I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1059: The new situation (2)

On the unnamed grassland and in the unnamed area, a powerful military force suddenly appeared, which not only surprised the aborigines of less than a hundred families, but even the various animals, large and small, were running around here.

The eagle spreads its wings and the white rabbit rushes, as if the uninvited guests here are their doomsday. However, no matter what, the voice of ordinary sergeants fighting against wine was heard in the camps.

"Brothers, do it! It seems that we are going to travel this time!"

"What a long trip! I think this is our Chinese army camp! Of course, you, the grain grower, shouldn't be idle!"

"Of course, at least your food will be supplied by us from now on!" While talking, Wei Yu was in a good mood.

After all, Feng Luoyun had already notified them to bring all kinds of farming equipment from the farm. Wei Yu has also become the new farming general. Of course, there are no royal farms here anymore, some are Jin Jun farms.

Here Wei Yu is drinking with the other little generals in the camp, not to mention it, just talk about the Jin Jun Zhongjun's big tent at this time.

Because of the need to study new changes in the situation, the more important figures have all arrived.

There were Li Zhao, Wen Shuo, Ge Feng, Ling Yun, Zhuifeng, Feng Luoyun, and even Ma Tianhe participated in the big account discussion this time!

However, those characters who caused Jin Shangyu's headaches did not come over. At this time, they were resting in a medium-sized camp next to the Chinese army's big tent.

"Niang, we can finally stop and have a rest! I don't know if the son is still going to leave! This time, it looks like he's traveling far away!"

"Girl, you, how many times do you want me to say it! There is no woman here anymore! My current name is Zhen Jiufeng! We can be sisters! No matter what we were in the past, we will be sisters in the future! Besides, you don’t want to I'm afraid of my origin, no one cares about this here!"

"Yes! Look at my mouth, just talk nonsense! Sister Jiufeng, don't be angry! Actually, I just want to plant those flowers and grass early! After all, it is a troubled world now, and I don’t know where the sons are going to stay! If you go on like this, it's really hard for those flowers and plants!"

"Look at your mind, it's too heavy! Isn't it just some flowers and plants! They will adapt to such an environment, and their vitality is very tenacious anyway! However, where to stay, you should keep going, believe There will be some results tonight!" At a certain moment, just as the words of Lvzhu girl had just fallen, the former queen, now Zhen Jiufeng, also mumbled to herself.

The night breeze is blowing, and the night is like an illusion. However, the patrolling sergeants did not dare to relax. After all, from the day Jin Shangyu started his army, their behavior has already determined their tension along the way!

At this time, there was still a lively scene in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, as if old friends who hadn't seen it in many years were talking to each other.

"Shang Yu, your thoughts, the old man has already seen it! You want to find a place with a big open space, no one can touch, no one can hurt, and then develop slowly, and finally build a A large military base!"

"What the old man said is extremely true! However, now it seems that this is just an ideal thing! If you want to be strong, you must rely on hard power. This, Shang Yu is clear in his heart! Just like the previous decision, if it is for comfort , We can deal with Jia Mi in the Imperial City, why bother to get to this desolate place! So, from the moment we go north, we must prepare for a hard life! Of course, after the hardship, we will welcome Come sweet!"


"Okay! If you can see this clearly, the old man is relieved! As for what you do, the old man supports it!" As he spoke, the old man Wen Shuo also slowly raised the wine glass in front of him.

Of course, after Mr. Wen Shuo finished speaking, almost everyone knew what Jin Shangyu should do next!

"Big brother, at the wine table, just call you big brother! Don't worry, let Luo Yun take care of the next logistical matters! That kid Wei Yu is a talent, and should be able to solve our worries! Of course, it's just us What’s important is how to get along with the neighbors!"

"What Luo Yun mentioned is very timely, and Shang Yu must pay attention to it! After all, we are very close to Pingyang City. If it is a cavalry attack, it will be a day or two away! Besides, you just mentioned it, here is what There is a huge threat, that is, the army of the northern camp that cannot find a specific garrison location!"

"Brother Li, rest assured! Shang Yu will think about it! But now the most important thing is how to settle the people! After all, this time, there are more than 50,000 people alone! If these people do not arrange their lives, Let's talk about other things, it won't help the overall situation!" At the end of the talk, Jin Shangyu also slowly stood up.

In other words, when Jin Shangyu set up camp, those people in the northern city really went out of the city to follow.

Along the way, because there was no major military threat, Jin Shangyu also let these ordinary people enjoy the care of food and clothing.

Of course, if wars are happening together and resources are in short supply, it would be difficult to protect the livelihoods of these people.

"That, I still said that! The people's affairs are the biggest thing! So let's agree on some things here! First, all matters related to planting and breeding are handed over to General Wei Yu. For this matter, Luo Yun will go Just convey it!"

"The final commander!"

"Luo Yun, tell Wei Yu, you can ask me anytime and anywhere about agriculture that you don't understand! Of course, the 50,000 people use whatever they can, and teach them to farm the land! I believe that if we manage well, we will become prosperous in a few years!"

"Yes! The final leader understands!" At a certain moment, Feng Luoyun replied loudly after hearing Jin Shangyu's words.

"Well, the second question is to integrate military forces! Now we are mainly based on the Forbidden Forces of Lingyun and Wind Chasing Department. Of course, there are also the soldiers of the farm and the cavalry brought by General Ge Lao! In short, our military strength Very powerful, but also very messy! What to do, it must be integrated!"

"Shang Yu, there are some things you can say directly! We are all the people who ordered you, and don't account for anything else!" After feeling a little fluctuation in Jin Shangyu's mood, Li Zhao also said.

Seeing that everyone was very supportive of him, Jin Shangyu also said again, "Well, okay, Shang Yu, thank you! In fact, this military integration is also very simple. The entire army is divided into cavalry and infantry. The cavalry is in charge of general Ge Feng and Ling Yun. The army is in charge of Zhuifeng and Feng Luoyun. As for the logistics such as farming, Wen Shuo and Wei Yu are in charge!"

"I agree!"

"The final commander!" For a while, as Jin Shangyu's voice just fell, firm voices of answers sounded in the entire Chinese army's account. Such scenes are all captured in Jin Shangyu's eyes, and his heart is also inexplicably happy. From then on, a powerful Jin Junzhi will be born here!


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