I’m The King of Chaos

Chapter 1050: New agreement (1)

The twilight is picturesque, and the Jingu Garden is so quiet...

However, Shi Chong did not have that calmness at this time. After all, Jin Shangyu had already sat opposite him without alarming any guards.

"Big Brother Shi, don't you want to do this! After all, we brothers have also had brotherhood! Besides, now the little brother comes alone, and he has not led the soldiers to fight. You said that you welcome Ben with this attitude Son, okay!"

"Alright, don't talk about other things! Let's talk about your intentions!"

"Good, good! Very straightforward! Actually, this time the little brother has something to say! I hope my brother can listen carefully!"

"Listen carefully! What good news can you get from your mouth! I'm afraid it's another idea to make money for the deity!"

"Thank you! Since that's the case, the old man doesn't speak anymore! Drink, let's drink! Speaking of which, because Jia Mi has been around the Imperial City, I haven't had a drink for a long time!" Regardless of what Shi Chong thought, Jin Shangyu slowly picked up the glass and drank it all by himself.

Shi Chong didn't say anything until Jin put down his wine glass and took another bite of the dish.

"Jin Shangyu, what do you mean! What do you want to say! Come and listen!"

"Oh, I'm finally willing to listen! That's okay! Then, the kid will talk about it!"

"Forget it, don't care about you! Let's talk about it, what does the deity mean?" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu was about to tell some things, Shi Chong no longer resisted like before. what.

"Mother, it's so dangerous! Fortunately, I wiped out all of his 10,000 fine rides before. If he ran back to one, he would come to fight this time!" After feeling Shi Chong's emotional change, Mr. Jin It was also thinking secretly in my heart.

After all, it was Jin Jun who wiped out all his 10,000 elite cavalry. Of course, this kind of thing will be known to the world sooner or later, because General Ge Feng can't not show up for a lifetime.

As long as the news of General Ge's presence in Jin Jun comes from the world, Shi Chong will be clear in his heart.

However, facing such Shi Chong, Jin Shangyu also looked startled, and then whispered, "Um, brother, why are you drinking boring wine alone here!"

"Well, do you have to ask! The old boy Jia Mi left Lao Tzu's 10,000 soldiers and horses unmoved, and dispatched Huoyun to deceive the Nanling Seven Brothers! Tell me, what he is going to do! The obvious is that I want to isolate Lao Tzu, and even want to eat Lao Tzu!"

"It turned out to be like this! The younger brother thought that the older brother was thinking that the Lvzhu girl was sick!"

"Poor mouth, what I'm talking about is business now! Don't say it's useless! Although the deity is drinking here, he is not in the mood to listen to you talking nonsense here! Of course, if you say it, just talk about business!"

"Good, good! Then, the little brother wants to know, if Jia Mi rules the world, will he make you a high official! Or let you continue to be your high official!"

"No need to think about this! If he completes his reign, I am afraid that Shi Chong’s death date will come! Others don’t know him, and the deity knows him best! Just take this time! Don’t be afraid of business. Yu joke! Okay, the results after the war are half as good as I, Shi, and someone! But looking back now, there is nothing at all! Alas! I blame the deity for believing him too much!" When talking, the whole person seems to have entered a kind of memory.


In fact, not to mention Shi Chong, Jin Shangyu also knew that in this congress battle, Shi Chong's raiding army had contributed the most.

In other words, without Shi Chong's emergence, it would not be possible to eliminate the three kings invisible.

However, it was just such a big victory. In the end, the meritorious servicemen did not get anything and lost a lot of vitality. This cannot but be said to be a strategic failure of Shi Chong.

Facing such Shi Chong, Jin Shangyu also secretly said in his heart, "Failure, do you think the three kings are in a good mood! If I hadn't gotten General Ge Feng, I would be in a bad mood! You old boy ruined the overall situation. Still making irresponsible remarks here! Even if you don't get anything, it's your fault!"

"That, Shang Yu! Why don't you talk anymore! Is it because of Shi's story that made you laugh!"

"No, no, really no! The little brother is just complaining about his brother! Besides, why should my brother trust Jia Mi so much! Now I know his shamelessness!"

"Well, let's not tell my story! Let's talk about your intentions!" After feeling the change in Jin Shangyu's mood, Shi Chong withdrew his emotions and threw the problem to Jin again.

Feeling that Shi Chong's mood had changed a lot, Jin Shangyu also whispered, "Well, in fact, this time the little brother came here to tell him that we are ready to start!"

"What, you are ready to start! Is it to fight with that Jia Mi! Oh, the deity knows, are you here to borrow soldiers or borrow money!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu said some substantive problems, that Shi Chong seemed to have thought of something, and the whole person's breath also changed a little.

"Mother, you girl, what do you think! I didn't come to borrow something! Even if I came, I wanted something! Hahaha!" While muttering to himself, Jin Shangyu nodded silently.

The appearance of this action also made Shi Chong very puzzled, and said anxiously, "What do you mean, kid! I nodded, okay! That deity will also tell you now that there is no soldier and no money. !"

"Brother don't worry! Actually, the younger brother means that you don't need a penny from your brother! Of course, if we lose, you will probably have a story here too!"

"You, what do you mean! It's not borrowing money or borrowing soldiers! Then, then you are not going to win! Or you kid has already planned it!"

"It's not interesting! Since there is no big brother your support, the little brother dare not go to war! Let's return home! Of course, the site you control now will be given to Master Jia for free! Peace is the best!" Jin Shangyu also slowly drank the glass of wine in front of him, and then got up.

"This, this, wait, don't go! Do you have something to say slowly!"

"Don't don't don't, let's go! If you stay any longer, I guess my brother thinks the younger brother is here to make you!"

"No, nothing! Actually, what I said before was just angry, brother! Shang Yu should sit down and talk slowly!" At a certain moment, when Jin Shangyu stood up lightly, Shi Chong came over in a hurry. Discouraged.

"Mother, you girl, I thought you had a lot of ideas! No, just let me go! If that's the case, then I will be with you, a rich man Let's talk!" Feeling Shi Chong's eagerness, Jin Shangyu also muttered in his heart.

In fact, the purpose of Jin Shangyu's trip was to bring Shi Chong into this chaos. After all, no one would fill this space, which is not good.


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