin you are!"

"Thank you Wen Lao!"

"It's okay! I slept well last night! After all, is this an unfamiliar place? It would be fine if you are used to sleeping! Shang Yu, the girl is sometimes scared when sleeping alone. It's just a sound!"

"Father, what are you talking about! Why don't you understand me? Well, I won't talk to you, my son is going on the road!" While talking, Jin Shangyu also drank the porridge in the bowl, like Like a glass of wine.

"My son, be careful!"

"Shang Yu, they are not easy to deal with, you have to be careful!"

"Girl, old sister, don't worry, this son is not the first time to do this kind of thing! Besides, I just walk in Pingyang in an upright manner, and they don't know each other, so you can rest assured! Minger Will be back!"

"One more night stay!"

"Girl, you are a fairy for such a long road! You still want to exhaust that BMW!"

"No, I didn't mean that!" While speaking, the Lvzhu girl also put down the dishes and said in a low voice.


In the face of the affectionate beauties, Jin Shangyu dared to stay more, almost instantly, he ran out of the army's big tent.

"This kid, when he thinks about business, he gets scared! What is there to be afraid of! Isn't there two? In this world, what are three men, three wives and four concubines!"

"Old Wen, you, don't say anything!"

"Okay, don't say it! You are busy, the old man is going out to have a look!" At one point, when Lu Zhu was a little embarrassed, Mr. Wen Shuo also turned and left the army account.

In this way, before too much time, Jin Shangyu was already galloping through the wilderness solo.

Looking at the endless grassland and occasionally a few mountains passing by, Jin Shangyu was in a good mood.

"Mother, this step has come out! Jia Mi, Shi Daguan, you all want to eat the big cake, so leave it to you! I have to stop the world and create another one! Of course, this Pingyang City I still have to go for it! After all, you can't make a bad neighbor!" At a certain moment, when Jin muttered to himself, his horse was also whizzing across the mountains.

Although the speed of the war horse is very fast, it is still hundreds of miles away from Pingyang City.

"It stands to reason that this place is also under the jurisdiction of Binh Duong County. Why is there no one living in this area for hundreds of miles! Is there anything tricky here! Forget it, let's not think about it, let's go to the city and talk about it!" It was not too eager to stop, but in the end a huge fortress appeared in Jin Shangyu's eyes.

"You girl, it's finally here, but it's really far away! I don't know the city lord here! No, it should be called the county guard!" At a certain moment, in the twilight, Jin Shangyu was still relying on a powerful one. Future Chip found Pingyang City.

After approaching, Jin Shangyu discovered that this is a big city. Although it is not as tall as the imperial capital Luoyang, it is still a big city. From the intensity of the flow of people, it can also be seen that this place is not affected by the war, and it is a prosperous scene.

The various residents who passed by from time to time also gave Jin Shangyu a feeling of returning to the imperial capital.

"Mother, I really didn't expect it to be a good business here! You girl, everyone is fighting for the imperial capital city, but here is another world! Alas, it seems that this person has different ideas and actions. It's not the same! Forget it, let's go in first! Anyway, don't worry!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu already led the horse slowly into Pingyang City.

"It's dark! If you don't buy it, you won't have it. This is the best wild thing!"

"Isn't the best wild animal just a roe deer! What's delicious! No, this is Pingyang City! Why are people selling this? Is there a lack of prey here?" Jin Shangyu found out just after entering the city. A little problem.

However, because I was a newcomer, I did not act too surprised.

"Um, brother, you are not a roe deer!"

"Of course it is! This was returned from the northwest of Pingcheng yesterday!"

"Oh, isn't it a roe deer? How come you are fighting wherever you are!"

"It seems that the little brother is a foreigner! Forget it, don't say it! You will know later!" Seeing that Jin Shangyu is a foreigner, the man wanted to say something, but he took it back at the last moment.

"Mother, you girl, you didn't even say it! It seems that something must be happening! No, the more you don't, the more I need to know!" At a certain moment, after feeling that the middle-aged man was unusual, so did Jin Shangyu Reached out and touched the roe deer who was already dead.

Facing such Jin Shangyu, the middle-aged man was obviously a little displeased, and he said in an unpleasant way, "Well, I said little brother, I would touch it if I didn't buy it! Really, do you know that this touch, Will lower his price!"

"No, I said, brother, isn't it just a roe deer? Or, I bought it! You helped me to the inn!"

"This, you, you really want to buy it! That's ten taels of silver!"

"Twelve taels, no! This, isn't this in the Ming grabbing!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu heard the price of the roe deer, his whole body shuddered.

After all, prices like this are simply sky-high prices.


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