I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1057: Fool behavior!

The night fell and the evening went away, but the noise from the north of the imperial capital was still overflowing.

"Report, my lord is not good!"

"What a bad name! Speak slowly! Don't make it like this!"

"Um, if you return to your lord! Now the north of the city has become a mess, it should have happened!"

"The deity knows! You, go down!" Feeling the nervousness of this sergeant, Jia Mi also whispered.

"Good, good! The messier the better! Well, what do you think!"

"This, this is really hard to say! After all, this Jin Shangyu is too weird!"

"Weird! The deity doesn't think so! Huoyun, think about it! He is messing up the north of the city now, does he want us to be fooled!"

"This, this, forget it, in fact, no matter what, we should send troops!" At one point, feeling Jia Mi's mood swings, Huo Yun finally said directly.

Facing such a fire cloud, Jia Mi's expression also changed a little, but he was not in a hurry!

"Master! The reason Huo Yun advocates attack now is because he is afraid that they will come up with something bright! After all, there is still a man and horse that has not appeared! That is Shi Chong!"

"Shi Chong, does he dare to fight us!"

"This, I'm not sure! However, he has no reason to cooperate with us again!"


"Because in his heart, he may still think that we wiped out the 10,000 cavalry!" At the end, Huo Yun also showed a look of helplessness.

However, at this time, Jia Mi said something different.

"Huo Yun, you don't want to go indiscriminately now, just stay here! The more chaotic, the more likely they will send someone to do extraordinary things!"

"Huo Yun knows! Even if a strongman comes, his subordinates will kill him! Please rest assured!" Feeling Jia Mi's troubles, Huo Yun finally replied softly.

In this way, because Jia Mi and Huo Yun had different opinions, they did not start any action, but quietly waited for new news from Chengbei.

Of course, during this period, those sergeants who were spreading the word also rushed one by one, and the general news was Jin Jun's chaos.

However, just as Jia Mi and Huo Yun looked at each other and were silent, a man who looked like a general trot in outside the big account!

"My lord, something urgent will be reported at the end!"

"Huayu, it's you! Come on, what's the matter!"

"According to the end of the reconnaissance, I finally got the truth!"

"The truth! Tell me!"

"Actually, there are not only Jin Shangyu but Shi Chong in the north of the city! They seem to be changing defenses!"

auzw.com "What, it's changing defense! You mean Jin Shangyu handed over his site to Shi Chong! This, isn't this a fool's behavior!" At a certain moment, it was there. After Mi heard the real news, her whole body trembled in anger.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the entire camp became weird. After all, such a blow was too heavy for Jia Mi!

"My lord, don't worry! Your health is important! Can't we get into trouble! After all, no matter when it comes, we are the strongest existence here!"

"Huoyun! It seems that you are right! If we launch a surprise attack before the great chaos in the north of the city, after all, we will be able to win a big victory! Now, thinking about it now is really a missed opportunity!"

"Well, Huayu thought that the current situation should not have reached the most dangerous time, after all, Jin Shangyu led a team northward!"

"What, he, Jin Shangyu actually gave up his turf! Alas! It seems that we still have lost our best opportunity! Jin Shangyu, Shi Chong, you guys actually colluded together!" When Jia Mi figured out the middle joint, an almost crazy anger surged.

Of course, Wu Huayu at this time was already afraid to say more, after all, his status was still very low.

However, Huo Yun didn't have any scruples at all, but when he saw him stand up lightly, he said loudly, "Lord, don't do this! Even if we miscalculate! But the worst result is not moving! No! Is Jin Shangyu changed to Shi Chong! Maybe, maybe this is still a great thing! Huayu, go down, remember, you need to check carefully to see what their motivation is next!"

"Yes! The final commander! It's just that we let Jin Shangyu run away like this! After all, before, he was against us everywhere, so letting him go like this is a bit bad!"

"Wu Huayu, you used to be Jin Shangyu's deputy! You think we can catch him with our current manpower! Tell you, it's impossible! So, so let's train the troops well! Hope we can take this Shi Chong picked it under the horse!" At a certain moment, when the atmosphere in the big tent became more and more weird, that Huo Yun also said slowly again.

In the face of such a fire cloud, even Wu Huayu, the former deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, had no intention of resisting at all.

"My lord, rest assured! Huayu will do it now!" After a soft answer, Wu Huayu also quickly withdrew from the camp.

At this time, Jia Mi was already emotionally fluctuating, and even shouted loudly at a certain moment: "Jin Shangyu, Shi Chong, you guys must die! You changed your defense under Laozi's eyelids! I, I am unwilling!"

"Okay, the Lord's mind, Huo Yun knows! But now that the facts are in front of us, we might as well move with silence! Isn't he coming, Shi Chong! Then let him see how powerful our army is! "

"Okay, that's all! Huo Yun, isn't the deity stupid!"

"The lord is joking! In fact, you can't be blamed for this. The main reason is that Jin Shangyu is too powerful. He actually managed to get away by himself, and he has not lost control of the Imperial City!"

"Forget it! I won't think about it anymore! Isn't it just an extra team! Just eliminate him!" At a certain moment, when Huo Yun slowly said the situation in front of him, that Jia Mi Also shook his head helplessly.

Speaking of, this time it was really because of his own negligence, Jia Mi, that led to such an ending.

Jia Mi didn't fight here, and Shi Chong had already firmly controlled the North Gate of the Imperial City in his own hands. In addition, it can be seen from the setup of its battalion that this army must be the kind with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

"Let the order go on! There are not few people in the north of the city! This is easy to solve! Tell them that as long as they are willing to go to the north, they will be rewarded with money and money!"

"No, that, my lord! Isn't it too much!"

"Many, not much! Now most of the people are controlled by Jia Mi, we must win the support of some people, otherwise it is really not good to deal with here!"

"Yes! The last commander!" At a certain moment, when a general did not understand Shi Chong's behavior, Shi Chong also issued a very important order.

That's it, not too much time! There was a lot of rumors throughout the city. After all, there was a difference between giving money and not giving money.

Even in certain urban areas, there are still many people rushing to the north gate in droves.

Of course, most of them were still unsuccessful. No matter what, it is impossible for Jia Mi to let his strategic resources be lost a little bit like this.

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