I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1053: Rebel thief!

In the imperial capital city, outside the north gate, in a huge camp, everyone was talking about something. However, just after Jin Shangyu sent out his beloved generals, Li Zhao also raised a very sensitive issue.

That is what Jin Shangyu will do next? Of course, in the face of everyone's doubts, Jin still gave the answer.

"Okay! Okay! Then, let's tell you! Actually, this young man wants to move, after all, the fire cloud is too annoying! Once we go, he will give the Shi Chong a second! What should I do! "

"The second! What is the second!"

"This is a bit difficult! To put it bluntly, it means killing! Forget it, don't worry about these trivial things with you! However, this Huoyun, before I leave, I must give a good education!" At the end, Mr. Jin also showed a weird smile.

In the face of Jin Shangyu like this, everyone laughed. After all, people still can't accept this kind of new language that suddenly appeared.

Here Jin Shangyu made every effort to arrange for everyone to start to act, and at this time the real dragon hall had not stopped.

"Jia Aiqing, just say it if you have something! After all, I am different from what I was before! Aiqing has something to say!"

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Direct! But, your Majesty don't be too sad! The minister still respects you! Of course, from tomorrow on, the minister hopes that everyone in the world will know that Jin Shangyu is a treason and rebellious person! Everyone is dear Zhuo! It!"

"Okay! Then, it's up to Aiqing to draw up this decree! If there is nothing else, I'd better go back and rest!"

"Okay, okay! The long live master should walk slowly!" At a certain moment, just above the real dragon hall, Jia Mi also showed a weird smile.

The emperor Sima Zhong walked towards the inner hall of the true dragon without saying a word, and the desolation of his back figure could not be described in words.

Of course, seeing this Sima Zhong, Jia Mi is quite satisfied.

"Well, the current emperor is still good! Sometimes, you just have to look farther!"

"This, this, that's right! After all, it's not the time yet! It's just that if Jin Shangyu does this, will Jin Shangyu go head-to-head with us! If this is the case, I am afraid we will also lose!"

"Huo Yun, even if we don't do this, will his Jin Shangyu still not act! You have seen these days, they are basically preparing for war! Maybe one day, his Jin Shangyu will really tear his skin. Fight with us for this imperial capital city!"

"It turns out that the lord thought so, then, so be it! We should go back too!" As he spoke, Huo Yun also slowly went to the outsiders of the True Dragon Palace.

In this way, because Emperor Sima Zhong took the initiative to give up, Jia Mi was also in a good mood, and he went out of the palace with Huoyun not too long.

Of course, on this day, a very funny news was also passed on in the imperial capital city and even on the soil of the King of Jin Dynasty.

"Jia Mi, you are such a talent! Even such news came out! What a big joke! However, you are very creative to regard Lao Tzu as a thief of rebellion!"

"Joke, the old man doesn't think so! You think! What do the people know! Of course they will listen to what it is! And this decree is also very clear! And most of the facts are in front of the people!"

"Yeah! Mr. Wen is right! You think! Then it said that we will occupy the North Gate and attack the North City, the purpose is to take the entire Imperial City! This is not a rebellion, what is it!"

"Actually, Shang Yu thought of this too! But they will pass it on! Anyway, sooner or later, there will be such a day! Of course, this also shows from the side that Jia Mi really believes that we will attack the Imperial City!"

auzw.com "Yes! If it is analyzed from this perspective, then it is still beneficial to us!" Li Zhao muttered to himself as he spoke.

Of course, at this moment, Jin Shangyu also slowly stood up!

"Everyone, since Jia Mi has decided to do the right thing with us, then we should also act! Tell Lu Zhong and withdraw too! There is no need to deal with the True Dragon Palace in the future!"

"Don't worry, my brother will do it now!"

"Okay! Well, the money is ready!"

"Brother, I have put all the points together! In fact, the younger brother did not expect that this time will be so smooth! Then Shi Chong asked me to ask for the specific action time!"

"Oh, it turns out that this official Shi is so eager! Good good! After a while, you will send someone to pass the letter. Three days later, in the twilight season, when our deal is concluded!" At the end, Jin Shangyu also revealed a touch. Serious feelings.

After feeling Jin Shangyu's determination, everyone also made a decision in their hearts. After all, this time I really want to leave.

Of course, because of Jin Shangyu's advance arrangements, at this time Ge Feng had already led five thousand cavalry to the north!

Everything seemed to be ready, but there was one thing Jin Shangyu was still worried about. He had to go there by himself, and that was to talk with Huo Yun.

"Boss, why don't we go together! It's good to have some help! After all, that guy is too shameless, you can use all the tricks!"

"Don't worry! On shamelessness, I'm afraid he Huoyun is still a bit short! You only need to make a good camp here! Tonight, this young man will meet this legendary Huoyun for a while!" Feel the care of the wind. After the love, Jin Shangyu also let out a sigh of relief slowly, speaking out what was in his heart.

If someone else said this, Zhu Feng might not listen to it, or even believe it, but this was from Jin Shangyu. Others didn't know Jin Shangyu's ability, but Zhu Feng knew about it.

In this way, because Jin Shangyu was about to start an operation, he did not leave his camp at nightfall.

However, just as Jin Shangyu packed up and was about to go on the road, a graceful figure also came to him.

"My son, what are you doing! There is nothing wrong with it!"

"Beauty, what are you talking about! What's the matter! Tell you! I'm living in my son's camp today! Of course, don't think too much about it, mainly because you are afraid that Shi Chong will send someone over!"

"You, you really decided!"

"It's decided! Only if we go, they will fight! Forget it, don't talk to the beauties! My son has something tonight!"

"Then, then you be careful!" Seeing Jin Shangyu wearing a black night clothes, she knew that the night must be going out, so she didn't say much.

"You girl, this Lvzhu girl is so true, she was able to fascinate Shi Chong! But then again, if the two are in love, this son will not say anything! Blame it! This girl doesn't catch a cold with you, Daguan Shi!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu's figure stretched out a little, he was also muttering to himself when he left his camp.

Of course, on such a night, the entire Jin Jun camp is tight and loose on the outside! Because in one day's time, they will really leave here.

"Huo Yun, Lao Tzu, no matter what evil **** or evil **** it is, as long as you dare to say a word that is not evil, Lao Tzu will kill it!" After making up his mind, everyone in Jin also launched their Shenfa with all their strength and quickly went to the west of the capital city. Fly away.

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